UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Like a Storm: The Insurrection in Iran
21-06-2009 20:19

Working Class QUEERS at Sheffield Pride:
21-06-2009 18:20

“My policy on gays and lesbians is very simple. I don’t think councils should be spending money on them parading through town advertising their sexuality.”
Tamil Demo - Short Film
21-06-2009 11:00

Report on Tamil March, London - Sat 20th June (+ article on backgrnd to crisis)
21-06-2009 10:46

(Photos all courtesy of Rikki):
Prayer Rally To Remember Rano Massacre In The Phillipines
21-06-2009 04:18

“We did not give blood to give up now” Eye witness report of June 20 Repression
21-06-2009 00:27

Full article | 2 additions | 22 comments
Northern March Against Immigration Prisons
20-06-2009 22:45

pictures from today's tamil march in london
20-06-2009 20:15

Heroic metalworkers' strike in Vigo (Spain)
20-06-2009 18:48

Defend the Iranian Students' Movement
20-06-2009 11:32

Workers' Fightback: Update 7
19-06-2009 23:26

Autonomous Block, London: meet-up point for Tamil March Tommorrow, 1pm
19-06-2009 15:45
CALL OUT for all non-Tamils & other solidarity groups to converge tomorrow (Sat 20th June) at Speakers Corner, Marble Arch, 1pm, to join Mass Protest March to Save the Tamils which will leave 1pm for 1.30pm from Hyde Park Corner.Gordon Brown Dismembered at New Labour HQ
19-06-2009 13:20

Iranian Bus Workers’ Statement on the Demonstrations
19-06-2009 13:10
*REMINDER* Emergency Meeting: The Crisis in Iran - Saturday June 20, 2PM, Caxton House,129 St. John’s Way London, N19 3RQ. With Yassamine Mather (exiled Iranian socialist) and Moshe Machover. The meeting has been organised by Iranian exile groups, Green Party, Socialist and Workers groups from the UK through 'Hands Off the People of Iran'. The meeting is about building effective political and practical solidarity.Mainshill Wood Occupied
19-06-2009 10:30

Fugitive US 'Green Scare' eco-activist arrested in China
19-06-2009 08:36
It has been reported on Portland IMC that Justin Solondz, one of the alledged Earth Liberation Front arsonists who went underground after FBI raids, has been arrested.Mariz Quimpo
19-06-2009 04:36

PHILIPPINES. It is quite common these days to read from the newspapers violence being perpetrated by the communist New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) that most Filipinos no longer care as long they are not the poor victims.
Sri Lanka tops list of nations driving journalists to exile
18-06-2009 23:54
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a New York based media watchdog, in a special reported published Wednesday, said Sri Lanka topped the list of countries that drove the largest number of journalists into exile. "At least 11 Sri Lankan journalists were driven into exile in the past 12 months amid an intensive government crackdown on critical reporters and editors," the report said...Both Shifts at Iran Khodro on Strike Now!
18-06-2009 19:57
Workers from Iran Khodro have come out on strike against repression.