UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Cambridge Students Act to Break the Chains of Modern Slavery in the UK
14-06-2007 16:15
Great St Mary’s to be wrapped in a huge paper chain petition: Mon 18th June in protest against people trafficking and slavery in the UK.German police raid eleven premises on suspicion of “terrorism”
14-06-2007 14:06
Only days after the end of the G8 summit, German police conducted new raids against left-wing and anarchist organisations in northern Germany. Early on Wednesday morning the federal prosecutor’s office and police carried out surprise searches of a total of 11 premises in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL]: A Video
14-06-2007 10:13

This video shows it is a national issue, affecting many people and their communities.
There has been a large campaign, with much support over recent times. A planning application to extend the operation of the Eastcroft Incinerator in Nottingham was denied. WRG, the operators of the plant, appealed. This process has now been stopped and a new application has been lodged.
Now, folks have to go round again.
The film explains the background and dangers.
Once more on the failed transit system fare strike in San Francisco in 2005
13-06-2007 18:22
A brief re-examination of this missed opportunity in working class-based radical mass action in this part of the world...Students To Do Epic 50,000 Protestations In Front Of Giant Gordon Brown Photograph
13-06-2007 15:12

East End of London community No to unaccountable public office holders
13-06-2007 13:44
Blair's allagedly cvritical refertences to the 'feral media' on Tiesday giot klengthy poryrauls in parsie of Blair.ephemera 7.1: 'Immaterial and Affective Labour: Explored' online
13-06-2007 12:38
The new issue (7.1) of ephemera: theory & politics in organization, entitled "immaterial and affective labor: explored," has just been published at
‘Smash EDO’ and the Cyber-Spokesman.
13-06-2007 11:53
Protesting voicesPoliceman – ‘I believe that you are an organiser of this procession. I notify you that…
Protester – ‘I’d like to notify this officer that there are no organisers on this procession…
Anti-arms protest 2005
Day of Action Against Police Brutality
12-06-2007 21:22
A proposal to establish October 22nd as a day of action against police brutality, repression, and the criminalisation of youth, trade unionists, migrants, protesters, football supporters, Brian Haw, Critical Mass, Hunt saboteurs, drinkers, smokers, hoodies, drug users etc.Whats hot and not G82007 Heiligendamm
12-06-2007 19:46
From the streets, blockades and bars- the self- elected unrepresentative group of 8 that make up the whats hot team have this report.Burning of Margaret Hodge Effigy
12-06-2007 17:20

Public meeting to organise Gatwick Area No Border Camp
12-06-2007 09:18
Invitation for a public meeting to organise the Gatwick area No Border camp.mass eviction threat for ancient african tribe
12-06-2007 00:20
The Hadzabe, a hunter gather tribe in Tanzinia, Africa, are believed to be the second-oldest people on Earth - but of course that is not saving them from being threatened with eviction and extinction.Calling Activists involved in the struggle against sexual orientation oppression
11-06-2007 21:03
I'm launching a Swansea based campaign aimed at raising awareness of the plight of qweer/LGBT persons in Poland, Russian and Eastern Europe. I am calling on anyone who has been involved in the grass-roots struggle to speak at our launch invent in September.TV has to change
11-06-2007 18:04
The is a new video portal that wonts to over through the US government and save the planet for corporate corruption. They have a criminal history you can find there plan here:
Rushmoor lies on fortnightly waste collection
11-06-2007 17:18
Several thousand households in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor have been involuntary guinea pigs in a six-month trial of fortnightly waste collection. The trial will soon end. No one trusts the corrupt council to fairly evaluate the trial.Anti-Fascist Anti-Fundamentalist Counter Demonstration
11-06-2007 15:18
This Friday, 15th June, will see two factions take part indemonstrations outside Downing Street. The first is a call for Muslims around the UK to
demonstrate against attacks by the British State on the Muslim
community. The second calls for the British people to stand
up against the supposed Islamist threat walking our streets. We must unite in opposition to those who would try to divide us.
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Press Release: Liverpool Demonstrator Nearly Blinded by G8 Police
11-06-2007 14:51
A British demonstrator at the G8 summit was badly injured by German police water cannon on Thursday 7th June.REPORT ON THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN THE PHILIPPINES
10-06-2007 21:12

Climate Change & G8 Day of Action - Full Action Reports
10-06-2007 19:10