UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
The EDL are racist, fascist Nazis and Wayne Baldwin EDL Nazi proves it.
04-07-2010 11:50

Correct photos of Democracy village protest Fri 2 July
04-07-2010 10:38

Fascists on the streets of Liverpool - 12th July 2010 - Demonstrate!
03-07-2010 18:07
The Liverpool branch of the British National Party will be holding a demonstration outside Liverpool Crown Court on Monday 12th July. Liverpool Antifascists are asking people to turn out in opposition to their presence.Barack Obama: Are we moving from the Slave to the Nuclear Holocaust?
03-07-2010 14:26
How many hundred millions of precious lives will World War III devour in its oil Moloch?Message For Family Court Victims In The U.K
03-07-2010 12:01
03-07-2010 11:15
INTERSQUAT – Festival in Berlin from 10th until 19th of September 2010July Events at Cowley Club
03-07-2010 11:12
The Cowley Club is a social centre on London Road in Brighton. It houses a cafe and bookshop during the day, a members bar during the evenings, it also has a library and is a base for a variety of other projects.The club is collectively owned and run as a base for those involved in grassroots social change and those sympathetic to such activities, giving us control over our social space and resources. It is run entirely by volunteers - no one gets paid, and no one is making any profit. Instead, we are trying to provide a much needed alternative to everything else around us.
PHILIPPINES: Unions urge Noynoy to prioritize ‘full employment,’
03-07-2010 01:50

An appeal for publicity to help Phoenix get his video footage returned to him
03-07-2010 01:14

Following is the message that Phoenix has just posted on Facebook and it is quite clear that this is a big loss to him.
Report: Israel, US preparing for war with Iran
02-07-2010 21:44
"The Israeli aircraft reportedly landed at the airport in Tabuk in northwest Saudi Arabia, which according to the report will act as the central base of operations for the Israeli air campaign against Iran."Americans have no rights
02-07-2010 17:51

Under Barack Obama, the former professor of constitutional law, Americans’ civil liberties have shrunken drastically – to the point that his administration claims the right to execute its citizens without charge or due process of any recognizable kind. And citizens that leave the country cannot be sure they will be allowed back in. But where is the outrage among Democrats, when Obama out-Bushes Bush? “It seems that Democrats did not in fact feel any affront to Bush policies, only to his party affiliation.”
Philippine Airlines workers stage protests against Labor Department
02-07-2010 14:30

Dont Blame The Blac Bloc for the Global Elites Mess!
02-07-2010 11:56
After yet more and more articles 'blaming' the blac bloc - a simple yet effective slang term for those of us that dont give a shit about raising capitalism to the ground in order to buld new, sustainable communityies for all and every - for the 'violence' in Toronto, I thought I'd knock up this little article so that the 'fluffies' out there - the ones who keep 'blaming' the blac bloc for the strentgh of the elite machine - might be able to answer this question, why is it so hard to understand we need violence to defeat the system?
Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, June 2010
02-07-2010 06:43
Four actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in June 2010, according to the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatch 83, released today.Deteriorated Situations: Burundi, Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Turkey
[This message from International Crisis Group]
Download the full report: CrisisWatch83.pdf
Fears for two women facing execution for adultery and 'enmity against God'
01-07-2010 19:27

Amnesty International has made a new call on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt all executions and commute all death sentences as concern grows about two women and other prisoners who may be at imminent risk of execution.
wellcome to Athens underground - VIDEO ...
01-07-2010 12:53

UG#505 - The Matrix Deconstructed (Why Strict Fathers teach "Economic Liter
01-07-2010 05:06

TAKE ACTION! Halt the Execution of Young Kurdish Woman Zeinab Jalalian!
30-06-2010 20:33

Manchester College staff strike back
30-06-2010 16:06
Members of the University and College Union at The Manchester College (TMC) were on strike today in the latest stage of the row over new contracts. Pickets lines were held at TMC buildings around the city from 7.30am, before moving to a rally at the Mechanics Institute at midday.Philippine President Aquino's inauguration
30-06-2010 14:47
THERE IS A REASON to celebrate the inauguration of President Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino -- we have finally dumped the most corrupt and most hated regime since the fall of the Marcos dictatorship in 1986. GMA didn't deserve the President's farewell granted her. She should have been ousted years ago. Nevertheless, Aquino’s victory rightfully belongs to the Filipino people who voted against Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her minions.