UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
RINF - The US Gulag Prison System - The Shame Of The Nation And Crime Against
16-03-2006 13:42
No, not the one you think, outrageous as it is. I’m referring to the US prison system that’s with no exaggeration about as shockingly abusive as the gulag abroad. It qualifies for that label by its size alone - more than 2.1 million as of June, 2004 and growing larger by about 900 new inmates every week. Blacks (mostly poor and disadvantaged) especially are affected. While they make up just 12.3% of the population, they account for half the prison population, and their numbers there have grown fivefold in the last 25 years. Hispanics (also poor) account for another from on the ground in ecuador
16-03-2006 13:19
The following has been sent by a friend in Ecuador...TONIGHT: Public Meeting in support of British residents detained in Guantanamo
16-03-2006 11:28
Tonight (Thursday) at 7pm, there will be a chance to hear directly from the families (& children) of 3 British detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Korean Farmers Attacked for US Base Expansion
16-03-2006 07:04

Demonstrate Against Deportation in Norwich
15-03-2006 21:12
Djillali Held At Norwich Police StationThere will be a demonstration at Bethel Street police station tomorrow morning (16th) at 8:30am.
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Rachel Corrie Readings at Parliament Square, Thursday 16th.
15-03-2006 20:35
Artists Against the War are inviting everyone to the readings from Rachel Corrie diaries at London's Parliament Square and Hanover Square W1.ANOTHER REVOLUTION IN ECUADOR
15-03-2006 18:41
All regions of Ecuador are uniting this very moment in a major "PARO" (strike/stoppage/blockade) of the whole country against its president Palacio, the Free Trade Agreement with the USA, and the oil company OXY.Public Forum: Student protests in France, London, 18/3/06
15-03-2006 13:42
Due to the struggles in France against the CPE the title of this forum has been changed to take into account these significant events, which are part of the international development of workers' struggles and the proletariat's attempts to rediscover its class solidarity.Storming the Bastille and Direct Action
15-03-2006 13:42
It should now be apparent to all that the usual strategies have proven ineffective against the ultra-right of today. The reasons are clear; the right is playing hard, fast and bold while the opposition is lost in analysis and navel gazing. ‘Storming the Bastille’ may again be required to precipitate change. Demos, alternative media, various forms of dissenting propaganda have all failed to alter the course of events. It would seem that while one side is playing hardball (for keeps) the other is content to fossick on the shores of world-shaping politics.UK & Chertoff's secret electronic control net
15-03-2006 13:28
Britain? - US Secretary of 'Homeland Security' Chertoff: "A vast electronic control net covering the US is nearly completed. It's called the HSIN, and now includes 50 states, five territories, 53 major urban areas, local officials and officials from Britain, Canada and Australia."SHEPTON MALLET EVICTED
15-03-2006 12:11
Shepton Mallet anti-Tesco's protest site has just been evicted after a six hour tree top struggle.Mad Pride 2006 Events to Include; Africa, Ireland, USA, Canada, France.
15-03-2006 12:03
Mad Pride 2006 promises to be better than ever with plans underway for several events in Ireland, USA, Canada, France and even a Mad Pride celebration in Africa thanks to MindFreedom Ghana! Dan Taylor, who is the Secretary of MindFreedom Ghana based in Accra, Ghana, announced, "Our Theme for our Mad Pride event is 'Free Minds At Ease.'"Khoodeelaar legal action against Crossrail-hole Council& their bribed liars
15-03-2006 11:41
The Khoodeelaar! Campaign IN DEFENEC OF THE brick lane London e1 AREA AND against a corrupt local council colluding with the crassly conceived Crossrail hole plan project scheme bill now in the uk house of commons got a step closer to being taken to the domestic courts uk yesterday with the announcement of a series of legal actions against the local tower hamlets council in London’s east end. Campaigners have unearthed evidence showing that contrary to the impression SOUGHT TO be created by the controlling clique on tower hamlets council to the effect that they WERE IN AGREEMNT WITH THE COMMUNITY OPPOSTION TO THE Crossrail hole plan, Tower Hamlets Council under Michael Keith’s leadership had all along been lying to the community and to the public at large about the facts and the extents of the Controlling clique’s collusion against the East End and with the promoters of the Crossrail hole assault on the East End. Khoodeelaar! Campaign organiser Muhammad Haque declared a raft of constitutional law actions against Tower Hamlets Council and against their paid propaganda organs that had been used so far to lie against the East End communities affected by the Crossrail hole attacks.'Dirty Water - Dirty Aid', Film and talk at Common Place by WDM
15-03-2006 11:34

Iraq: Ayatollah Sistani says death to gays
15-03-2006 10:46

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14th March: Student Action Against CPE in France: Protests + Blockades + Clashes
15-03-2006 08:06

More nationwide demos, blockades, railway obstructions, occupations and street clashes as a student day of action opposed the CPE employment law. Updates from libcom below:
Unimportant Incidents
15-03-2006 02:05
A view of what life was like in the Magnox Reprocessing Plants at Sellafield, once upon a time?Rally against racism on Leeds University campus
15-03-2006 01:28
Students at Leeds University are calling a rally demanding that racist Frank Ellis, Leeds University lecturer, is sacked.Anti-Shell call at St Patrick's Day event!
15-03-2006 00:40
Last Sunday, activists from Rhythms of Resistance samba band and London Rising Tide headed down to the St Patrick's Day celebrations in Trafalgar Square, on a mission to raise awareness of the struggles in County Mayo, Ireland, against the giant Shell-led consortium and its lackey, the Irish government.