UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Call for the immediate release of five university teachers of Bangladesh
04-09-2007 18:32
Five senior University Professors in Bangladesh were arrested on the 24th August on alleged suspicion of organising the recent violent clashes between students and police. All the teachers have constantly rejected these allegations.Please join the demonstration to stop this gross violation of Human Rights on Thursday, September 6 at 3:00pm outside the Bangladesh High Commission.
Israel Ignores Poverty
04-09-2007 17:54
The facts capture an image of the politicised Israel in which turmoil is guaranteed; poverty a precursor to violence will put in jeopardy peace, as myths, distortions and lies serves the manipulator reinvigorating a hate filled backlash against those who are oppressed.Western Animal Rights Network launched! + Animal Rights Copwatch
04-09-2007 14:39
WARN (Western Animal Rights Network) is a coalition for animal liberationists that was originally launched in 2005 but ceased to be after activists moved away from the West. We hope to be a support base for activists and be a gateway into the animal rights movement for people looking to get involved in animal liberation in the West of the UK.Free John Graham
04-09-2007 03:51
BC Supreme Court set to decide Graham’s extradition fate. The USA authorities are attempting to fit Graham up for their agent provacator murder of Nova Scotian Mi’kmaq, Anna Mae Pictou during the American Indian Movements 1970's protests and occupations.BNP supporters disrupt school with demo and picket at gates
04-09-2007 01:27
BNP demo at SunnydaleTube maintenance workers begin six days of strikes
03-09-2007 22:10

Copenhagen Update September
03-09-2007 19:17

Make Humous Not War visits Bristol
03-09-2007 16:21

Independent report into ICL plastics disaster finds health and safety regime 'da
03-09-2007 11:13

Iran-Iraq first economic seminar
02-09-2007 21:20
Iranian contractors will soon be seriously involved in Iraq's oil refinery projects as investors.Workers Vs Workers Beer Company
02-09-2007 21:02

Worldwide support for Cuban Five grows
02-09-2007 19:14

Privatizing Misery, Deporting and Imprisoning Migrants for Profit
01-09-2007 19:02
The Hidden Agenda of the Border Hype: Security Guards and Prisons in the Dollars-For-Migrants IndustryBy Brenda Norrel

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Oaxaca Info Night In Liverpool
01-09-2007 17:49
An update on the uprising, police repression & protests in Oaxaca, Mexico Food, films and talk Sunday 16th September, 7pm - 10pm, Next To Nowhere at the Liverpool Social Centre, 96 Bold Street, underneath News From NowhereMental health workers on strike in support of colleague
01-09-2007 15:13

Prison officers in mass unlawful strike
01-09-2007 15:05

Workers at Royal Mail contractors Romec strike
01-09-2007 15:02

MMR and Freedom of Information
01-09-2007 13:55
Anyone slightly interested in the ongoing MMR debate will find the revelations in these following links fron the ‘Freedom of Information Act Centre News’ extremely interesting: