UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Censorship during the election campaign.
15-05-2010 07:24
I was curious as to why large public demonstrations, such as May 1st in Parliament Square, were not reported by the mainstream media.Palestine's Nakba commemoration in London - Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
14-05-2010 20:17

Free Palestine!
Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)
World wide outrage and anger against Islamic regime of Iran
14-05-2010 15:15
[2010-05-10] Farzad Kamangar: EI Outrage at Iranian Teacher’s ExecutionEducation International is deeply troubled to hear reports that Iranian teacher trade unionist Farzad Kamangar was among five people who were summarily executed in secret on 9 May.
Dissident Island Radio - 7 May 2010 broadcast - check it out!
14-05-2010 15:03
Listen to the show, available for download now...Philippine Democracy: Alive, but is it well?
14-05-2010 11:32

The 2010 campaign has drawn to a close, and it’s time to distill my experiences after registering hundreds of miles by land, sea, and air crisscrossing the country as a party-list candidate.
a letter from a GREEK PRISON - Costas Gournas
14-05-2010 10:36

(Published also in Athens Indy in Greek)
Neither torture nor the psychological war nor do devastating penalties will make me kneel. I'm stronger than ever and I have unwavering faith in my struggle and revolution. Now I can look straight my kids eyes and be proud. Besides, their birth at 6 December 2008 is like an order for me to keep going. Finally, in this text I want to honor my partner Lambros Foundas murdered by the regime. This battle had this beautiful fighter that will always remain etched in our hearts.
Defend the Right to Protest Israeli War Crimes.
14-05-2010 01:01

political protest; especially when it concerns protest against Israel.
The severity of the sentences passed on demonstrators outside the Israeli
Embassy during the bombing of Gaza is unprecedented. Charges of racist
conduct against demonstrators in Scotland have been rejected by the courts.
Nakba Commemoration in London - Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
13-05-2010 20:41

Free Palestine!
Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)
Strong Explosion outside the Central prison of Athens - Korydalos
13-05-2010 20:40
Strong Explosion outside the Central prison of Athens - Korydalos
General strike in Kurdistan- In respond to the brutality of islami regime.
13-05-2010 19:15
On Sunday May 9, the Islamic regime of Iran committed another savage crime and executed five political prisoners.Venezuela is not Greece
13-05-2010 15:56
"Nonetheless, the country still faces significant economic challenges, some of which have been worsened by mistaken macroeconomic policy choices. The economy shrank by 3.3% last year. The international press has trouble understanding this, but the problem was that the government's fiscal policy was too conservative – cutting spending as the economy slipped into recession. This was a mistake, but hopefully the government will reverse this quickly with its planned expansion of public investment this year, including $6bn for electricity generation."Your "new"(really the same old gov this time with a new name to "fool you again") leadership is just the other side of the business party as is the case here in the U.S. the Dems qnd the Repubs, Labour vs a conservative/liberal coalition. They are working together to screw us all. ONLY A TRUE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM CAN SAVE US! We need to build it now!
Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat!
13-05-2010 15:25

Peace activists reclaim tree outside Downing Street
13-05-2010 15:02

Second attempt to remove Huseini Abubakar
13-05-2010 13:02

Amnesty International condemned the executions of four Kurdish Activist
12-05-2010 21:49
Amnesty International today condemned the executions in Iran of four Kurdish political activists and another Iranian man, all convicted of “moharebeh” (enmity against God)”. The four Kurds – Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Holi - along with Mehdi Eslamian, were hanged on Sunday, 9 May at Evin prison in Tehran.Birmingham Anti-Election Campaign
12-05-2010 16:20

The Logic of Occupation: demand nothing, occupy everything!
12-05-2010 13:48

Weekend of Rage? First calls for anti-tory demos
12-05-2010 13:38
Things could be hotting up in London this weekend with several large political protests planned for Central London.The first demo against Cameron and his gang of toffs, thieves, liars and traitors has been called at Parliament Square, midday, Saturday May 15th. (1)