UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
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1 dead at anti-IMF protests in Istanbul
06-10-2009 22:11
Police repression in Istanbul, Turkey, today has led to the death of one man, and the detention of 100's of protesters, at anti-IMF/world bank protests.Sonic Rock Against Racism Gig Redhouse Sheffield Nov 1st 2009
06-10-2009 18:30

Demonstrate in Manchester against the racist hooligans of the EDL
06-10-2009 14:58
Sat October 10th, 12 noon, Piccadilly GardensTimetable : A Gathering Against the Prison Society
06-10-2009 13:16
31st Oct/1st Nov 2009 - Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, UK2 Days of discussions & presentations about the struggle for liberation, inside and outside of the prison walls. Organised by random anarchists and the Anarchist Black Cross.
Shut down Pagani! Azadi*! An evaluation of the no border camp in Lesvos
06-10-2009 06:37
Never before have we experienced a noborder camp on the outer borders of the EU at which political protests and social struggles for the freedom of movement were as intertwined as they were in Lesvos. International press coverage about the detention centre at Pagani was considerable and we return with many new impulses for transnational networking. Even if meetings were characterised by strong disagreements, our evaluation of Lesvos is overwhelmingly positive.(1)Workers' Fightback: Postal battlelines drawn, new workers' council in Sri Lanka
05-10-2009 21:17
We support... rank and file workers' struggles against the chaotic profit system!We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
Conservatives Cuts Plan In Chaos As Brighton And Hove Opposition Parties Agree To Support the Workers
05-10-2009 19:26
The Conservative controlled administration in Brighton is today under threat as opposition councillors in the Labour, Green and Liberal Democrat Groups have stated that they do not support cuts to the wages of council workers.The Anglo-US Drive into Eurasia and the Demonization of Russia
05-10-2009 19:23
"In reality, the Cold War did not start because of Soviet aggression, but because of a long-standing historic impulse by Anglo-American elites to encircle and control Eurasia. The Soviet Union honoured its agreement with Britain and the U.S. not to intervene in Greece, which even came at the expense of Yugoslav-Soviet relations as Marshal Tito broke with Stalin over the issue. This, however, did not stop the U.S. and Britain from falsely accusing the Soviets of supporting the Greek Communists and declaring war on the Soviets through the Truman Doctrine. This move was a part of the Anglo-American bid to encircle the Soviet Union and to control Eurasia. Today this policy, which existed before the First World War and helped spark the Second World War, has not changed and Anglo-American elites, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, still talk about partitioning Russia, the successor state of the Soviet Union."two leading cannabis campaigners arrested
05-10-2009 18:49
Marc Emery and Dana Beal are now two more victims of the drug war they have campaigned so hard to end.The Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab will test on amphibians and rodents.
05-10-2009 17:21

On abduction, and torture of the Filipino-American Melissa Roxas
05-10-2009 11:22

Does A4e recommend ending Incapacity Benefits?
05-10-2009 07:40
A4e are among the private companies that Cameron and Brown have employed to come up with the conclusion that a billion pounds worth of cuts can be made by shifting the disabled onto job seekers. This will be hailed as a brand new policy at the Tory Conference.Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism: a Love Story"
05-10-2009 06:44
Has anyone seen Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism: A Love Story" yet?Man arrested for using Twitter to direct protesters during G20 summit
05-10-2009 00:51
A New York-based anarchist has been arrested by the FBI and charged with hindering prosecution after he allegedly used the social networking site Twitter to help protesters at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh evade the police. Elliot Madison, 41, from Queens, had his home raided and was put on $30,000 (£19,000) bail after he and Michael Wallschlaeger, 46, were tracked to the Carefree Inn motel in Pittsburgh during the summit on 24 and 25 September.Honduras: Cracks in the ranks of the coup-makers
04-10-2009 22:12

“Still Not Loving Police - Still Not Loving Tories”
04-10-2009 20:31

With banners, placards and speech bubbles, the group from Manchester No Borders said: Still Not Loving Police, Still Not Loving Tories - as they returned to the place where they had previously embarrassed council leader Richard Leese with a mountain of jumpers: see

A large police presence wa nearby with some ten vans and 8 horses in Albert Square. Evidence gatherers also showed up for a while.
Anarchists of South Africa are Queer and Proud
04-10-2009 02:22

Direct Action; Spain, Italy & Ireland
03-10-2009 16:02
30th September - 3rd OctoberRESCUE OF EIGHT LAMBS (Spain)
Honduras' freedom of speech under attack! (by Latuff)
03-10-2009 10:33

Mainshill Solidarity Camp needs you! Clear-felling and drilling ongoing
02-10-2009 23:11