Scientology Targets Haiti for Slave Labor
Lilly von Marcab | 13.01.2010 04:51 | Analysis | Migration | Social Struggles | World
The Scientology cult tries to convince poor Haitians they can come to the USA as Scientology clergymen. The reality is that they will live as virtual slaves.
The Scientology organization has increasingly targeted poor countries such as Haiti in its recruitment efforts. Why would this money-hungry crime-cult be interested in one of the world's poorest countries? The answer: Because they want to bring Haitians in to the USA on "religious worker" visas to serve as unpaid laborers.
Quoting at length from Scientology-affiliated newspaper the Tampa Bay Informer:
Haiti, with its 75% unemployment rate, $15-$20.00 average income per week, 70% illiteracy, 10,000+ homeless in the capital and thousands of children living on the streets; is visibly a country less blessed than our own.
Taking matters into their own hands, three of Clearwater’s Scientology Volunteer Ministers, Cary Goulston, Mike Campbell and Brad Kugler—all who have businesses and families to care for—decided to reach outside their comfort zone and give relief to Haiti. After months of fundraising and preparation, they traveled to Haiti last month to deliver enough Kenaf seeds (a fast growing plant that is an ideal food and building source) to feed thousands of Haitians. Equally important are the educational tools the three provided to the people of Haiti. These tools were developed by L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) to further assist them in reversing their unprecedented rate of economic decline.
Cary Goulston was so inspired by the technology developed by Mr. Hubbard that he has been studying them intently over the last year. In his own words, he said, “I had to DO something. I had to get it out there. I had to disseminate. I have to help people. After discovering this technology, I got so super-charged, it was more difficult to go back to my ‘real life’ and what I had been doing before. Once you know what you learn from the L. Ron Hubbard books and tapes, there is no other choice than to bring it to the people and bring it large and loud.”
Originally from Boston, Cary Goulston is a hardcore Scientologist who has been in the cult since 1979. He serves the cult as a Field Staff Member (FSM), which means that he actually receives a commission - money - for every new person he brings in to begin indoctrination. On the Facebook social networking site, Goulston has created groups for the purpose of collecting money for recruitment trips to such countries as Burkina Faso, Ghana, Haiti, Morocco, and others. At the present time, Goulston's main efforts are focused on Haiti, which is only an hour's flight south of his Florida home. With his characteristic hyperbole, Goulston floods his Facebook "friends" with news about his Haiti activities. I will quote extensively from these insane and mendacious messages.
Thanks much. FANTASTIC EXPANSION IS HAPPENING. Thanks for being a part. I hope to have news for you daily. One big thing happening now is with Haiti. We are going back there with our Global Pioneers team to deliver seminars to over 1,500 people. We are going for 1,500 hours of auditing in one week and hopefully, that many starts. More incredible news. If you know anyone that can assist, I am trying to get help so we can leave in 1 1/2 weeks and this may be highlighted at a future Int Management Event.
727 488 7988
I would like to introduce and welcome an incredible Power House Pioneer and thetan, Mr. Claude Reginal Jean. He is a key member of Global Pioneers for Haiti. Reginald is the reason Haiti is such a success. Thanks to Reggie, and despite 80% of the country out of work, and no electricity most of the day, and no food, and many other barriers, through his work, and help, we have introduced over 5,000 people to Dianetics, gotten over 500 people started on Self Analysis and Dianetics Extension Courses and started over 40 new Co-audit groups since Nov. 2008. Reginald Jean is a true pioneer, and a very on purpose dedicated Scientologist. Please give a big round of applause to our friend and leader in Haiti.
Dear Friends,
We are going to Haiti to deliver seminars to 2,000. We need some help in terms of donations to cover our expenses since we are doing this completely volunteer and count on donations to make this happen.
We are going for a big big big expansion there. If you can help, please let me know. I surely can use it since we have to leave very soon.
Write to me at and I can send you more details.
My Haiti Dissemination Team (GLOBAL PIONEERS) is going to Haiti with a Film Crew to film our Haiti expansion to be shown at a future event.
We plan to deliver seminars to 2,000 in 4 cities in one week. This is a huge opportunity to take our success around the world to help clear the planet faster.
* 6,000 New People Introduced to Dianetics
* 500 plus Extension Course Starts & 50 completions
* 50 New Dianetics Co-audit groups started.
* 500 Children Introduced to Study Tech
* Radio Shows reaching 3 million people.
