UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
An All-American Insurgency: The Attack on the Raleigh GOP Headquarters
24-11-2004 21:17
On November 6th, only four days after Election Day, anarchists in North Carolina took power into their own hands by trashing the Republican Party headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina. This is an action of great symbolic and tactical importance to anarchists and anyone else interested in defeating the Bush regime. We analyse the importance of this action and its ramifications for future actions.Help Ukraine!
24-11-2004 20:41
People went to the streets, on strike or to Kyiv, first of all, because they are sick and tired with organised criminal gang holding power in their country for the last decade. People of Ukraine felt that at this point they’re robbed of any future hope. You can do a lot. There are no small deeds now – everything can be helpful, can prevent bloodshed and give support to the people.Council Tenants
24-11-2004 02:19

Indonesian police set-up Jakarta man?
24-11-2004 00:14

South Devon Hunt Violence
23-11-2004 19:31
As news of a forthcoming foxhunting ban hit the news, the hunters, not content with fox/deer/badger/grouse/pheasant/peasant/rabbit*(delete as appropriate) bashing, hit saboteurs on Dartmoor. 3 sabs were injured during the attack.Burning Solidarity with Fallujah - Palestine
23-11-2004 11:18

23-11-2004 10:32
23-11-2004 07:33
support your radio, indtmedia radio rampART needs your listen factortoday ( rough ) schedule...
U.S. ELECTION: Democracy in Question
23-11-2004 00:17
Interviews with John Zogby and Ralph Nader, plus what's now known about Election Day, suggest something went very wrong on Nov. 2.mobilisation for protest against EU summit 2005 in Luxembourg started
22-11-2004 18:36
In june 2005 a EU summit takes place in Luxembourg.Mobilisation to protest against the politics of the EU are in preperation, for more information, visit:

thousands mass in kiev as election results contested
22-11-2004 15:29
check out MAIDAN - An Internet Hub for Civil Resistance to Authoritarianism in Ukraine - reporting in English at this important time for our Ukrainian neighbours...Smash Edo pictures Brighton
22-11-2004 13:01
heres some first class pictures of Edo/mbm bomb making factory in Brighton recieveing some collateral damage.Operation search and destroy continues. Watch this space!!
Laing O'Rourke Workers Solidarity Action
22-11-2004 06:10
Workers Solidarity Against Bosses ProfitsSeveral cranes have been occupied on the Laing O'Rourke Kings Cross Rail Link construction site, in solidarity with workers on the site who are fighting a new pay deal.
{LIVE} 11/22 debate Naomi Klein vs Nokia a.o.
22-11-2004 00:02

Celebration of Basil Hinton's politically active life
21-11-2004 17:50
Basil Hinton 1927 -200421st Nov - on Saturday evening there was a very special event at East Oxford Community Centre to celebrate the life of a remarkable socialist, revolutionary and internationalist.
Tory & Jamaican gay hate continues.
21-11-2004 15:37
Two recent articles show that hated towards gay people continues both in the UK andthe world.
Manchester Indymedia Filmscreening- "Summit Good"
21-11-2004 14:58

Summit Good: In the lead up to the G8 summit coming to Scotland, we tell our own stories about Summit Mobilisations. Film Screening
The Dancehouse – Oxford Rd – opp BBC - Sunday Dec 19th
7:30 for 8:00 start - £2 – none refused entry for lack of funds
Join campaign against ID
20-11-2004 23:54

20-11-2004 23:50
Protestors picketed Starbucks in Edinburgh’s High Street for three and a half hours on Saturday 20th November. Demonstrators served up free zapatista coffee, proclaiming solidarity with the rebel indigenous movement in Mexico and with New York Starbucks workers in dispute with the coffee giant. The action was jointly organised by Edinburgh Branch Industrial Workers of the World and Edinburgh-Chiapas Solidarity Group.Street protests greet Apec summit
20-11-2004 16:18