Network Against the G8 -- 2006 -- English info bulletin #2
infos | 14.06.2006 13:27 | G8 Russia 2006 | Ecology | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
Now in english....
This bulletin is prepared by some members of Moscow group of Network Against G8 (SPB8). It is result of common discussions in inter-regional meeting of 28th of May 2006 between St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8, St. Petersburg League of Anarchists, Punk Revival, FrontAIDS, Indymedia, Indyvideo, Legal-team, Medical group, AFA St. Petersburg and individual activists, but bulletin does not necessarily reflect opinions of all members of the network. We will publish new issues as soon as there is something to tell. Please distribute it widely!

This bulletin is prepared by some members of Moscow group of Network Against G8 (SPB8). It is result of common discussions in inter-regional meeting of 28th of May 2006 between St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8, St. Petersburg League of Anarchists, Punk Revival, FrontAIDS, Indymedia, Indyvideo, Legal-team, Medical group, AFA St. Petersburg and individual activists, but bulletin does not necessarily reflect opinions of all members of the network. We will publish new issues as soon as there is something to tell. Please distribute it widely!
Legal support
Legal team will be supported not by anarchists alone, but by efforts of Youth Human Rights Movement (MPD) and ecological organization “Groza” (Thunderstorm). A flat will be rented in St. Petersburg for legal group, and there will be a contact telephone in time of the events. 6 activists have already promised to volunteer, but a lawyer is also searched in order to make access to arrested more easily. Booklets on legal and practical information are prepared (you may read electronic English versions in SPB8 website). During June, there will be legal trainings for activists on legal questions in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Network Against G8 info-point in St, Petersburg
There will be an info-point by Network Against G8 activists in Kirov stadium, where Russian Social Forum will take place. Kirov stadium is located in metro station “Krestovskiy Ostrov”; it is about 10 minutes by feet through a park. It is easy to find, but we will publish a map in site later on. In Kirov stadium, you should find a room, tent or stand with text “NAG8”. Stadium will be open for people from 12th to 16th of July. Whoever wants to come more early, should contact organizers in time. We hope that we will also manage to set up info-points that will work more early.
Accommodation during summit
There are a number of alternatives for accommodation during the summit.
1) Kirov stadium – if you want to stay there, bring your tents, mattresses and sleeping bags. Russian Social Forum (RSF) has promised some tents, but there is nothing we may say about their quantity and quality. Ascetics may live without tents, as in Stadium there are corridors under tribunes, where one is protected from a rain. Organizational committee of RSF has promised to organize field kitchens for affordable food in Stadium, as well as a list of cafes nearby. Stadium has electricity, toilets and showers.
2) St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8 has an alternative camping site in city area with a limited amount of spaces. You should contact group in case you are interested of this option.
3) You may also set up your own camp beyond city limits, as vast majority of the forests have not been enclosed yet and thus are public land where you have a right to stay with certain conditions. Locals may help you in setting up such a camp in case Network Against G8 site is full or you have some other reasons to have your own camp.
4) Local activists in St. Petersburg are prepared to help if you want to book a hotel, hostel or rent a flat for a few days (latter option is often cheaper than hotels for a bigger group of people). Cheapest places in hotels cost 350-600 rubles (10-19 euros) for a night, many places demand that you pay in prior. We may also provide a list of hotels, write to contact addresses in end of this bulletin.
It is quite likely, that inside Stadium there will be a media space, accessible for everyone. But number of computers and access to internet and even telephone are still a question. There are other media-center projects, but these are unlikely to be open for everybody. Organizational committee of Social Forum in St. Petersburg promises to provide information about cheap internet cafes close to stadium and around the city, as well as other alternatives for people who want to do media.
General demonstration in St. Petersburg
General demonstration of “opposition” is planned to take place 15th of July. Route of demonstration is still under discussion (there are two alternatives – long march of 8 kilometers and short march of 3 kilometers). It will finish to a square next to cruiser Aurora. This is as close as it is possible to legally approach the city center, which according to authorities will be closed from demonstrations. To this demonstration, political parties (Communist Party of Russian Federation KPRF, Russian Workers Communist Party, Yabloko party) and “oppositional” political movements (such Union of Coordinatory Councils and various Komsomol organizations) are expected to take part. Committee of Russian Social Forum excluded participation of far right organizations and National Bolshevik Party, but it is possible that they may appear, as there are nationalists in St. Petersburg part of the Russian Social Forum organization, and KPRF was lately open to cooperation with far-right Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI). Anarchists are splinted on question of participation to this demonstration; one proposition is to organize an anarchist block which would strikingly differ from all the rest.
It has been proposed that stickers should be the major way of outreaching to the public, as they are safer than putting up posters or painting with stencils. However one poster is currently being printed and others are currently being made. There are few alternatives for stickers. Besides these, a special issue of journal “Avtonom” is currently being prepared, as well as a booklet of guidelines for activists. Currently main site is Site is currently not developed, but you may find half of the Russian translation of the book “We are everywhere” there.
Street medics
Street medic group organized a number of meetings and trainings for activists, and also prepared a text of guidelines for giving first aid. It is planned that trainings will continue.
Libertarian forum in Moscow, 8th-12th of July
A preliminary program of libertarian forum is ready, currently we expect some 70 activists from various regions of Russia to take part, 30-50 from Moscow and few dozen foreigners. Both forum premises and accommodation will be in Moscow region close to Moscow. Take sleeping bags and mattresses with you. We may also book hotels, cheapest places are 600 rubles (24$) a night. Food not Bombs has promised to feed the conference; we will also prepare a list of affordable cafes. There will not be fixed price for participation, we suggest that people will contribute to costs of the event according to their capacities. Unless you have an agreement with organizers to pick you up from somewhere, you should come to office of Movement for Human Rights (Dvizhenie za Prava Cheloveka), located to Maliy Kislovskiy pereulok, dom (house) 7, stroenie (building) 1, metro station Arbatskaya. A map to find the location will be available later on. From here, you will be directed to premises of the forum and accommodation. We will wait you here 7th and 8th of July from noon to 8 PM. In case you are coming earlier, contact organizers by e-mail or by phone. 12th of July we have planned a press-conference of participators of the conference – main theme will be critic against energy policies of G8 summit and renaissance of atomic energy. We are discussing an alternative to travel collectively to St. Petersburg with a rented bus. Contacts:
Russian Social Forum in St. Petersburg 13th-15th of July
27th of May there was a meeting of organizational committee of RSF, which witnessed a number of disagreements among the organizers on important questions, such as on cooperation with parties and nationalists. St. Petersburg part of the organizational committee includes several coalitions, which include parties and nationalist activists, and many “leftists” may not imagine their activities outside party coalition. Thus a compromise decision was made, where forum will take place without political parties, and demonstration in 15th of July – together with political parties. Nationalist organizations will be excluded from forum and demonstration, but it is possible that some of them will show up anyway as individuals. Forum will include at least sections on housing, energy, health care and civil rights, and one is free to propose additional themes. One may find more information about Russian Social Forum from
Calendar of events
8th – 12th of July
Libertarian Forum in Moscow
13-15th of July 2006
Russian Social Forum in St. Petersburg. It will take place in Kirov stadium close to metro station “Krestovskiy Ostrov”. In forum there will be an alternative space.
14th of July 2006 – Global Day of Action
In many cities of the world there will be protests against neo-liberal politics of the G8. Those who may not come to St. Petersburg, may organize solidarity actions in their cities and villages.
15th – 17th of July
Summit of G8 in St. Petersburg
15th of July – International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8
Rise up against G8 policies, target fossil fuel industries in your community and bioregion!
15th of July
Common demonstration of left and opposition against politics of the G8 in St. Petersburg. March will end to a square in front of cruiser Aurora.
16th of July – Global Day of Actions against nuclear power. 16th of July 1945 USA first tested nuclear bomb in Trinity testing site of New Mexico. Reclaim the Commons – network calls to protest 16th of July against building new nuclear reactors and against development of the nuclear energy.
St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8:
Accommodation for anti-authoritarians in St. Petersburg:,,
Legal group:
Street medics:
Moscow group of Network Against G8 and Libertarian Forum:, +7-906-796-88-29
Legal team will be supported not by anarchists alone, but by efforts of Youth Human Rights Movement (MPD) and ecological organization “Groza” (Thunderstorm). A flat will be rented in St. Petersburg for legal group, and there will be a contact telephone in time of the events. 6 activists have already promised to volunteer, but a lawyer is also searched in order to make access to arrested more easily. Booklets on legal and practical information are prepared (you may read electronic English versions in SPB8 website). During June, there will be legal trainings for activists on legal questions in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Network Against G8 info-point in St, Petersburg
There will be an info-point by Network Against G8 activists in Kirov stadium, where Russian Social Forum will take place. Kirov stadium is located in metro station “Krestovskiy Ostrov”; it is about 10 minutes by feet through a park. It is easy to find, but we will publish a map in site later on. In Kirov stadium, you should find a room, tent or stand with text “NAG8”. Stadium will be open for people from 12th to 16th of July. Whoever wants to come more early, should contact organizers in time. We hope that we will also manage to set up info-points that will work more early.
Accommodation during summit
There are a number of alternatives for accommodation during the summit.
1) Kirov stadium – if you want to stay there, bring your tents, mattresses and sleeping bags. Russian Social Forum (RSF) has promised some tents, but there is nothing we may say about their quantity and quality. Ascetics may live without tents, as in Stadium there are corridors under tribunes, where one is protected from a rain. Organizational committee of RSF has promised to organize field kitchens for affordable food in Stadium, as well as a list of cafes nearby. Stadium has electricity, toilets and showers.
2) St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8 has an alternative camping site in city area with a limited amount of spaces. You should contact group in case you are interested of this option.
3) You may also set up your own camp beyond city limits, as vast majority of the forests have not been enclosed yet and thus are public land where you have a right to stay with certain conditions. Locals may help you in setting up such a camp in case Network Against G8 site is full or you have some other reasons to have your own camp.
4) Local activists in St. Petersburg are prepared to help if you want to book a hotel, hostel or rent a flat for a few days (latter option is often cheaper than hotels for a bigger group of people). Cheapest places in hotels cost 350-600 rubles (10-19 euros) for a night, many places demand that you pay in prior. We may also provide a list of hotels, write to contact addresses in end of this bulletin.
It is quite likely, that inside Stadium there will be a media space, accessible for everyone. But number of computers and access to internet and even telephone are still a question. There are other media-center projects, but these are unlikely to be open for everybody. Organizational committee of Social Forum in St. Petersburg promises to provide information about cheap internet cafes close to stadium and around the city, as well as other alternatives for people who want to do media.
General demonstration in St. Petersburg
General demonstration of “opposition” is planned to take place 15th of July. Route of demonstration is still under discussion (there are two alternatives – long march of 8 kilometers and short march of 3 kilometers). It will finish to a square next to cruiser Aurora. This is as close as it is possible to legally approach the city center, which according to authorities will be closed from demonstrations. To this demonstration, political parties (Communist Party of Russian Federation KPRF, Russian Workers Communist Party, Yabloko party) and “oppositional” political movements (such Union of Coordinatory Councils and various Komsomol organizations) are expected to take part. Committee of Russian Social Forum excluded participation of far right organizations and National Bolshevik Party, but it is possible that they may appear, as there are nationalists in St. Petersburg part of the Russian Social Forum organization, and KPRF was lately open to cooperation with far-right Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI). Anarchists are splinted on question of participation to this demonstration; one proposition is to organize an anarchist block which would strikingly differ from all the rest.
It has been proposed that stickers should be the major way of outreaching to the public, as they are safer than putting up posters or painting with stencils. However one poster is currently being printed and others are currently being made. There are few alternatives for stickers. Besides these, a special issue of journal “Avtonom” is currently being prepared, as well as a booklet of guidelines for activists. Currently main site is Site is currently not developed, but you may find half of the Russian translation of the book “We are everywhere” there.
Street medics
Street medic group organized a number of meetings and trainings for activists, and also prepared a text of guidelines for giving first aid. It is planned that trainings will continue.
Libertarian forum in Moscow, 8th-12th of July
A preliminary program of libertarian forum is ready, currently we expect some 70 activists from various regions of Russia to take part, 30-50 from Moscow and few dozen foreigners. Both forum premises and accommodation will be in Moscow region close to Moscow. Take sleeping bags and mattresses with you. We may also book hotels, cheapest places are 600 rubles (24$) a night. Food not Bombs has promised to feed the conference; we will also prepare a list of affordable cafes. There will not be fixed price for participation, we suggest that people will contribute to costs of the event according to their capacities. Unless you have an agreement with organizers to pick you up from somewhere, you should come to office of Movement for Human Rights (Dvizhenie za Prava Cheloveka), located to Maliy Kislovskiy pereulok, dom (house) 7, stroenie (building) 1, metro station Arbatskaya. A map to find the location will be available later on. From here, you will be directed to premises of the forum and accommodation. We will wait you here 7th and 8th of July from noon to 8 PM. In case you are coming earlier, contact organizers by e-mail or by phone. 12th of July we have planned a press-conference of participators of the conference – main theme will be critic against energy policies of G8 summit and renaissance of atomic energy. We are discussing an alternative to travel collectively to St. Petersburg with a rented bus. Contacts:

Russian Social Forum in St. Petersburg 13th-15th of July
27th of May there was a meeting of organizational committee of RSF, which witnessed a number of disagreements among the organizers on important questions, such as on cooperation with parties and nationalists. St. Petersburg part of the organizational committee includes several coalitions, which include parties and nationalist activists, and many “leftists” may not imagine their activities outside party coalition. Thus a compromise decision was made, where forum will take place without political parties, and demonstration in 15th of July – together with political parties. Nationalist organizations will be excluded from forum and demonstration, but it is possible that some of them will show up anyway as individuals. Forum will include at least sections on housing, energy, health care and civil rights, and one is free to propose additional themes. One may find more information about Russian Social Forum from

Calendar of events
8th – 12th of July
Libertarian Forum in Moscow
13-15th of July 2006
Russian Social Forum in St. Petersburg. It will take place in Kirov stadium close to metro station “Krestovskiy Ostrov”. In forum there will be an alternative space.
14th of July 2006 – Global Day of Action
In many cities of the world there will be protests against neo-liberal politics of the G8. Those who may not come to St. Petersburg, may organize solidarity actions in their cities and villages.
15th – 17th of July
Summit of G8 in St. Petersburg
15th of July – International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8
Rise up against G8 policies, target fossil fuel industries in your community and bioregion!
15th of July
Common demonstration of left and opposition against politics of the G8 in St. Petersburg. March will end to a square in front of cruiser Aurora.
16th of July – Global Day of Actions against nuclear power. 16th of July 1945 USA first tested nuclear bomb in Trinity testing site of New Mexico. Reclaim the Commons – network calls to protest 16th of July against building new nuclear reactors and against development of the nuclear energy.

St. Petersburg group of Network Against G8:

Accommodation for anti-authoritarians in St. Petersburg:

Legal group:

Street medics:

Moscow group of Network Against G8 and Libertarian Forum:

