UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Campaign against the assassination of workers in Venezuela
18-06-2009 19:55

Anti-OSCE meeting in Corfu, 26-28 June 2009
18-06-2009 14:05
We call to Corfu, 27-28 June 2009, all people who resist and rise up against fortress Europe.News and Demonstrations - Iran Today
18-06-2009 09:43

Happy J18: Ten Year Anniversary of June18th Protests: Pics+Links
18-06-2009 02:08

Ten years ago today and a global Carnival Against Capital was erupting across the world with co-ordinated protests taking place in over 40 countries on June 18th 1999.
Directly targeting financial centres the J18 day of International Action was stunning in its scale and ran alongside the G7/G8 meeting in Koln Germany. It followed the Global Street Party that had been held alongside the G7/G8 meeting in Birmingham in 1998 and co-ordinated through Reclaim The Streets.
To remember it, here's a set of 23 pictures from London J18 courtesy of a photographer who was there for the morning and the party, but who missed the ensuing riot as police fought to regain control of the City of London.
The reasons for struggle are greater now than then, and climate change and economic meltdowns threaten the lives and livelihoods of us all.
Friday 19th June, Aung San Suu Kyi 64th Birthday Event in London
17-06-2009 22:53
Aung San Suu Kyi is the leader and icon of Burmese people and also hope for Burma.19 June is her 64th Birthday and people around the world celebrate the day for her.Report of TCAR protest against immigration prisons outside Government Offices No
17-06-2009 22:16

Squatters in the JB Spray Building, prevent water company from cutting them off
17-06-2009 21:47

Sat. 20th June, London: Save the Tamils Mass Protest
17-06-2009 21:33
Call for ALL non-Tamil activists & Autonomous Block in London to come out and support this demo!Mass Protest March This Saturday starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner.
March to save the Tamils in Sri Lanka, in the face of naked Sinhalese fascism
- a conservative estimate of 50,000 Tamils, mainly civilians , have been killed this year
- Mass cover-up of war-crimes, use of chemical weapons, mass graves
- 280,000+ civilians who have been displaced by the military offensive against the Tamil Tigers are living in appalling conditions where disease is rife and where there are insufficient medical supplies. Young girls being abducted from the camps, dissenters are disappeared
- Ship carrying medical aid refused entry on June 4th and turned away from Sri Lanka
- Continued ongoing repression of independent media & of government critics
FASCISM IS ALIVE & WELL IN THE 21st CENTURY IN SRI LANKA, while the world stands idly by.
Policeman shot dead in Greece
17-06-2009 17:52
Gunmen have shot dead a policeman in an early morning attack in the Greek capital, Athens.ALF, ELF & Luddites; Bomb Threat, Sabotage & Arson
17-06-2009 17:29

How do we end immigration controls? Conference
17-06-2009 13:27
An event to discuss ideas and plan for action to tackle racism and work for a society where no one is illegalYarl's Wood IRC: Mothers & Fathers on Hunger Strike
17-06-2009 10:52
Once again there is unrest in a UK Immigration Removal CentreThird Attempt to Remove Deji Ogundimu
17-06-2009 10:47

Rossport Solidarity Group Take Action at Van Oord's UK Offices
16-06-2009 23:16

Green Kite Midnight serenades BP Portrait Award ceremony
16-06-2009 22:10

Demo against the BNP in Blackpool this Saturday at 12 noon
16-06-2009 15:10
Get there and get noisy!BNP Victory rally at the Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool on Saturday June 20th
15-06-2009 22:58
Hundreds of BNP fascists will be gathering at the Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool on Saturday June 20th, you celebrate the fact that they are now a mainstream political party.Nopretence post-action statement
15-06-2009 21:50
On Sunday, June 7th a group of anarcha-feminists took the Stage at the Anarchist Conference 09 to protest about sexist oppression within the movement. They projected a film and read out a statement.EMERGENCY MEETING: The Crisis in Iran
15-06-2009 20:10