We need to go back to Haiti in 7 days. We will be giving a week of seminars on Dianetics and Self Analysis and we are lined up for getting 2,000 people for our seminars and in session. We need your help. We are volunteers and are doing all this with no funding. We have to create our own funding. The cost of our trip to Haiti will be around $5,000. to fly to our team to two cities, hotel, car rental, food for seminar attendees so they are sessionable, etc. This is an incredible incredible opportunity to help export our success in Haiti around the world.
We need donations to make this happen.
Can you please help us by donating to this cycle. Please call me or write.
727 488 7988
* A Commendation from Management
* A video of our trip to Haiti
* A photo album of our trip.
* Thousands salvaged
Much Love,
Cary Goulston
Global Pioneers
727 488 7988
727 447 8004
Goulston has also created a web site for the "Haiti Dianetics Center." The "educational tools" that Goulston and his pals are bringing to Haiti is a Scientology-based mode of instruction called "Study Technology," dreamed up by L. Ron Hubbard. In Study Technology, it is proposed that the barriers to learning are a "lack of mass," learning on "too steep a gradient," and the "misunderstood word." The result of a "lack of mass":
|||A student who encounters this barrier will tend to feel squashed, bent, sort of spinny, sort of dead, bored and exasperated. He can wind up with his face feeling squashed, with headaches, and with his stomach feeling funny.
Too steep a gradient:
|||When one hits too steep a gradient, a sort of confusion or reelingness is experienced.
The misunderstood word:
|||Going past a word or symbol for which one does not have a proper definition gives one a distinctly blank or washed-out feeling. The person will get a "not there" feeling and will begin to feel a nervous hysteria. These are manifestations distinct from either of the other two barriers.
Scientology's Study Technology is only used in Scientology schools by Scientologists. It doesn't work. I'm certain that I haven't felt "a nervous hysteria" when I've skipped over a word I didn't understand. Professor David Touretzky has done an an excellent critical analysis of "Study Tech." This bizarre "technology," along with Scientology's evil "bible" Dianetics, are all that Goulston and his friends are bringing to Haiti. That's it. Naturally, extremely poor people living desperate lives try to grab hold of anything that looks like it could help them.
Well, OK. What's the evidence that Goulston is anything more than an overly-enthusiastic but misguided do-gooder who merely wants to help these poor people? Longtime anti-Scientology activist Jeff Jacobsen has done excellent research on the Scientology organization's gaming of the "R-1 Religious Worker" visa for US immigration. Scientology has a cadre of "ministers" in a sort of paramilitary group called the "Sea Organization" or "Sea Org." Sea Org members sign a "billion-year contract" of service to Scientology, and for about $40 per week, barracks housing, and meagre meals, perform a range of duties. Female Sea Org members are coerced into having abortions; dissident or disaffected Sea Org members are often sent to Scientology's carceral re-education gulag, the "Rehabilitation Project Force" (RPF), where they may stay for a period of months or even years. Jacobsen's research is well worth examination. Here is the crux of the issue.
Why would a religious group need to bring in workers to the United States? Why would the U.S. set up a special visa for such workers? The Homeland Security office, in regards to religious workers visas, states that “The applicant is entering the United States solely to carry on the vocation of a minister of that denomination, or, at the request of the organization, the applicant is entering the United States to work in a religious vocation or occupation for the denomination or for an organization affiliated with the denomination, whether in a professional capacity or not.” .... The U.S. has recently been revising the rules for such visas to make them more strict in order to avoid fraud. Homeland Security states that in 2005 about one-third of all R-1 applications were fraudulent. .... The Church of Scientology wrote against making the rules tighter. Glen Stilo, secretary of Scientology's Flag Services organization in Clearwater, Florida, explained in a letter that he feared use of the visas will be restricted to strictly religious duties. “A small percentage of our religious order perform work at our retreat that may not be considered 'religious functions,' such as administrative work unique to the ministry section of our church, or upkeep of church property and grounds. However, all of these religious workers have taken lifelong vows, are performing functions in accordance with our scriptures and ecclesiastical orders, and are therefore working in accordance with their religious vocation regardless of the type of work they perform at CSFSO.” Yes, Scientology apparently needs to bring in foreigners to do menial labor. Stilo goes on to complain about many issues regarding the new rule proposals. One wonders why Scientology couldn't find laborers from its members who are citizens of the U.S. so they could avoid all the paperwork and hassle required to bring in overseas workers.
Jacobsen goes on extensively with examples and personal stories of Scientology's epidemic visa fraud, human trafficking, and human rights abuses in the guise of "religion." The stories are quite harrowing, highly-detailed, and very well-documented. Cary Goulston's plan to make Haitians into Scientology "ministers" and grunt-workers is frighteningly similar to Afro-Caribbean vodou traditions of zombies, the dead or apparently-dead persons who come to back to "life," but without speech or free will. They serve for years as laborers to the priests or sorcerers who have enchanted them.
