UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Scientology's Gulags: inside the Rehabilitation Project Force
10-03-2008 13:44
The Church of Scientology is an authoritarian cult whose parallels with authoritarian regimes around the world are well-documented. Most members are kept under control through misinformation and brainwashing. However, like any totalitarian institution, the Church of Scientology has its way of dealing with problematic members. Welcome to the Rehabilitation Project Force.The Counter Terrorism Bill 2008
10-03-2008 11:51
CAMPACC briefing
Pickets win re-instatement of migrant worker
10-03-2008 11:44

Tibetan Uprising Day: London 8 March 2008
09-03-2008 17:07

Pictures copyright © 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
Israeli Ambassador Cancels Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in Face of Protest
09-03-2008 15:55
Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in face of planned protests.Hollow Women of the Hegemon
09-03-2008 00:19
In honor of International Women's DayLiverpool Women Reclaim The Night...Sort Of
08-03-2008 23:32

BNP London Election Campaign hit by conviction of police infiltrator on weapons
08-03-2008 23:14
BNP member covertly poses as policemanAcademy school opponents re-occupy Wembley Sports Ground
08-03-2008 23:03
It is reported that Wembley Sports Ground is once again under occupation by academy school protesters tonight (Friday). The occupation follows an Anti-Academies Alliance conference at the TUC today and Brent Council's recent announcement that the Wembley Park Academy will open in September in temporary classrooms on the site of the sports ground.Bring the pipeline back to Shell: Solidarity with Mayo, Ireland
08-03-2008 20:08

Oaxacan prisoner David Venegas is released.
08-03-2008 19:37
After 11 months illegal imprisonment, David Venegas Reyes 'El Alebrije' has been released.Invitation to the Camp for Climate Action at Kingsnorth Power Station
08-03-2008 07:58
This summer the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents outside Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent for a week of education,sustainable living and direct action.
Everyone is invited to the camp, which is now part of an international movement, with eight climate camps on four continents planned for this summer.
Leon Greenman OBE, Auschwitz survivor 98288 (1910 – 2008)
08-03-2008 01:05
A truly inspiring manIndian Neo-Fascism: Its roots and shoots
08-03-2008 00:45

Sunday 9th of March, 2.00pm
Shaheed Udham Singh Centre, (Indian Workers Association Centre), 346 Soho Road
Birmingham B21 9QI
Speakers: Amrit Wilson (South Asia Solidarity Group), Raj Pal (South Asian Alliance)
Update on four activists in court next week for unlicensed campaign collections
07-03-2008 20:01

No to Crossrail hole campaign supporter East End Cuncillor resigns
07-03-2008 18:17
Khoodeelaar! Campaign supporter, and Brick Lane London E1 ‘area’ Opposition councillor [on Tower Hamlets Council] Louise Alexander resigns on health grounds….Notes from the UK Squatters' Meeting 9/10 February 2008
07-03-2008 17:27
This, the first attempt to coordinate a national meeting for some time, was held in a beautiful old nursing home with extensive grounds at Headingley in Leeds. There was a good mixed turn out with squatters represented from many of the major towns in the uk, some protest sites and some travellers attending. All in all perhaps 30-40 people.Dissident Island Radio - Feminist edition tonight
07-03-2008 16:30

radio show from the Rampart Social Centre in London featuring interviews,
radio plays, and music. Previously on the show we have had groups such
as No Borders, the AntiFa, and Bicycology. With International Women's
Day coming up on March 8th, the Dissident Island radio show will be
highlighting various new and established London-based feminist groups,
activities and actions.
Around the Campaigns Friday 7th March 2008
07-03-2008 10:52
Resumption of Removals to Zimbabwe!Over the past few days many Zimbabwean's recently refused asylum, have received letters from the Boarder and Immigration Agency (BIA), saying that BIA, "is expecting shortly to be able to enforce returns to Zimbabwe". Most of the recipients of these letter are living in the North east/west of England. Also Zimbabweans with refugee status have received letters asking them if they would like to leave the UK voluntarily for a cash incentive.
Attack Struck at Heart of Israeli Hard-line West Bank Settlers' Movement
07-03-2008 09:07
The Palestinian attack today on Jewish yeshiva (rabbinical seminary) in Jerusalem struck at the heart of Israel's hard-line religious West Bank settler's movement.