UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Thailands upper class uprising portrayed as popular
24-11-2008 12:54
The Popular Alliance for Democrcy wants to replace Thailand's one-man, one-vote system with one in which representatives are chosen by professionals and social groups rather than the general electorate& has support from generals in the military & corporations.Rail & garment unions are the only organisations there really standing up for social & economic democracy.Further reports from Anomalous Wave rebellion, Italy
24-11-2008 12:52
More news and updates on the ongoing student / education rebellion in Italy. Next dates to watch out for: DAY Of ACTION November 28th and GENERAL STRIKE (sort of!) December 12th. Details of history and analysis of The Anomalous Wave pamphlet at end of updates.Around the Campaigns Monday 24th November 2008
24-11-2008 09:20
Isha is a national of Liberia and a resident of Sheffield'Isha Must Stay' published by Clare Dunne on Nov 21, 2008
There is a very real possibility that Isha would be in danger if deported to Liberia. We are asking the Home Office that Isha be allowed leave to remain on humanitarian grounds.

Manchester Palestine Film Festival
23-11-2008 22:07
Details of film showings for the Manchester Palestinain Film Festival, November - December 2008London moot on Baluch issues proposed
23-11-2008 17:49

Greece – Commemoration day of the student revolt in 1973 turns to Riot
23-11-2008 16:30

Right to the City at the LSE
23-11-2008 16:27
The broad purpose of the event is to strengthen our network, build solidarity and consider concrete actions necessary to strengthen civil society's response to the ongoing crackdown. We will consider the politics of police power, surveillance, prisons and detention, aswell as possibilities for liberation from this 'open prison' society we now inhabit. Lefebvre's Right to the City, collective control of public space and housing will all be considered. Please come along and help us to connect traditonal HR activists with planners, housing and wider migrant support networks.Ricky Bishop and Economic Development Protest, Brixton 22 Nov
23-11-2008 12:21

Fundraiser - 'Certain Days' Prisoner Solidarity Calendar 2009
22-11-2008 18:13

A 42-page, full colour calendar packed with writing, art and campaign/solidarity info relating to US political prisoners and related projects. The calendar is an educational & fundraising project by solidarity activists in North America, and 3 long term US political prisoners who have so far served 95 years in prison between them. All proceeds go to The New York State Task Force On Political Prisoners; Addameer; and The San Francisco 8. See for more info

Scottish parliament vote against ID
22-11-2008 17:15
Members of the Scottish Parliament have voted overwhelmingly against ID cards, but the Scottish parliament has no jurisdiction over ID cards.Net closing in on fugitive family
22-11-2008 15:10
The net appears to be closing in yet again on Natalie Bracht and her five daughters who have been on the run since May in attempt to avoid having their family torn apart by social workers.The global crisis is a crisis of capitalism
22-11-2008 02:49

Bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism"
21-11-2008 19:49
Publication in English and Serbo-Croatian language which is result of ten debates on anarchism held between May 2006 and May 2007 at the Cultural Center "Dom omladine" in Belgrade/Serbia.This Week in Palestine, Week 47
21-11-2008 19:01

Protest against ID Cards, Cardiff, 25/11/08
21-11-2008 18:01

There will be simultaneous protests happening at other UKBA centres around the country, follow the above link for details.
Roma threat from far-right in Czech Republic: ERIO’s statement on racist riot
21-11-2008 17:46
Riot police in the northern Czech town of Litvinov waged a bloody battle with far-right protesters trying to reach a Roma (Gypsy) suburb last Monday.There is a need for greater solidarity across Europe to defend growing hostility towards the Roma population, particularly in Eastern Europe and Italy....
Spanish bank squatters evicted
21-11-2008 15:10
Following their successful occupation of the offices of BBVA bank over 200 members of SAT (Andalucian workers union) spent the night there, resisting police and council efforts to force them to leave.Housing Mobilization in Marseille
21-11-2008 14:47
22 November in Marseilles, Reclaiming Housing Rights in Europe.Britain's Foreign Bastard Child
21-11-2008 14:15

BNP sponsor Lancashire County Council
21-11-2008 03:26
Emails/letters needed