UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Eviction Brixton
02-07-2013 13:27

We are 75 people living in six blocks of flats in central Brixton who are facing eviction from our homes on July 15th. We live in property that Lambeth Council has not maintained or looked after for the past thirty years. Lambeth council is pushing ahead with its plan to drive more of us out of Brixton, to develop private housing, only affordable for the ultra rich. Now we are being ripped out of our homes to make space for ‘corporate clients’ (see letter below). Foxton’s will charge people upwards of £2000/week to stay in our flats and/or they will sell them for half a million pounds.
Anarchists! Get Organised!
01-07-2013 22:55
We are facing an unprecedented period of attacks against the working class. The Conservative-Liberal coalition have unleashed the full force of austerity upon us in order to help tighten the grip capitalism holds on society. Public sector cuts, the bedroom tax, benefit cuts and so on are merely different faces of the ugly beast known as neoliberalism. Unless we directly challenge these attacks on our standard of living we can only expect further cuts - all at the expense of the working class.It is important that there is an specifically anarchist response to austerity for anarchism is a social and political movement with its roots in the struggles of the working class – those who are most effected by the cuts. We cannot allow the struggle against austerity to be left to authoritarian or state socialists or the liberal left (or worse the far-right and fascists); their response to the economic crisis is much of the same. Anarchism holds the only really answer for the emancipation of the working class from the exploitation of capitalism.
Bristol is unique in that it has a wealth of anarchist resources to pool from. Apart from a large anarchist movement made up of individuals we have a number of specifically anarchist organisations (Anarchist Federation, Solidarity Federation, IWW etc.) and even our own anarchist social centre – Kebele. Considering this we have a very small presence on the radical/revolutionary Left in Bristol despite being arguably one of the largest tendencies in the city. Our isolation is a product of our own creation and one that will lead to our eventual downfall.
Cardiff Shell petrol station rooftop occupation
29-06-2013 17:04

Fuck tha (Turkish) Police
28-06-2013 20:32

Support Scotmid tenants to reclaim their illegal fees!
28-06-2013 02:55

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 12
25-06-2013 10:27

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 11
25-06-2013 10:21

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 10
25-06-2013 10:16

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 9
25-06-2013 10:09

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 9
25-06-2013 10:02

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 8
25-06-2013 09:56

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 7
25-06-2013 09:51

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 6
25-06-2013 09:46

Gallery: greek anarchist posters - part 5
25-06-2013 09:38

Brazil, a crisis of representation
23-06-2013 12:04

A protest wave in Brazil embodies new ideas of political community that challenge the country's old social practices and centralised structures, says Arthur Ituassu.
The Story of the Regime
22-06-2013 13:59
Before the revolution there was famine, massacre and deathAvoidable suffering, forced austerity and the regime
And there were people who could not forget
That most of its lifetime
Humanity lived without these scourges
But other people could not remember
Because most of their lifetime
It did not occur to them.
[In Brazil] We are writing History!
22-06-2013 02:49

After spending the last few days in São Paulo, I return to Florianópolis with all my thoughts taken up by the subject that has monopolized conversations in the city: the demonstrations of the Free Pass Movement. I do not know exactly whether it was by choice or due to the necessities of life (perhaps a mix of the two) that I left São Paulo to live in the capital of Santa Catarina, but the truth is that despite more than 5½ years that have gone by, I have never broken the political and emotional ties that tie me to São Paulo, ties which are now stronger than ever because of the political situation the city is going through.
I hope the colder and more impersonal among you will forgive me, but I was never able to hide my emotions. The truth is that today I can no longer think without using my heart. Even the quotation up there must have sounded a bit "tacky". But I bet there are many more besides me who also feel the same emotion.
Technology out of control? Drones, Killer Robots and the Arms Trade
21-06-2013 13:17

When: 7pm July 8th 2014
Where: Fairly Square cafe, 51 Red lion St London WC1R 4PF
Brazil Is Kicking Off...BTW!
21-06-2013 11:36
It appears that the situation in Brazil has not yet attracted a proper mention on the news feed of IndyMedia, so I thought I had better bring it to peoples attention, in case for some reason, they had not heard that hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting in hundreds of towns and cities against corruption, the stupendous costs of the world cup next year and the olympics two years later.