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1 dead at anti-IMF protests in Istanbul

abc'er | 06.10.2009 22:11 | Repression | Social Struggles

Police repression in Istanbul, Turkey, today has led to the death of one man, and the detention of 100's of protesters, at anti-IMF/world bank protests.

Reports picked up from Spanish independent media sources indicate the death of a 55 year old man during protests in Istanbul today.

If your Spanish is good see here:

or in Turkish here:

My Spanish is crap, but it appears the man suffered a cardiac arrest, and subsequently died, after riot cops shot liberal amounts of various crowd control gasses in central Istanbul. Combat between around 4000 protesters and riot cops looked pretty heavy too, with over 100 arrested. ITN reported on protests earlier today, dunno if they've since covered the death?

Of course, the police actions may have been caught on CCTV, but if so then like the cops whose actions killed Ian Tomlinson...they'll have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Solidarity and vengeance against all killer cops.



Photos and Videos

06.10.2009 22:50

Demonstators against the IMF
Demonstators against the IMF

Tear gas rains down on demo
Tear gas rains down on demo

Fighting back
Fighting back

Fighting back some more with slingshots
Fighting back some more with slingshots

More gas
More gas

Erecting barricades against the cops
Erecting barricades against the cops

Trashing a bank or two
Trashing a bank or two

Video of cops firing gas into crowd, some water cannon action, people fighting back and then buring some dumpsters:

CNN reporter overwhelmed by tear gas:

Photo Gallery:

