UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Bend It Like Imperialism! The World Cup 1, African Liberation Nil
21-06-2010 19:59

Dallas Court attacked by migrant solidarity protestors
21-06-2010 15:12
Manchester and Salford’s immigration reporting centre for people seeking asylum was attacked in the early hours of this morning by protestors. A group broke into the car park at Dallas Court where they sabotaged the vehicles used by the UK Border Agency’s infamous ’snatch squads’.Edinburgh Budget Day Protest
20-06-2010 16:32
Rally 6pm at the Mound, Edinburgh
March to Charlotte Square
Urgent! EDL racists are at the London Metropole Hotel 225 Edgeware Rd W2
20-06-2010 10:12

URGENT call out. EDL are meeting at Marble Arch tomorrow [Sun 20th] at 8.30pm
19-06-2010 22:28

CAD 3193 Charity Sweet says that this court is corrupt.
19-06-2010 20:16
griffith williams lj - who are u?Demonstration to save Goldsmiths Nursery 9:30AM 21 June Deptford Town Hall SE14
19-06-2010 18:54

The role of "mental imagery": Giving a "human face" to racism, genocide and war
19-06-2010 11:48

For the corporate elites to continue practicing genocidal predation for power and profit in developing countries, it is necessary that the predation be cast in a false cover of humanitarian aid, democratic development, solidarity, progress, and the like, and that the most overtly murderous practices be cast as necessary in a fight against evil.
If sufficient care is not taken to secure this cover of mental imagery, then the bosses’ actions will appear more to be what they are, murderous and psychopathic, and the bosses’ children may not feel comfortable sitting on the bosses’ laps and the bosses’ partners may not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed…
Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET!
19-06-2010 02:04

there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased),
Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and
occasionally overseas), and 3 children, including
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate
Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists Liza
Maza (Gabriela Women's Party) and Satur Ocampo (Bayan Muna - People First).
Demonstrate Against Likely Closure of Refugee and Migrant Justice – Defend Legal
18-06-2010 08:52
Refugee and Migrant Justice is closing down. RMA is legal service for asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants in England and Wales.Our friends the "Tories" have cut funding, and now these good people (who have a branch in Whitechapel) are out of a job.
When my partner had some visa problems; Refugee and Migrant Justice were the only people people who would help us.
Audio interview from new squatted social centre in Koln Germany
18-06-2010 00:54

DAN Defend Welfare action in Manchester, 16th June 2010
17-06-2010 23:20

Brazil and Iran: Our motives and the bullying trio
17-06-2010 21:56

lets face the music and dance - call off the dogs please - i have a child
17-06-2010 21:11
will the good cops of the met please stand up and stop this silly bollocksShift Magazine No.9 Cochabamba: Beyond the Complex - Anarchist Pride
17-06-2010 17:15
Article from Shift magazine no.9, Also accessible at
Demonstration to Defend Refugee & Migrant Justice
17-06-2010 09:18
Cuts in public spending are affecting the poorest people right across our society. But these people did not cause the economic crisis and should not be made to pay for it.So called Human Rights.
17-06-2010 06:16
Human Rights are mere concessions allowed by governments.Anarchists invade supermarket in Thessaloniki
16-06-2010 16:18
On 14th of June, anarchists went into a supermarket, destroyed the security systems and took food and other products from inside and left without paying. They also took the money from the cash desk and burnt it outside the supermarket!photos from the burnt money and information in greek:

Now the Saville report is out, what about the Ballymurphy families?
16-06-2010 11:33
On Monday 9th of August 1971 Interment without Trial was introduced by the British Government in the North of Ireland.Swiss riot against police violence
16-06-2010 06:23
A POLICE station was damaged and two cops injured in an angry protests against police violence in Fribourg, Switzerland.