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Further reports from Anomalous Wave rebellion, Italy

MR | 24.11.2008 12:52 | Education | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | World

More news and updates on the ongoing student / education rebellion in Italy. Next dates to watch out for: DAY Of ACTION November 28th and GENERAL STRIKE (sort of!) December 12th. Details of history and analysis of The Anomalous Wave pamphlet at end of updates.


La Repubblica reports about the demonstration against male violence against women, which took place in Rome today. Organizers say there were more than 50.000 people.

"The demonstration was also an occasion to protest against the decree law on prostitution signed by minister Carfagna (the law criminalizes prostitutes and imposes rules of ‘decent’ behaviour for everybody; we, instead, we are indecently free) and against the school plan of minister Gelmini (which is authoritarian and racist)."

This is stolen from a message written by someone else.

'on nov 29 all of italian public education system will take it to streets once again, starting with teachers, children, parents and arriving at university students and precarious researchers. what’s noteworthy is that also high school students (in many ways the forerunner of the onda) have started holding lessons in public squares as universities have been doing in the past few weeks

dec 12: GENERAL STRIKE called halfheartedly (and for halfaday) by CGIL, italy’s largest (socdem) union now deserted by the other two mainstream unions, especially CISL which has turned into a bedfellow of mr b, while CUB-COBAS-SdL have called it for the whole day. It’s because of the students that this general strike has become possible. And they will be the bulk of the people on the streets that day, also the recurrence of the piazza fontana carnage'.

News from Rome: the incident of Piazza Navona of 29 October is now being processed by the magistrate. That day, during an authorized demonstration against the Gelmini decree, a fight broke out. A group of neofascists entered the piazza, armed with sticks, prepared to attack the demonstrators.

Now, the magistrate has presented its hypothesis: it was not an attack, but a symmetrical fight between two groups. And therefore, 15 university students have been summoned to court. This is so obvious distortion of facts, it’s almost unbelievable. This reminds of the case from last spring, when a group of neofascists attacked students at the entrance of Sapienza: also in this case, the magistrate (and the media) tried to make it look like "a clash between opposite extremisms".

Today at Sapienza, there was a press conference about the incident and the process, organized by students themselves. "These days we’ll keep on saying ‘we are not afraid’: not afraid to affirm the antifascist quality of this movement, and not afraid of these summons. We are not afraid of a government which tries to intimidate and criminalize us with these accusations. We are not afraid, and therefore we’ll keep on producing moments of conflict and protest with intelligence and with determination, which have characterized us until now."

'The Anomalous Wave Rebellion in Italy' pamphlet:

Some people at 56a Infoshop have put together a pamphlet detailing some history and analysis of the ongoing Italian Anomalous Wave rebellion. The 16 page pamphlet goes also into an analysis of the movement. We highly recommend people to read it, copy it, email it out to encourage solidarity with the Italian Wave but to also inspire people in the UK to act. Download here:

or in Greek here:

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