UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Redhill Anti-Cuts group takes over NatWest
28-02-2011 10:50

Mass anti-cuts protest - Swindon - Sat March 5th
27-02-2011 10:49

Video: Shir Hever - The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation
26-02-2011 23:23

Lancaster RBS bail in!
26-02-2011 18:39
On Saturday February 26th the Lancaster branch of RBS was turned into a library, as activists from the local anti cuts group reclaimed the building for the morning and put it to to good use for a change!Latest Anarchist newsletters/radical bulletins
26-02-2011 12:14

Eighth General Strike Shuts Down Half Greek Economy
25-02-2011 16:14

Bath Bomb #37 Out Now
25-02-2011 16:08
In This Issue: Worldwide Revolution – For Real! Clegg On His Face! Raining Fatcats & Bankers! B.T.P. & W4B Not D.O.A. - W.T.F.? Can't Sell The Forests For The Trees! Rampaging Amphibians! Rampant Commercial Co-option! L.E.T.S.-ing You Down And L.E.T.S.-ing Ourselves Down! Bad-Mouthing B.&N.E.S. - For A Change! Padding Out Lack Of Content With Core-ny Jokes & Inflated Font Size!300 immigrants on hunger strike in Greece: 32nd day
25-02-2011 12:15
On the 23rd of January 300 immigrants arrived to Piraeus from Crete, Greece, to commence a hunger strike in order to make their voices heard on their demand for basic human rights.Food not Bombs launch regular streetmeals in Oxford
25-02-2011 00:02

A quick report from a friendly food squirrel...
Royal Holloway Occupied
24-02-2011 22:28
Royal Holloway have OCCUPIED the Arts BuildingFit for What ?
24-02-2011 21:52
Under the previous Labour Government FIT Notes replaced Sick Notes in April 2010. The Coalition has continued to target “the sick”, leading to a huge backload of Appeals.Democracy promotion: America’s new regime change formula
24-02-2011 19:48
"By the 1980s, the reign of terror that blazed across Latin America was too much for most people to stomach. From death squads to torture chambers and various massacres, the Latin American generals who trained in the US to spread democracy around the world quickly gained reputations for major human rights abuses.To replace the overt support for dictatorships, a new concept for regime change was born; one that sounds and looks better – democracy promotion."
Brighton demo in solidarity with Libya
24-02-2011 19:14
Solidarity with the Middle Eastern and North African UprisingsDemonstrate 4.30pm Friday 25th February 2010, Old Steine, Brighton
Over the last eleven days the people of Libya, inspired by revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia and uprisings spreading across the Middle East and North Africa, have risen up against the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi. The regime has responded by shutting down phone and internet networks, attacking protests and massacring their own population from the air and with hired mercenaries. The casualties are not yet known but those murdered are estimated at 1000.
Direct action in Warsaw over Polish-Israeli govenrment summit in Jerusalem
24-02-2011 14:56

Oil, Libya and the New Threat to US Imperialism
24-02-2011 13:01

To Honour Mohamed Bouazizi
24-02-2011 12:46
An article from the popular press in South Africa on Mohamed Bouazizi and the revolutions in North Africa.Full article | 10 additions | 92 comments
Stop Anti-Traveller Racism At Leeds Common Place
24-02-2011 10:29
(How much lower can The Common Place sink?)Call for solidarity: Kulon Progo Self-organised Struggle
24-02-2011 07:30
We call for the strongest possible international solidarity with the fighting peasants of Kulon Progo, Indonesia. They are organising to defend their lives and the environment from the ruthless mining operations of the exploiting capitalists and their state backers, with an absolute rejection of leftism and political wrangling. Let’s internationalize the anti-capitalist resistance!