UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
UG#673 - The Language of The Vast Machine (The Ubiquitous Matrix Of Lies)
27-12-2013 03:57

Global Noise Demo: New Year’s Eve 2013/2014
25-12-2013 12:13

Tucker-v-The Guardian PRISM hoax
23-12-2013 20:38

UG#672 - Mainstream or Extreme? (7-7, Islamophobia & CCM as Establishment Tools)
21-12-2013 09:03

Philippines’ Foreign Debt Payments Dwarf Relief Aid After Typhoon Haiyan
20-12-2013 15:24
More than a month after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the country has paid approximately $900 million in debt repayments—more than twice as much as it’s received in pledged aid from countries around the world to support the recovery effort.MPS should move Scrap the 'Honours' replace them with peoples audit and approval
20-12-2013 08:10
This is the month when new names are added to the so-called honours list in Britain.But it is deeply biased in favour of known crooks who get honours or buy those through donations to Parties
Socialist International honours the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela
20-12-2013 05:59

Say No UK government taking money from the Poorest UK Children
19-12-2013 21:29
Parents on State Benefits shouldn't have to pay a percentage to the government from money meant for childrenCouncil tenants told to not have a merry christmas
19-12-2013 18:54

Join Barcelona In Ending Bloody Barbarism Of Bullfighting
18-12-2013 19:14

Pranksters attack Deutsche Bank with fake press releases
18-12-2013 16:22
We are delighted to learn that today two fake press releases were diffused in the news wire, spreading the rumour about a large accounting scandal, negatively impacting the course of the Deutsche Bank's share.Prank the pranksters! Play around with information in the age of immaterial capi
18-12-2013 15:45

Obstacles for contemporary social struggles, how they connect with the “immaterial” dimension of capitalism, and the need to overcome them.
Communication and hacking techniques: experiments to overcome the repression and new tools for social struggles.
Why these tactics can be useful in our fight against contemporary capitalism.
Proposals for basic experiments.
A question of the full extent of complicity in Child exploitation BY THE MEDIA
17-12-2013 19:11

Amsterdam - 100 refugees squat place
15-12-2013 02:18
After a camp and several previous squats (church / office / flat), the 'We Are Here' group has now squatted the office part of a derelict parking garage, deep in the south of Amsterdam...Far-right meeting in central London today.
14-12-2013 12:53
A meeting of the far-right and openly racist "Traditional Britain Group" is being advertised on Facebook to take place today in central London with the intention of establishing an anti-immigration, pro-repatriation reactionary "counter-establishment".NATO’s War on Syria Just Got Dirtier
11-12-2013 21:51
West scrambles to cover up Syria false flag revelations as Pulitzer Prize-winner & Syria’s Electronic Army expose all.The WTO pushes through bad deal; Developed countries and TNCs are the big winner
11-12-2013 10:38

My Misdemeanors for Mandela
10-12-2013 22:09

South Bank Centre, the Undercroft skate space, and restricted photography
09-12-2013 17:53

Kiev under tripple siege, 2014: reflections and observations for discussion
07-12-2013 19:49
This essay documents some of the latest cases of fascistic violence against voicing any social issue whatsoever at the current Kiev Euro-TV parading grounds. Who has decided to apply the Hungarian role model of fascistic capitalism to Ukraine before even annexing us? Was it you, your tax contribution? What are the Ukrainian oligarchs living next to you in the London city up to? How do we mount defense when triple siege becomes standard practice on crushing working class strongholds?