Say No UK government taking money from the Poorest UK Children
Sapa | 19.12.2013 21:29 | Social Struggles | London | World
Parents on State Benefits shouldn't have to pay a percentage to the government from money meant for children

I made this petition, please sign it
The government is going to subtract a percentage of all statutory child maintenance payments away from parents who rely on the collection and payment of the new Child Maintenance Service. By doing so the government will be punishing children of parents who are already so stressed that their relationships have broken down, even parents on low income and benefits will pay his percentage. There should be a structured collect and pay system so that the parents who are alone and the parents left with the children are able to rebuild their lives. Not all parents are able to adjust to privately arranged maintenance straight after they break up and the government is literally taking food from the mouths of the poorest children in the country.