UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Simultaneous Policy - A Simple Solution?
18-11-2003 12:55
"How can we the people get our leaders to listen to us and not just to the rich and powerful?"How can we make our values their values, values like:
fair trade and decent livelihoods
respect for life, health and environmental sustainability
true democracy – not 'corporatocracy'
freedom, security and equal opportunity for all
zero tolerance for terror of all kinds – state terror and domestic tyranny included
unity in diversity among peoples, nations and cultures
an end to weapons of mass destruction and to war itself as an obsolete means of conflict resolution ..."
Saloniki 7 Prisoners Benefit Night & Talk @the Packhorse, Leeds Nov 23 at 19:30
18-11-2003 09:43
A benefit night for the Saloniki 7, this Sunday (23d) at the Packhorse pub (on Woodhouse lane), 19:30 onwards. All donations will go to the Free Simon Chapman/ Thessaloniki 7 campaign.More Bristol Stop Bush Events....... MASS SCHOOL WALKOUT.......?
18-11-2003 07:00
PLEASE NOTE : This email is a supplement to Bristol-Stop-The-War News sent on15/11/03. Please check the 15/11/03 Newsletter for a listing of events in Bristol & beyond (or visit the link below...)

Donate Money to Support the Thessaloniki Prisoners
18-11-2003 01:19
Thessaloniki 7 in urgent need of solidarity!GO GRANNY, GO GRANNY, GO GRANNY GO!
17-11-2003 22:52
The little old lady named Lindis Percy(Go, Granny, go, Granny, go Granny go)
Has a pretty little flower bed of white gardenias
(Go, Granny, go, Granny, go Granny go)
But parked high up on a Buckingham gate
Is an upside down symbol against occupier hate
And everybody's sayin' that there's nobody meaner
Than the little old lady named Lindis Percy
(She climbs real fast and she jumps real hard)
She's the terror of the Palace Guard
Letter from America - THANK YOU FOR YOUR PROTESTS!
17-11-2003 21:55

For the life of Fatemeh
17-11-2003 17:55

that would seal the fate of Bedouin tradition and culture in the Negev forever.
Israeli Abuses "Worst in 35 Years": U.N. Report
17-11-2003 17:54
After 35 years of investigations, a U.N. committee monitoring human rights abuses of Palestinians has concluded that the situation in the Israeli-occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank was the worst ever last year.EZLN: 20 &10: Fire and Word
17-11-2003 15:32
The EZLN is celebrating the 20th anniversary. On November 10, the "EZLN: 20 &10, Fire and Word" campaign was launched with the presentation of the book of the same name, written byGloria Munoz Ramirez.
Mass murderer lives well.
17-11-2003 15:09
This is the luxurious prison lifestyle of the Lockerbie bomber—the Libyan jailed for the terrorist killings of 270 thessaloniki 7, benefit&solidarity exhibition and screening in colchester
17-11-2003 13:03

Cops and Security Guards Riot in Baghdad - report
17-11-2003 10:13
*NEWSFLASH* - read report below but bear in mind that news just came in of another proetst, same place, same issue, taking place now as none of the protestors demands have been met....Meme warfare through entertainment
17-11-2003 06:24
Resistance begins in the mind...ESF: Another Venue is Possible: Negri vs Callinicos
16-11-2003 22:57
It’s certainly possible to level a critique of the social forum process as elevating certain individuals to movement stars, something the radical edge of the movement has always rejected for a variety of reasons. The Negri/Calliniocs debate was billed as exactly that however, a battle between two movement stars perhaps broadly representing the two major ideological tendencies within the anti-capitalist movement currently in contestation. The title of the debate was “Multitude or Working Class”.Privacy dispute threatens Street Link -- Victoria, BC
16-11-2003 21:09
Government holds up funding after society refuses to name homeless clientsSaloniki 7 solidarity 'picket' - London, Sat 15 Nov
16-11-2003 17:12

analitical medical tests report on the 5 5 hunger strikrs of Thessaloniki
16-11-2003 15:33

Medical report for thessaloniki hunger strikers
16-11-2003 13:20
This is a medical report for the thessaloniki 5 hunger strikers writen by the personal doctors of the five hunger strikersImperialism and Resistance in Latin America
16-11-2003 09:39
We are witnessing a period of massive struggles, violent repression, blatant intervention and monstrous distortions in the mass media, coverting victims into executioners, and executioners into victims. But the movements are advancing, painfully, but surely, burying their comrades, tending their wounded, nurturing their survivors and increasing their solidarity. Ultimately, with organization, consciousness and audicity we will win, not only because the cause of liberty and equality is just, but because we dare to struggle.Anti-Bush organizers: ''Thursday's protest will not be hijacked by anarchists''
16-11-2003 03:47
"The march organizers insist they have not had any trouble during seven previous events and insist Thursday's protest will not be hijacked by anarchist groups."American Expatriates to Lead the Protests Against Bush
by Marie Woolf