UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Diggers 350th birthday march and occupation VIDEO
12-12-2006 15:27
April the 3rd, 199911 min video chronicle of the march and occupation of St. George's Hill in Surrey on the 350th birthday of the Diggers occupation of the same area.
Dept of Health replies to camapign on New record system (Spine)
11-12-2006 22:07
Long letter to all those who sent in dissenting letters regarding the introducton of the centralised NHS Care Record System (starting in 2007) aka Spine.Solidarity with Harmondsworth detainees demo report
11-12-2006 21:51

How New Labour is creating slave labour
11-12-2006 16:57
Whatever the merits of Tony Blair's recent retrospective apology for Britain's leading role in the slave trade it would be less hypocritical if his government was not developing a modern system of slavery and the reintroduction of sweated labour through the reshaping of immigration controls.Emergency Vigil Outside Scottish Parliament Tues 12 Dec
11-12-2006 16:27

Events in Edinburgh to commemorate the disappeared, murdered, tortured and exiled from Chile
Emergency Vigil Outside Scottish Parliament at 5.15pm
Presente! Ahora Y Siempre!! at 9.30pm
Imagine Cabbies on 'Drive-Slow' at John Lennon Airport
11-12-2006 14:30
Liverpool cab drivers are taking part in a 'drive-slow' in Speke on Friday, in protest against £7 per day fees demanded by John Lennon Airport.Turkey, Istanbul: burning barricades and clashes on the streets
11-12-2006 01:12

Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
VIDEO - Defending Democracy (Sack Parliament 2006)
11-12-2006 01:05

200 Eritreans Protest outside the Eritrean Embassy in London.
10-12-2006 20:41
(London 08-12-04) Nearly two hundred Eritreans gathered together protesting the Human Rights abuse that continues unabated in Eritrea....Originaly posted (along with many photos) on

See also


On the Ground: San Cristobal, Chiapas - Dirty Water on a Death Bed
09-12-2006 23:12

Bring David Hicks home - thousands of people rally across Australia
09-12-2006 22:01

09-12-2006 18:28
EVERYTHING4EVERYONE50 lee street E8 (hackney)
SUNDAY 10 OF DECEMBER from 7 p.m.
Stencil Graffiti from San Cristobal de Las Casas
09-12-2006 17:28

Anarchist prisoners on hunger strike in Greece
09-12-2006 17:14
We publish two letters from anarchist prisoners from Greece.Please suport.
13th DECEMBER decision from the Botswana high courts- action now please
09-12-2006 13:27
we love tribal peoples, they have a place in our earth, so why are they being pushed out of existence and how can we gravitate to a free world for all of us....maintain your freedom of speech and give a call to the people who are questioning this answer, the answer that will have all the peoples a place and some choices for the future...Designer, Mask-Maker, Seamstress? (or just interested). We need you NOW.
09-12-2006 10:49
.Photos/Report - Eritrean embassy demo on human rights day 8/12/06
09-12-2006 00:54

Don't DIS- my Ability-Medical Cannabis
08-12-2006 20:54

Justice for Cleaners: Stop Press. Victory number 2, events cancelled.
08-12-2006 18:22
The Fast for Justice by cleaners planned for next week has been cancelled due to a premature victory. Sounds like a pretty good reason!