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Pro-Nazi, Pro-Rape, Pro-Pedo Music in London

Not for Profit | 14.06.2011 21:52 | Anti-racism | Gender | Social Struggles | World

On 25 June and 1 Oct 2011, London's Slimelight nightspot plan to stage concerts by musicians with links to Fascism, Nazism and violent anti-Feminism

Warning - this article exposes highly offensive content!

On 25 June 2011 a nightspot called the Slimelight in Islington, London, UK, plan to stage a concert that has attracted criticism over the involvement of musicians with links to Nazism. The headline band are an awful folk group called Sol Invictus, led by a singer called Tony Wakeford, who makes no secret of his past membership of the British Fascist party the National Front. Tony Wakeford was a founder member of Fascist bands Above the Ruins and Death In June, but says (on the Sol Invictus website) that his NF membership was the worst mistake he made. Tony Wakeford claims to have left his Fascist past behind him, but alot of people don't believe him, because still collaborates with racist musician Andrew King. Debate over the ethics of going ahead with this concert is divided between the small clique of fans, friends and members of these bands who bombard the WWW with comments claiming (usually without any proof) that (roughly summarizing) "they're alright mate", and anti-Nazis who present evidence showing that even if these bands aren't outright Nazis, at the very least they revel in displaying imagery that is highly offensive to victims of Nazism (1).

Slimelight manager Mayuan Mak told The Islington Gazette (newspaper) that "we would not tolerate an event that has a Neo-Nazi focus" (2), but Mayuan Mak is lying, because the Slimelight already staged concerts by Nazi performers Death In June, Luftwaffe and Non, and because, despite the ruckus caused by the Sol Invictus concert, on 1 Oct 2011 the Slimelight plan to stage a concert headlined by an electronic music group called Sutcliffe Jugend, who created their name by joining the terms "Peter Sutcliffe" (the name of a misogynist mass-murderer from Great Britain) with "Hitler Youth", while one of the support acts planned for 1 Oct is a convicted child sex offender and Nazi called Peter Sotos (3).

Sutcliffe Jugend is led by musician Kevin Tomkins, who is also an occasional member of another electronic music group called Whitehouse. Whitehouse leader William Bennett wrote a manifesto in the Belgian fanzine Force Mental (issue 1), also quoted in Flowmotion fanzine (issue 6), that explained how Whitehouse are "concerned with the struggle against the unhealthy Negroid influence in popular music". Whitehouse member Philip Best published a compilation (also featuring Sutcliffe Jugend) called White Power. Whitehouse member Peter Sotos was convicted for possessing child pornography after he was busted by Chicago PD for producing a fanzine called Pure, in which Sotos says "females are dogs whose only worth is as pawns for my pleasure" and describes death camps as "Triumphs of Nazism" (4). In a section called "Kiddie Torture" Peter Sotos describes "the sublime pleasure of child abuse" (sic), and shows graphic photographs of a man pleasuring himself over photographs of missing children (5). William Bennett also ran a record label called Come Organisation, who published a 10xC60 cassette box-set by Sutcliffe Jugend, entitled We Spit On Their Graves (extracts from which were reissued on CD by another UK label called Cold Spring Records), which features dozens of tracks which celebrate misogynist crime and Nazism (6+7). Many of the track titles from that release are named after women victimized by serial killers, refer in detail to murder techniques used by Peter Sutcliffe, and celebrate Nazism. Titles like "Storm Detachment Hitler", "SS 1982", "Reinard Heydrich", "Dictator Rule", "This Is Pommerenkke" and "New Camps" are some of the less offensive.

Debate about the morality of the music produced by the likes of Slimelight performers Peter Sotos and Sutcliffe Jugend is complicated, a little, by the defense put about by William Bennett, who (whenever anyone can be bothered to listen to him) argues against the huge weight of evidence provided by Pure fanzine and dozens of similar projects, that the ideas promoted by him and his friends do not come from National Socialist ideology, but that they come from a hyper-extreme interpretation of libertarian philosophy. William Bennett's self-justification takes libertarianism to the limits of self-parody, to an extreme in which the "rights" of the individual (as conceptualized in the Whitehouse track "Right to Kill") over-ride all rights and liberties due to all other people, period. William Bennett's self-justification distorts the meaning of libertarianism to equate the libertarian with the most psychotic libertine, who, through the broken lens of "Sadeian" cod-philosophy, identifies with "libertines" such as the Marquis de Sade, Ted Bundy, Peter Sutcliffe, and the Nazi war criminals who Bennett praised (in the Spanish music fanzine ADN) for enacting "glorious pleasures" rather than for their titular ideology. Bennett's defense is intellectually sub-zero, factually dishonest (as Bennett colleagues like Albin Julius are still Fascists), and a moot point when it comes to actual victims, because the bottom line is, legally and morally, that if some Nazi war criminals killed for "fun" rather than because they believed in Nazism... so what, they were still Nazi war criminals.

This is an issue of feminism and child protection as much as (if not more than) it is an issue of anti-Nazism, and attempts to discreetly stop these concerts at Slimelight, without publicity, have previously failed, which is (in case of asking) why the campaign's now gone public.

Both concerts are organised by promoter Gaya Donadio (who performs her own music under the name Anti-Child League). Objections to the Slimelight's entertainments license should forward this information to

Licensing Service 
Public Protection Division
Islington Council
222 Upper Street
London N1 1XR
Tel: 020 7527 3031
Fax: 020 7527 3430

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 - (reprinted from OVO magazine)
5 - These photos are documented in a book called Apocalypse Culture (Amok Press 1988)
6 -
7 -

Photo 1 - Tony Wakeford (far left of photo) at NF newspaper stall in London's Brick Lane
Photo 2 - Boyd Rice of Non wearing Swastika pendant and "Rape" T-shirt
Photo 3 - Advertisement for Sutcliffe Jugend and Peter Sotos at the Slimelight
Photo 4 - Front cover and Whitehouse feature from Flowmotion fanzine, issue 6
Photo 5 - Detail from Flowmotion 6
Photo 6 - White Power compilation packaging

Stupid comments may be posted following this item, by those that need to

Not for Profit


Photo 6 - White Power compilation packaging

14.06.2011 22:22

Photo 6 - White Power compilation packaging

Nor for Profit


Display the following 77 comments

  1. punk's not dead — central state
  2. Reply to Central State — Not for Profit
  3. Peter Sotos - dissenting views from a female artist and a gay writer — Katrina Kessel
  4. Reply to Katrina Kessel — Not for Profit
  5. fahrenheit 451... — Katrina Kessel
  6. cultural no-platform or not — Krop
  7. Reply to Katrina Kessel — Not for Profit
  8. artistic licence — Krop
  9. Waste of time — Bored
  10. Burning Books. — Kristian Carter
  11. FAHRENHEIT 451 - capisce? — Katrina Kessel
  12. Spot the Nazi — AFA
  13. Homophobic insults from "Katrina Kessel" — Not for Profit
  14. Fahrenheit 451? — Mike Bomb
  15. Casting Stones. — Kristian Carter
  16. Nigel Ayers — Unique and meaningful
  17. Kristian Carter — Not for Profit
  18. Love Music Hate Racism — Open Season
  19. clarification please — central state
  20. Sotos withdrew from event — Anna Gekowski
  21. Replies to Anna Gekowski and Central State — Not for Profit
  22. two questions — Anna Gekowski
  23. Two answers — Not for Profit
  24. NfP's hidden agenda — d.a.levy
  25. Clarity please — Central state
  26. Concise — Kristian Carter
  27. Peter Sotos tribute to Josef Mengele — Spot the Nazis
  28. Jogging On. — Kristian Carter
  29. to Sacha C — d.a. levy
  30. Kevin Tomkins on Heinrich Himmler and Peter Sutcliffe — Mind if I chip in here?
  31. The blatant racism of Whitehouse's William Bennett — Naxos
  32. Casual racism mixed with gleeful depictions of cruelty to animals — Not for Profit
  33. Whitehouse + Violence against Women — Facebook
  34. A suspect in a series of brutal child abductions, murders & grave robbings — Switchboard
  35. Philip Best performing at Camp Concentration in 2008 — Soccer Ace
  36. Antifa — Action
  37. Quotes from Philip Best regarding fascism and political action — Bemused
  38. Reply to Philip Best — On your marks...
  39. PB is not here — Bemused
  40. tazer the punks! — Central state
  41. Reply to Central State — Not for Profit
  42. Metapolitical Fascism. — Just Another Comment
  43. lessons in fascism — central state
  44. Central State, I guess you're right.... — Not for Profit
  45. Thanks to Peter Sotos — Not for Profit
  46. once again — central state
  47. Dear Mr Not For Profit — Kristian Carter
  48. Rock Against Racism — Never Again
  49. Replies to Kristian Carter and Central State — Not for Profit
  50. Independent Newspaper 23rd June 2011 — Kristian Carter
  51. Congratulations Not for Profit — John Young from Cryptome
  52. Troy Southgate and Albin Julius — Quick comment
  53. Not for Profit is a dickhead — Bemused
  54. We are the mods — Your eMail
  55. Hate Week — we are the dispossessed
  56. Reply to Dispossessed — We'll Be Back
  57. You aren't the dispossessed — Mark Thatcher
  58. Victims Of Freedom — L.F.O.D.
  59. Pro-Nazi, Pro-Rape, Pro-Paedo Music: 'this time for real' — Simon M
  60. Nice try, but .... — Anti-Fascist
  61. Kristian Carter — Cabinet
  62. To Anti-Fascist, 08.08.2011 12:32 — Simon M
  63. and furthermore — Simon M
  64. Simon M — The Penguin
  65. William Bennett from Whitehouse now performing as Cut Hands — The Wire
  66. "anti-fascism's not about abstract moralising, it's about self-defence"" — This thread was made by moralists, not anti-fascists
  67. to The Penguin — Simon M
  68. Response to idiots — E-mail
  69. more voluntary information for NA — Simon M
  70. PS: on 'the theories of genuine intellectuals' — Simon M
  71. Tony "NF" Wakeford and William "Negroid Influences" Bennett — Ska
  72. Liberal baiting — Mellow vibes
  73. Idiot baiting — I spent my entire life listening to noise music you imbecile
  75. "The Struggle for a New Musical Culture" by William Bennett aka DJ Bennetti — Candlemaker Row
  76. Statement from William Bennett — l1ndv
  77. Eyewitness account of William Bennett (Cut Hands, Whitehouse) Sieg Heiling — Statement