UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Low Intensity War in Chiapas
12-03-2007 23:54
Sunday 11 of march 2007 Alejandro
Errico Malatesta - Anarchy
12-03-2007 23:20
The Freedom Press 1973 translation of Malatesta's classic.Torrent file download
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channel 4's great global warming swindle documentary
12-03-2007 22:48
interesting opinion from carlos barcodeGipfelsoli Newsletter March 12th: Heiligendamm
12-03-2007 21:01

- Move fast, strike harder...
- Protocol g8 workshop at pga wintermeeting 2007 in hamburg
- ATTENTION ALL WHO SUPPORT OUR WORK here at Replacements Needed & PeaceGuard. We need your involvement today!
- Overview of the Protests Against the G8 Summit
- "Hitler no longer to be an honorary citizen of Bad Doberan"

The 10th APPO Megamarch Observes Women's Day
12-03-2007 20:47
On International Women’s Day, March 8, the APPO, teachers, civil society organizations, campesinos and women – among them the Coordination of the Women of Oaxaca (COMO), and indigenous women’s organizations – marched in defiance of the repressive policies of Governor Ulises Ruiz.'Thousands riot' in China protest
12-03-2007 20:43
A protest staged by thousands of rural workers in central China ended in violent clashes last week, reports say.Several people were injured as up to 20,000 people clashed with 1,000 police in Hunan province on Friday, a local official told Reuters news agency.
Local youth venue with community role in danger
12-03-2007 14:54

Blair’s offensive against welfare - Government by the rich, for the rich
12-03-2007 13:37
It says something about the state of class relations in Britain that on the eve of local and regional elections, the Labour government has put forward proposed welfare reforms that will bring destitution and misery for millions of workers and their families who rely on benefits to survive.Rally for Zimbabwe takes place in Trafalgar Square
11-03-2007 12:24

Video of Danish Embassy protest.
11-03-2007 11:11

URGENT: Kenyan Social Movement Attacked - help needed
11-03-2007 02:37
Grassroots social movement 'The Peoples Parliament' 'Bunge La Mwananchi' have been organising in slum communities and over bread-and-butter issues for 15 years. Theyve been meeting daily in the Jevangee Gardens Park, Nairobi. Yesterday, Police declared their forum an 'unlawful assembly' and arrested 56 participants and injured 5.Reproductive Rights in South Dakota, US
11-03-2007 01:18
This letter is being written to you from Rapid City, SD. Rapid City is the second largest city in South Dakota and at the opposite end of the state from Sioux Falls. It is from here that women must travel five hours to Sioux Falls, seven and a half hours to Denver, or eight hours to Omaha to have an abortion. It is also from here that collectives are forming and working together to help these women gain the resources they need.Spoof graphics and article about eviction in Denmark from SchNEWS
10-03-2007 17:28

Solidarity Demonstration for the evicted Vortex social centre.
10-03-2007 17:19

Danish Embassy demo
10-03-2007 14:58
3pm About 30 demonstrators. 4 cops. Everyone in good spirits.London: The rich get so much richer under Blair
10-03-2007 09:05
The last ten years of a Labour government has seen a significant increase in the number of billionaires living in London. According to Forbes magazine, London is home to 23 of the 54 billionaires that are resident in Britain, 11 of whom are foreigners.Call-in campaign pushes back attacks on Chernoh Alpha M. Bah and Africanist Move
09-03-2007 23:39
Hundreds of emails and calls inundate Sierra Leone embassies in the U.S., London and elsewhere; officials drop charges; ASI leader urges continued vigilanceFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
State Dept Report: Sickening Gov Abuses in Afghanistan
09-03-2007 21:11
The practice of courts ordering the defendant to provide compensation in the form of young girls in marriage to a victims' family continued........Most experts believe the practice of child trafficking was widespread and continued to be a problem. The law does not prohibit trafficking in persons. The government did little to combat trafficking in persons.No Oil For Blood - Campaign Against Iraqi Oil Rip Off Launched
09-03-2007 15:18
Development, environment, human rights and anti-war groups have come together to launch a campaign against the “rip off” of Iraqi oil by western companies.‘Hands Off Iraqi Oil’ is part of an international coalition, which is also gearing up in the US and Italy, as well as Iraq.
Hands Off Iraqi Oil - Teach In Saturday March 24th
09-03-2007 13:49
For the Iraqi people war and occupation has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, relentless insecurity and crippling poverty. But for foreign oil companies the desperate situation in Iraq is a chance to take control of Iraq’s oil and make massive profits at the expense of its people.