UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
EDL + Innocence of Muslims film - Walthamstow Oct 27
18-09-2012 01:32

Letter From Sylvia Marcos To Zapatista Women
17-09-2012 17:40
Message from Dr. Sylvia Marcos for the Worldwide Echo in Support of theZapatistas: Freedom and Justice for San Marcos Avilés and Francisco Sántiz López
Police Violence at 15 Sept Lisbon, PT Demos
17-09-2012 12:01
about inadmissible police violence at the Lisbon 15 Sept anti-austerity demos.Criminal Barrister & UEL Student discuss Racism @love Music Hate Racism 2012
17-09-2012 10:52

BBC Investigates a Planning Decision of National Importance
17-09-2012 10:42
The 8th LAON Press release explains why the BBC's Counrtyfile Programme is investigation a Planning Decision which has national implications if it is not altered. The press release gives details of the campains that have been launched to both overturn the decision by means of a judicial review and how to sign a petition to prevent similar applications from succeeding. This decision, if upheld, means that the applications to opencast in other areas of England are more likely to succeed.Growing alarm over attacks on Zapatista communities
15-09-2012 20:18
** International NGOs call on authorities to stop the violence
** It is a war that escalates every day, says Gustavo Esteva
Attacks On Zapatista Communities of Comandante Abel and Unión Hidalgo.
15-09-2012 15:03
Paramilitary Attacks against Comandante Abel Zapatista Community Continue
15-09-2012 11:41
** The situation of the support bases is grave, denounces the Junta New Seed that is going to Produce
** Children, women and elderly “have fled to the woods” for fear of the bullets; there are four disappeared
Yaxley's Last Stand
14-09-2012 17:15

Chile: Anarchist demonstration against Pinochet (photos)
14-09-2012 12:08

Gustavo Esteva Sends Letter Supporting San Marcos Avilés
13-09-2012 18:24
“Worldwide Echo in Support of the Zapatistas:Freedom and Justice for
San Marcos Avilés and Francisco Sántiz López”

Recent Animal Liberation Front (ALF) actions in UK
12-09-2012 16:47
Open all cages, destroy all prisons, TOTAL LIBERATION!!! Below are recent communiques from ALF cells in the UK for actions of liberation of our furred and feathered kin.Teacher X: Why I'm striking, JCB
11-09-2012 23:17

Next london abc meeting
11-09-2012 18:47
next meeting of london abc is this thursday 13th of septemberSkegness Halal Demos, A Slippery Slope To The Right
10-09-2012 22:12

Stop the Road!
10-09-2012 21:27

29 – 30 September, Combe Haven Valley
From Uruguay: Letter of Solidarity From Raul Zibechi
10-09-2012 17:44
“Worldwide Echo in Support of the Zapatistas:
Freedom and Justice for San Marcos Avilés and
Francisco Sántiz López”

Cracks in the Pavement- Call out for Articles
10-09-2012 11:36
Cracks in the Pavement Issue 2 - A call out for submissions of articles and illustrations.*Deadline: November 9th 2012*
email:articlesubmissions *at*
Cracks in the Pavement is an anarchist journal with a mission to encourage critical reflection, undogmatic provocation and the uncovering of what is going on within our movement.
Right now we're on the hunt for articles for the next issue due out in all the wrong places in January 2013.
EDL EEjits Latest!
10-09-2012 11:09
After their stunning 'victory' at Walthamstow, the EDL are coming back for 'revenge!' And it's going to be another disaster!Seattle Solidarity Network meeting
10-09-2012 10:26
Public meeting with speakers from Seattle Solidarity Network