UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Residents contact the Camden New Journal in growing numbers over deadly lab
16-01-2010 22:16
There are plans to build a high level [3/4] bio hazard lab and animal testing facility on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town, Camden alongside St Pancras International. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from such a govt facility in Pirbright, Surrey devastating the countryside. Such a leak in central London next to the Channle Tunnel would be like something from the film Doomsday....Sheffield Claimants and Unemployed Workers Launch Meeting
16-01-2010 16:44
Sheffield Claimants and Unemployed Workers launch meeting - Thursday 28th January, 6pm, at the Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, just off Church Street and a few minutes' walk from the Cathedral, with speakers from the Disabled People's Direct Action Network and Hackney Unemployed Workers.Autonomous Struggles in Latin America - The Common Place, Leeds
16-01-2010 13:56
Join us for an evening of discussions on the global nature of horizontalidad (horizontality) and the construction of autonomous horizontal relationships - From Argentina to Cuba, the UK and beyond.Only the extinction of capitalism will ensure the survival of our species
15-01-2010 22:50
The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is already so high that the climate system has been brought out of balance. The CO2 concentration and global temperatures have increased more rapidly in the last 50 years than ever before on Earth, and will rise even faster in the coming decades. This adds to a multitude of other serious ecological imbalances, the impacts of which threaten the lives and livelihoods of the people of the world, most acutely, impoverished people and other vulnerable groups.The Coups d'État in Latin America and the Dangers Facing Venezuela
15-01-2010 22:43
"For its part, the CIA provided Special Operations Group personnel under the command of a lieutenant colonel assigned by the Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg, N.C. They had been in Venezuela since 2001 and belonged to the U.S. Special Operations Intelligence Support Activity. They reportedly made contact with high-ranking officers in the Venezuelan Armed Forces, including Gen. Lucas Rincón, Vice Minister of Security; Gen. Luis Camacho Kairuz; businessmen and labor union leaders from the Venezuelan Workers Federation, among others.“The coup was also supported by Special Operations psychological warfare (PSYOPs) personnel deployed from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. They put together Spanish-language television announcements, purportedly from Venezuelan political and business leaders and aired by Venezuelan television and radio stations, saying Chavez "provoked" the crisis by ordering his supporters to fire on peaceful protesters in Caracas. U.S. electronic warfare technicians also helped to jam cell phone and radio frequencies in Caracas and other major cities in co-operation with the Intelligence Battalion Brig. Gen. Andrés Ibarra of the Venezuelan Army's high command.”
The threat against Venezuela is certainly not a bizarre idea. It is up to all of us, as this year begins, to redouble our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the defense of their Revolution."
10,000 US Troops just arrived in Haiti... Are we sure their mission will be pruely a humanitarian one? Please spread widely. General Joe
Short-Life Housing - The End?
15-01-2010 15:03
Is Short-Life housing being targeted all over the UK / London, or just in Lambeth?Around the Campaigns Friday 15th January 2009
15-01-2010 08:42
ord Carey's comments on immigration promote racism, bishop warnsA Church of England bishop has warned that the former Archbishop of Canterbury's call for new limits on immigration would "play into the hands of racists". The Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, the Right Rev John Packer, is the latest Anglican cleric to criticise Lord Carey of Clifton after he said in an article in The Times that he feared the present levels of immigration threatened "the very ethos or the DNA of our nation". Lord Carey is a member of the crossparty parliamentary group on balanced migration, which last week urged the political parties to make a commitment to keeping Britain's population below 70 million.

Free Benefit Gig For Shelter - Rash Decision/51st State/Po-Lice - Taunton, 28/01
14-01-2010 20:53

System Xchange Social Centre
14-01-2010 19:07

Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again
14-01-2010 12:46

Workers' Fightback - Fire Service Cuts/Fujitsu Strikes/'Fair Work Australia'
14-01-2010 00:12

Witnesses Needed for Gaza Demos
13-01-2010 23:49
Were you at the Gaza Protests last year? Over 70 people are now facing serious charges and long prison sentences. This is the biggest trial since the anti Poll Tax campaign and the defendants should get our support!Racism at Liverpool Post Office
13-01-2010 20:39
The Privitisation/Franchising of Post Office Counters has given opportunity for bosses to Hire and Fire at will and has led to a racist policy by proxy.Towards an Unemployed Workers Union in Oxford
13-01-2010 13:56
This is a callout for people to take part in setting up an Unemployed Workers and Claimants Union in Oxford.Visteon workers fight on
13-01-2010 06:08

Scientology Targets Haiti for Slave Labor
13-01-2010 04:51

multimultimultinational bid to take over the earth centre ????
13-01-2010 00:32
As you may be aware a campaign has been running to revive the Earth Centre in Doncaster as a community space and environment skill centre. In the last few days it has come to our attention that a very curious collection of multinationals partner a company (RTTG) Rapid Technology Transfer Group that has along with DMBC have been privately making plans for the future of the site. They dont seem to have a website yet.....Pro-democracy nuclear physicist assassinated by bomb in Iran
12-01-2010 19:19

Westside Gathering, 16th & 17th January 2010
12-01-2010 19:04

Westside may have formed at Cimate Camp, but their activities are ot restricted that process, and last year, in fact, focussed elsewhere.
Around the Campaigns Tuesday 12th January 2009
12-01-2010 12:26
Lydia Besong Released From Yarl's WoodFresh claim for asylum to be considered by UKBA
Supporters of Lydia Besong, the writer and human rights activist threatened with deportation from the UK, have welcomed the UK Border Agency's decision to release her and to consider a fresh claim for asylum.