UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Peter Tierney on Trial – protest against fascist violence
28-05-2010 23:20
On Monday 14th June Peter Tierney, high-profile member and donor for the Merseyside BNP, faces trial at Liverpool Crown Court. He is accused of assaulting a trade unionist and anti-fascist protester on St George’s Day last year.Atos Origin Don’t Give a Toss for the Sick
28-05-2010 22:27
With Iain Duncan-Smith yesterday announcing the Tories plans to fuck the Welfare State we’ll be taking a closer look at exactly what that means.Thanks to the Zapatistas
28-05-2010 19:53
Originally published in Spanish in Mexican newspaper, La Jornada, this article considers what we, Mexico and the world owe the Zapatistas.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Protest at G4S AGM: Stop Detaining Children and Families Now!
28-05-2010 18:04

WILDCAT! Issue #1 out now!
27-05-2010 21:13

The role of fear in the neoliberal plan
26-05-2010 20:11
The neoliberal plan needs the people to be frightened in order to succeed. Starting from the current situation in Greece, this article is about the background of neoliberalism and its blows on societies. The article was written by S. Seferiades, professor of politics at the Panteion University and was published (in Greek) with minor modifications at the weekly newspaper "Epohi" on 9/05/10Epaminondas Korkoneas the be released from the prison !!
26-05-2010 14:09

Democracy Village youtube footage of Brian Hawe being arrested
26-05-2010 13:44
Youtube footage of Brian Hawe being arrested by police on 25 May during police search of Democracy Village camp.Announced inspection of Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre
26-05-2010 07:16

Anti War Democracy Village : Serving soldiers join protest in Parliament Square
26-05-2010 03:56

Iran Urges West to Accept Enrichment Deal
25-05-2010 17:32
"The deal is materially the same one the Obama Administration endorsed just a few months ago and was demanding that Iran agree to as recently as last month, but the US has condemned the deal, demanding Iran submit the offer formally for consideration by the IAEA, which they did today.But diplomats familiar with the situation say that the prospect of a deal is very unlikely, particularly as the Obama Administration moves forward with plans to sanction Iran which were nominally designed to punish them for not agreeing to the deal in the first place."
JB SPRAY Squat, Nottingham Under Threat of Eviction
25-05-2010 14:50

Save Courage Idiagbonya from deportation!
25-05-2010 13:47

Birmingham Indymedia public meeting
24-05-2010 15:03

Boot Monarchy
24-05-2010 12:57

Home Office ordered to release suppressed Drugs Classification Review from 2006
23-05-2010 23:52
In response to a Freedom of Information request process submitted by Casey Hardison, acting with the Drug Equality Alliance, on the 9th of March 2010 the Information Commissioner's Office ordered the Home Office to disclose a suppressed draft consultation paper with suggestions for a review of the drug classification system. The Home Office appealed against this decision and the outcome of this appeal is now pending. However on the 7th of May 2010 the Home Office released part of this consultation paper.Boost to the nuclear weapons industry under Obama: The new nuclear legislation
23-05-2010 20:50

Howard Lyman vs. the pig murder industry's latest Rupert Murdoch funded spokespe
23-05-2010 20:19
Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins subsidiary William Morrow chooses topromote the wife of a cattle rancher, a profiteer from the blood of innocents.
End Detention of Children and Families!
23-05-2010 14:50
Despite numerous reports and substantial amounts of evidence, the new coalition government has only committed to a 'review' of the detention of children and families for immigration purposes. This it is entirely inadequate and unnecessary. SOAS Detainee Support therefore invites you to Release Carnival, a demonstration on the 5th of June, where we will show the government that there is wide support to stop this abhorrent practice!