Let's look again at that clip from the Tampa Bay Informer:
|After months of fundraising and preparation, they traveled to Haiti last month to deliver enough Kenaf seeds (a fast growing plant that is an ideal food and building source) to feed thousands of Haitians. Equally important are the educational tools the three provided to the people of Haiti. These tools were developed by L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) to further assist them in reversing their unprecedented rate of economic decline.
Kenaf, eh? That sounds delicious. What's kenaf?
|||||U.S. consumers are likely to find kenaf fiber in carpet backing and padding, a fiber mat in automobiles, roofing felt, fire logs, and cardboard. Copy machine paper made with kenaf and 30 percent post-consumer waste is also commercially available in the United States. In Japan, commercial products made from kenaf include hamburger wrappers, fast-food containers, and wallpaper. -- US Department of Agriculture |||||
|||||Traditionally cultivated for cordage uses in Africa and Asia, some kenaf is used by small pulp mills primarily in countries like China, India, and Thailand.... Since the 1960's, there has been increasing interest in kenaf as an annually renewable source of fiber for the manufacture of newsprint and other pulp and paper products in the United States and other countries. ... Meanwhile, kenaf fibers are presently entering the market in soil-less potting mixes, animal bedding, oil absorbents, grass and flower mats, decorative fibers, and insulation. ... Oklahoma research showed that kenaf leaf and petiole (non-stalk) portions of the plant were readily consumed by lambs... Where kenaf is grown in home gardens for fiber, the more tender upper leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten either raw or cooked. -- Purdue University, Department of Horticulture |||||
Well, it does appear that kenaf COULD be eaten, or at least "the more tender upper leaves and shoots" could be eaten. Nice of Cary and the boys to bring along a few pounds of kenaf seeds. "Hey guys, plant this new vegetable. You're going to love it." Meanwhile, dozens or hundreds of curious people attend Goulston's Dianetics session in hopes of finding some way out of their poverty and desperation, and some few are groomed into accepting the idea of coming to the USA to serve as "ministers." To people living minute-by-minute on the knife-edge of life and death, this might sound like an attractive offer. Please visit Jeff Jacobsen's site for comprehensive and exceptionally well-documented research on the Scientology organization's visa fraud and human trafficking activities. It is shocking that US federal authorities haven't yet cracked down on the cult, but if enough people bring these issues to their attention, perhaps they will do something.
More information:
Quoting at length from Scientology-affiliated newspaper the Tampa Bay Informer:
Haiti, with its 75% unemployment rate, $15-$20.00 average income per week, 70% illiteracy, 10,000+ homeless in the capital and thousands of children living on the streets; is visibly a country less blessed than our own.
Taking matters into their own hands, three of Clearwater’s Scientology Volunteer Ministers, Cary Goulston, Mike Campbell and Brad Kugler—all who have businesses and families to care for—decided to reach outside their comfort zone and give relief to Haiti. After months of fundraising and preparation, they traveled to Haiti last month to deliver enough Kenaf seeds (a fast growing plant that is an ideal food and building source) to feed thousands of Haitians. Equally important are the educational tools the three provided to the people of Haiti. These tools were developed by L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) to further assist them in reversing their unprecedented rate of economic decline.
Cary Goulston was so inspired by the technology developed by Mr. Hubbard that he has been studying them intently over the last year. In his own words, he said, “I had to DO something. I had to get it out there. I had to disseminate. I have to help people. After discovering this technology, I got so super-charged, it was more difficult to go back to my ‘real life’ and what I had been doing before. Once you know what you learn from the L. Ron Hubbard books and tapes, there is no other choice than to bring it to the people and bring it large and loud.”
Originally from Boston, Cary Goulston is a hardcore Scientologist who has been in the cult since 1979. He serves the cult as a Field Staff Member (FSM), which means that he actually receives a commission - money - for every new person he brings in to begin indoctrination. On the Facebook social networking site, Goulston has created groups for the purpose of collecting money for recruitment trips to such countries as Burkina Faso, Ghana, Haiti, Morocco, and others. At the present time, Goulston's main efforts are focused on Haiti, which is only an hour's flight south of his Florida home. With his characteristic hyperbole, Goulston floods his Facebook "friends" with news about his Haiti activities. I will quote extensively from these insane and mendacious messages.
