UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
06-10-2004 10:56
Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot withwater to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because
some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards.
With his first swallow of coffee, he takes his daily medication. His
medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought
to insure their safety and that they work as advertised...
Party Trafalgar Square - When Thatcher Dies!
05-10-2004 20:06
We all know it can't be long now - and when Margaret Thatcher dies its party time!Kent makes Anti-Gay Stance - Gay Activists fight back
05-10-2004 17:18

05-10-2004 16:05
Colombian trade-unionist and Indian Resource Centre worker coming to talk about the impact of Coca-Cola and other transnationals on their communities ...Lesbian activist murdered in Sierra Leone
05-10-2004 10:24

news from silicon valley xtra
03-10-2004 06:38
er, this is silicon valley newssuper fast and linux info
Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK) Call for the release of Kenneth Bigley
01-10-2004 17:16
In response to the recent video broadcast of Kenneth Bigley, who is still being held hostage two weeks after his kidnapping by the Al-Zarqawi organisation in Iraq, the Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK) is calling on Mr. Al-Zarqawi to release Mr. Bigley unharmed.East Oxford Action - still active
01-10-2004 12:40
East Oxford Action is moving forwardsSome upcomming meetings on venezuela and latin america
01-10-2004 12:00
Meetings on Venezuela and latin americaEducating who about what?
30-09-2004 22:01

Znet needs your help!
30-09-2004 00:38
We need to increase our revenues immediately to stave off growing costs that threaten our existence. Accomplishing that goal includes taking special steps such as posting this on our homepageBlair ready to talk with freedom fighters
30-09-2004 00:27

Hello: I think without a guess that their intentions are to have US and British forces out of Iraq. As if Blair didn't know! But that's a worry if you won't negotiate with "freedom fighters" isn't it?
Interested in the Countryside Alliance?
29-09-2004 10:26
For detail about the history of foxhunting, landownership and the Countryside Alliance after the riot in Parliament Square you should read the linked article below. Apart from "The Rich at Play" which is the definitive liberatarian/left book on these issues, this is the best information there is.Speakers from Federation of Cuban Women (FDM): Oxford host a meeting, 7 October.
29-09-2004 09:19

Building Bridges Radio - The Other Iraq and Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor?
29-09-2004 04:20
Building Bridges presents this 29 minute radio show. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOWCommunity activist Peter Sandy quits Rushmoor LibDems
28-09-2004 15:05
Peter Sandy, an Aldershot LibDem councillor, has resigned from the Rushmoor LibDem group. He found he could no longer stomach their hypocrisy and childish behaviour.War Resisters Come to Canada (video)
28-09-2004 00:23

Photos from Glasgow anti-war stall Wednesday September 22nd 2004
27-09-2004 22:03