UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Palestine Today
15-06-2006 15:41

Army arrests three residents from Nablus and invades Kofer Harres village near Salfit also Army arrests one resident from Attil village And four residents from Hebron Meanwhile Unknown gunmen abducts a resident in Khan-Younis town in the Gaza strip
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
Matilda is a cave! Squatter's Filmnight
15-06-2006 14:31
Film Night on Friday 16th June in Matilda, starting 19.30h.Featuring the classical squatter movie Themroc (see beneath) and more delightful films.
15-06-2006 13:56

Camp for Climate Action - London Neighbourhood Meeting
15-06-2006 13:01
Camp for Climate Action - London Neighbourhood MeetingTuesday, 20 June, 7.00 PM @ The Square (20-22 Russell Square, WC1)
amazing 3 hour occupation of Dutch airport runway
15-06-2006 11:48
For European Day of Action on Aviation, where there was stuff happening at about 25 different airports.Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign Film Night
15-06-2006 10:12

Israel Occupation Forces' strategy (by Latuff)
15-06-2006 08:08

War On Terror Act 4 Scene 3: Terrorism Act-Fear Creation
15-06-2006 06:41

Friday Night at the Square - June 16th
15-06-2006 04:14

(In aid of the ‘Save the Spirit of Broadway Market’ Campaign)
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Update: Massacre of peaceful protestors in Oaxaca, Mexico
15-06-2006 01:35
Update to the Oaxca massacre.Yorkshire Forward, Matilda and the Discurs of Health and Safety
14-06-2006 23:39

The argument used in this mornings attack on the Social Centre is that health and safety in the building was poor.
By putting forward this argument YF is trying to avoid talking about the real issue of the conflict: Who takes part in the development of the city?
anti-zionist jew demo at parliament square (pics)
14-06-2006 23:19

Anti-Censorship counter demo next week
14-06-2006 17:55
Jerry Springer The Opera is coming to Nottingham next week, and with it a whole bunch of religious pro-censorship protestors. It's time to stand up for freedom of expression, and resist censorship on the grounds of "offensiveness" and religious sensibilities.Palestine Today
14-06-2006 16:25

One Killed another injured in clashes in Khanyounis, while Gunmen set fire to the house of head of the Preventive security force in KhanYounis. The Israeli Army invades Beit Wazen village and arrests three, Army and settlers attack a Hebron resident and his son, Army confiscates a house in a Bethlehem village.
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
oaxaca city 14 junio dos muertan
14-06-2006 16:09
today, wednesday 14 june, the mexican military police have violently evicted over 4000 school teachers, who have been occupying the streets of oaxaca city, mexico for the past five weeks, demanding basic amenities for their schoolchildren. During the course of the evictions this morning two children and two teachers were killed.Come on Blackpool and Fleetwood - time to fight the fascists
14-06-2006 15:48
Get up and stand upNetwork Against the G8 -- 2006 -- English info bulletin #2
14-06-2006 13:27
Now in english....From:

This bulletin is prepared by some members of Moscow group of Network Against G8 (SPB8). It is result of common discussions in inter-regional meeting of 28th of May 2006 between St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8, St. Petersburg League of Anarchists, Punk Revival, FrontAIDS, Indymedia, Indyvideo, Legal-team, Medical group, AFA St. Petersburg and individual activists, but bulletin does not necessarily reflect opinions of all members of the network. We will publish new issues as soon as there is something to tell. Please distribute it widely!
14-06-2006 12:40

Brian Haw Press Release
14-06-2006 12:07
Police change charge against Brian Haw at the last minute.Apartheid Israel bans its Arab citizens from internal flights
14-06-2006 10:45
People who argue that Israel is an apartheid state say that the system of apartheid is much more subtle than the old South African model of "whites only" beach signs. But sometimes it really is just like South Africa...