UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
G8 Great? Debt and the art of deception
09-06-2005 09:53
It's all getting a bit weird... the lines are bing blured and the goal posts unclear. The PR machine throwing white wash and confussion into the mix as the G8 summit approaches. With climate change and African poverty apparently the key issues on the official agenda and the great and the good of planet celebrity all pledging support, and even corporations getting in on the game, it's no wonder people are getting confused.New LSF Website!!
09-06-2005 09:25
The Liverpool Social Forum, Liverpool's grassroots network of activists, groups and concerned individuals fighting for local and global justice has launched a new website.Report of `Reclaim the Streets` demo at Holyrood on June 8th with 10 photos
09-06-2005 01:10

More problems for builder planning asbestos factory housing development?
09-06-2005 00:25
Rochdale Councillors vote unanimously against Countryside Properties and MMC Estates road closure:In their bid to build over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of the world’s largest asbestos textile factory, Countryside Properties and MMC Estates have just run into more problems:
Art Not Oil launches tonight (9.6.05) in London!
08-06-2005 22:58

Friendship Walk for the Middle East
08-06-2005 21:21

rampant at the rampART
08-06-2005 21:03
Here's your weekly reminder of what's coming up at rampART E115 RampART Street, London E1 (
Anti-G8 Trains Poster to Download and More Info
08-06-2005 18:29

Anti-G8 Event in Brighton: How the Cops See Crowds
08-06-2005 16:16
Anti-G8 Event. Please publicise widely>>>>EXECUTED ANDIZHAN
08-06-2005 15:38
"This is how we find the dead. We enter any mahallja and ask, "Where are your dead?" "Right here, round the corner," the locals say. Or "Next street", or "Over there."Make Poverty History campaigners form a human ring around Radcliffe Camera
08-06-2005 15:38

RTF III Party this Saturday 11 - History and Info
08-06-2005 14:54
Here's a personal account of the history or the Reclaim the Future parties in London, followed with info and the line up of this Saturday's RTF III5+ Rooms including live stages, bands, djs, chillout, bar, cafe, indymedia cinema, performance and vjs.
See you there! - Saturday June 11th 8pm -8am
Poland fails EU human rights obligations
08-06-2005 12:12
“In the name of the values of democratic Europe, we make an urgent appeal to you: See to it that the “Warszawa Parade for Equal Rights” can take place and that the basic rights of free opinion, speech and assembly won't be violated.”Protest Outside the US Embassy Monday 13th June: BUSH - GIVE UP THE TERRORISTS!
08-06-2005 03:03
"America has a message for the nations of the world: If you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable." George W. Bush, 21st November 2001Regional Stop-The-War News : THE G8 SPECIAL : June 2005 : (VIRTUAL Version)
07-06-2005 21:52
BRISTOL & REGIONAL ST0P-THE-WAR NEWS : June 2005[West Midlands, Wales & South West] Please send us your events.

Meet @ Berkeley Square (Top of Park St.) @ 1:30pm (See Section 2)

For events and news publicised between newsletters, please
keep an eye on our message board, and other links provided.

DOWNLOAD: A printer friendly version of this newsletter is available.
Please print copies & give / sell them to people who don't have email.

Regional Stop-The-War News : THE G8 SPECIAL : June 2005 : (PRINTER Version)
07-06-2005 21:48

Deceived Central-Eastern Europe
07-06-2005 19:53
The peoples of Central and Eeastern Europe have not received either what they expected from the system change or what they were promised. These dissapointments and the specificities of the region stimulated the initiators of the CEESF to organize a regional social forum. This article is about the brief history, the main goals and the programme of the Preparatory Assembly of the CEESF to be held in Budapest between 14 and 16 October 2005.Deceived Central-Eastern Europe
07-06-2005 19:49
The peoples of Central and Eeastern Europe have not received either what they expected from the system change or what they were promised. These dissapointments and the specificities of the region stimulated the initiators of the CEESF to organize a regional social forum. This article is about the brief history, the main goals and the programme of the Preparatory Assembly of the CEESF to be held in Budapest between 14 and 16 October 2005.BLACK SUN OVER GENOA
07-06-2005 17:26
Theatre Workshops latest production Black Sun over Genoa tells the human story behind the anti-G8 demonstrations Genoa 2001. Based on documentary accounts, the play portrays the hope, the passion, the dedication of the protestors in the face of overwhelming opposition, and the tragedy of a young man, Carlo, who made the ultimate sacrifice for his belief in a better world.Mobilizing against Education- and Social Cuts
07-06-2005 14:20
This struggle is imperative from the knowledge that the political measures of the neoliberal project are morally and economically false.. We can only resist this false policy together. Students must convince their fellow students that the interests of workers are their interests.