Thanks much. FANTASTIC EXPANSION IS HAPPENING. Thanks for being a part. I hope to have news for you daily. One big thing happening now is with Haiti. We are going back there with our Global Pioneers team to deliver seminars to over 1,500 people. We are going for 1,500 hours of auditing in one week and hopefully, that many starts. More incredible news. If you know anyone that can assist, I am trying to get help so we can leave in 1 1/2 weeks and this may be highlighted at a future Int Management Event.
727 488 7988

I would like to introduce and welcome an incredible Power House Pioneer and thetan, Mr. Claude Reginal Jean. He is a key member of Global Pioneers for Haiti. Reginald is the reason Haiti is such a success. Thanks to Reggie, and despite 80% of the country out of work, and no electricity most of the day, and no food, and many other barriers, through his work, and help, we have introduced over 5,000 people to Dianetics, gotten over 500 people started on Self Analysis and Dianetics Extension Courses and started over 40 new Co-audit groups since Nov. 2008. Reginald Jean is a true pioneer, and a very on purpose dedicated Scientologist. Please give a big round of applause to our friend and leader in Haiti.
Dear Friends,
We are going to Haiti to deliver seminars to 2,000. We need some help in terms of donations to cover our expenses since we are doing this completely volunteer and count on donations to make this happen.
We are going for a big big big expansion there. If you can help, please let me know. I surely can use it since we have to leave very soon.
Write to me at

My Haiti Dissemination Team (GLOBAL PIONEERS) is going to Haiti with a Film Crew to film our Haiti expansion to be shown at a future event.
We plan to deliver seminars to 2,000 in 4 cities in one week. This is a huge opportunity to take our success around the world to help clear the planet faster.
* 6,000 New People Introduced to Dianetics
* 500 plus Extension Course Starts & 50 completions
* 50 New Dianetics Co-audit groups started.
* 500 Children Introduced to Study Tech
* Radio Shows reaching 3 million people.
We need to go back to Haiti in 7 days. We will be giving a week of seminars on Dianetics and Self Analysis and we are lined up for getting 2,000 people for our seminars and in session. We need your help. We are volunteers and are doing all this with no funding. We have to create our own funding. The cost of our trip to Haiti will be around $5,000. to fly to our team to two cities, hotel, car rental, food for seminar attendees so they are sessionable, etc. This is an incredible incredible opportunity to help export our success in Haiti around the world.
We need donations to make this happen.
Can you please help us by donating to this cycle. Please call me or write.
727 488 7988

* A Commendation from Management
* A video of our trip to Haiti
* A photo album of our trip.
* Thousands salvaged
Much Love,
Cary Goulston
Global Pioneers
727 488 7988
727 447 8004

Goulston has also created a web site for the "Haiti Dianetics Center." The "educational tools" that Goulston and his pals are bringing to Haiti is a Scientology-based mode of instruction called "Study Technology," dreamed up by L. Ron Hubbard. In Study Technology, it is proposed that the barriers to learning are a "lack of mass," learning on "too steep a gradient," and the "misunderstood word." The result of a "lack of mass":
|||A student who encounters this barrier will tend to feel squashed, bent, sort of spinny, sort of dead, bored and exasperated. He can wind up with his face feeling squashed, with headaches, and with his stomach feeling funny.
Too steep a gradient:
|||When one hits too steep a gradient, a sort of confusion or reelingness is experienced.
The misunderstood word:
|||Going past a word or symbol for which one does not have a proper definition gives one a distinctly blank or washed-out feeling. The person will get a "not there" feeling and will begin to feel a nervous hysteria. These are manifestations distinct from either of the other two barriers.
Scientology's Study Technology is only used in Scientology schools by Scientologists. It doesn't work. I'm certain that I haven't felt "a nervous hysteria" when I've skipped over a word I didn't understand. Professor David Touretzky has done an an excellent critical analysis of "Study Tech." This bizarre "technology," along with Scientology's evil "bible" Dianetics, are all that Goulston and his friends are bringing to Haiti. That's it. Naturally, extremely poor people living desperate lives try to grab hold of anything that looks like it could help them.
Well, OK. What's the evidence that Goulston is anything more than an overly-enthusiastic but misguided do-gooder who merely wants to help these poor people? Longtime anti-Scientology activist Jeff Jacobsen has done excellent research on the Scientology organization's gaming of the "R-1 Religious Worker" visa for US immigration. Scientology has a cadre of "ministers" in a sort of paramilitary group called the "Sea Organization" or "Sea Org." Sea Org members sign a "billion-year contract" of service to Scientology, and for about $40 per week, barracks housing, and meagre meals, perform a range of duties. Female Sea Org members are coerced into having abortions; dissident or disaffected Sea Org members are often sent to Scientology's carceral re-education gulag, the "Rehabilitation Project Force" (RPF), where they may stay for a period of months or even years. Jacobsen's research is well worth examination. Here is the crux of the issue.
