BNP London Election Campaign hit by conviction of police infiltrator on weapons
Lancaster Unity | 08.03.2008 23:14 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles
At the turn of the year officers from the Post Office Security Team based at London's main sorting office at Mount Pleasant intercepted a package from the USA which contained a Tazer gun, known as a stun gun, now in widening use by the Metropolitan Police Service. The addressee was a 23 year old man, one Ellis Hammond. The team passed on the address and details of the contents of the package to the police in South East London. It took them only minutes to realise that Hammond was a serving officer in the Police Community Safety unit based in their command area.
In no time, they were at his family home detaining him and carrying out what was said to be a very thorough search. They found the following:
1 CS Tear Gas Canister
1 Police style ASP retractable baton
1 pair of Metropolitan Police-issue Handcuffs
I Knuckle-Duster
8 combat knives
DVDs with Hate material on them
Various items of British National Party literature
Some Obscene material
25-30 mainly imported T Shirts from the USA bearing nazi and White Power groups symbols and with hard line racist and nazi slogans on them
4 BB Guns
1 Replica AK 47 Assault Rifle
1 Copy of the Turner Diaries the US publication that has served as a blueprint for nazi terrorism in the USA, written by the late William Pearce, a close friend of the BNP who has played host to them at his National Alliance HQ in the USA and was guest of honour at a BNP annual meeting in East London some years ago.
And finally to top it off, a British National Party membership card...
Much more here:
In no time, they were at his family home detaining him and carrying out what was said to be a very thorough search. They found the following:
1 CS Tear Gas Canister
1 Police style ASP retractable baton
1 pair of Metropolitan Police-issue Handcuffs
I Knuckle-Duster
8 combat knives
DVDs with Hate material on them
Various items of British National Party literature
Some Obscene material
25-30 mainly imported T Shirts from the USA bearing nazi and White Power groups symbols and with hard line racist and nazi slogans on them
4 BB Guns
1 Replica AK 47 Assault Rifle
1 Copy of the Turner Diaries the US publication that has served as a blueprint for nazi terrorism in the USA, written by the late William Pearce, a close friend of the BNP who has played host to them at his National Alliance HQ in the USA and was guest of honour at a BNP annual meeting in East London some years ago.
And finally to top it off, a British National Party membership card...
Much more here:

Lancaster Unity
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