Why would a religious group need to bring in workers to the United States? Why would the U.S. set up a special visa for such workers? The Homeland Security office, in regards to religious workers visas, states that “The applicant is entering the United States solely to carry on the vocation of a minister of that denomination, or, at the request of the organization, the applicant is entering the United States to work in a religious vocation or occupation for the denomination or for an organization affiliated with the denomination, whether in a professional capacity or not.” .... The U.S. has recently been revising the rules for such visas to make them more strict in order to avoid fraud. Homeland Security states that in 2005 about one-third of all R-1 applications were fraudulent. .... The Church of Scientology wrote against making the rules tighter. Glen Stilo, secretary of Scientology's Flag Services organization in Clearwater, Florida, explained in a letter that he feared use of the visas will be restricted to strictly religious duties. “A small percentage of our religious order perform work at our retreat that may not be considered 'religious functions,' such as administrative work unique to the ministry section of our church, or upkeep of church property and grounds. However, all of these religious workers have taken lifelong vows, are performing functions in accordance with our scriptures and ecclesiastical orders, and are therefore working in accordance with their religious vocation regardless of the type of work they perform at CSFSO.” Yes, Scientology apparently needs to bring in foreigners to do menial labor. Stilo goes on to complain about many issues regarding the new rule proposals. One wonders why Scientology couldn't find laborers from its members who are citizens of the U.S. so they could avoid all the paperwork and hassle required to bring in overseas workers.
Jacobsen goes on extensively with examples and personal stories of Scientology's epidemic visa fraud, human trafficking, and human rights abuses in the guise of "religion." The stories are quite harrowing, highly-detailed, and very well-documented. Cary Goulston's plan to make Haitians into Scientology "ministers" and grunt-workers is frighteningly similar to Afro-Caribbean vodou traditions of zombies, the dead or apparently-dead persons who come to back to "life," but without speech or free will. They serve for years as laborers to the priests or sorcerers who have enchanted them.
Let's look again at that clip from the Tampa Bay Informer:
|After months of fundraising and preparation, they traveled to Haiti last month to deliver enough Kenaf seeds (a fast growing plant that is an ideal food and building source) to feed thousands of Haitians. Equally important are the educational tools the three provided to the people of Haiti. These tools were developed by L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) to further assist them in reversing their unprecedented rate of economic decline.
Kenaf, eh? That sounds delicious. What's kenaf?
|||||U.S. consumers are likely to find kenaf fiber in carpet backing and padding, a fiber mat in automobiles, roofing felt, fire logs, and cardboard. Copy machine paper made with kenaf and 30 percent post-consumer waste is also commercially available in the United States. In Japan, commercial products made from kenaf include hamburger wrappers, fast-food containers, and wallpaper. -- US Department of Agriculture |||||
|||||Traditionally cultivated for cordage uses in Africa and Asia, some kenaf is used by small pulp mills primarily in countries like China, India, and Thailand.... Since the 1960's, there has been increasing interest in kenaf as an annually renewable source of fiber for the manufacture of newsprint and other pulp and paper products in the United States and other countries. ... Meanwhile, kenaf fibers are presently entering the market in soil-less potting mixes, animal bedding, oil absorbents, grass and flower mats, decorative fibers, and insulation. ... Oklahoma research showed that kenaf leaf and petiole (non-stalk) portions of the plant were readily consumed by lambs... Where kenaf is grown in home gardens for fiber, the more tender upper leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten either raw or cooked. -- Purdue University, Department of Horticulture |||||
Well, it does appear that kenaf COULD be eaten, or at least "the more tender upper leaves and shoots" could be eaten. Nice of Cary and the boys to bring along a few pounds of kenaf seeds. "Hey guys, plant this new vegetable. You're going to love it." Meanwhile, dozens or hundreds of curious people attend Goulston's Dianetics session in hopes of finding some way out of their poverty and desperation, and some few are groomed into accepting the idea of coming to the USA to serve as "ministers." To people living minute-by-minute on the knife-edge of life and death, this might sound like an attractive offer. Please visit Jeff Jacobsen's site for comprehensive and exceptionally well-documented research on the Scientology organization's visa fraud and human trafficking activities. It is shocking that US federal authorities haven't yet cracked down on the cult, but if enough people bring these issues to their attention, perhaps they will do something.
More information:




Lilly von Marcab