UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
2nd Landslide Win Against Biofuel Power At Newport, South Wales
13-09-2009 08:52

The Treatment of The Unemployed as Criminals is Criminal
13-09-2009 05:25
There is a spectre haunting Europe. It is the spectre of unemployment. In consequence of incompetence at the highest levels of Banking, there are millions without an employer. It is a terrifying prospect for both governments and businesses. Yet they have no fear. They have a plan: criminalise the Unemployed.Open rescue of 13 hens, Czech Republic
12-09-2009 17:53

"13 hens rescued from meaningless suffering and meaningless death. They were moved to a new, safe home, where they will live in grass and sun, will be able to stretch their wings and run and the weaker will be able to escape the stronger."
The drumbeat of fear mongering propaganda continues: What are State and the Pen
12-09-2009 15:36
"He and Jorge Noguera met with Venezuelan military personal. I don't know if these meetings took place here in Colombia or in Venezuela, but I know they took place," Garcia revealed.In response to the question; do you think the plot you are talking about was initiated by Jorge Noguera and the minister Londoño? Garcia responded, "No, I don't think it was. They were sought after, above all Londoño, was sought after by Venezuelan opposition sectors."
"Over there [in Venezuela] there was an opposition alliance; I think it was called the Democratic Bloc, that had made alliances with factions of the [AUC] in order to conspire against the government of President Chavez."
Anti-Islamists kicked out of Harrow today rather forcefully
11-09-2009 20:23
Riot police were struggling to contain protests by anti-fascist demonstrators and rightwing organisations outside a mosque in north-west London tonight. Officers were hit by bricks and bottles as they tried to keep about 1,000 rival demonstrators apart outside the partially completed mosque near the tube station in Harrow.Declaration of the Africa People's Movement on Climate Change
11-09-2009 14:23
Confronting the climate crisis: Preparing for Copenhagen and beyondNairobi, Kenya, August 30, 2009 -- We, the leaders of various people's movements, community-based groups, academia, NGOs and civil cociety organisations, met in Nairobi under the banner of the People's Movement on Climate Change (PMCC) to discuss strategies to confront the climate change crisis for Copenhagen and beyond from August 27 to 28 , 2009.
Solidarity with Train Drivers
11-09-2009 13:52
Support the ASLEF train drivers striking for fair conditions and respect.We’ve become our own predators….
11-09-2009 02:03
In People of the Lie, M. Scott Peck wrote a compelling argument that narcissistic people, who lack the capacity to empathize and are pathologically self-centered, are evil. What could be more narcissistic than a species of beings that believes that the planet on which they reside and the fellow creatures with whom they share that planet exist for them to use and abuse as they see fit?Candle lit vigil for Oxford Six
10-09-2009 19:15

Direct Action; USA, Mexico & UK
10-09-2009 16:50
Climate Rush: Celebration of Community Resistance
10-09-2009 11:51

Bristol Co-Mutiny Film Program
10-09-2009 09:11

Each night starts around 8pm at the Convergence Space.
Support Striking Enterprise Liverpool Workers
09-09-2009 20:24
Six hundred refuse collectors, street cleaners, recycling and highways staff employed by Liverpool City Council are on strike to protect wages and conditions. A series of rolling strikes, overtime bans and a work to rule have not been enough to stop the council using strike-breaking scabs.Disarm DSEi 2009 timeline
09-09-2009 16:44
For video and photos visit
On September 8th 2009, protesters gathered in the City of London to demonstrate against the DSEi arms fair taking place in the Excel Centre in East London. Last Hours was using mobile updates to document the event.
Contact Eldelman Managment (STOP KINGSNORTH)
09-09-2009 16:10
Edelmen UK are trying to get public support for E-On's new coal powered poer station at Kingsnorth. They are also manipulatig the media (not that they would have to try too hard!) to try and get positive articles in the press relating to the proposed new power station.Remember Its not built yet and it never will be if we stand up in defence of the earth! Contact them and ask the to stop helping E-On!
Contact Scott Wilson - Stop Kingsnorth!
09-09-2009 15:49
E-on are paying Scott Wilson to help push their plans for kingsnorth and to try and make E-on look a better company. To build something like a new powerstation a company has to carry out lots of research and it would appear that they have been using scott wilson to do this. If they can't carry out all the assesments they can't build Kingsnorth.There is no way that scott wilson have the intrest of the enviroment or locals at heart, all they care about is the money they are being paid by kingsnorth.
Contact them and ask them to stop helping towards the planning and construction of Kingsnorth!
Drax 29
09-09-2009 14:29

Locations For Targets (Kingsnorth Campaign)
09-09-2009 14:20
There are 5 companies after the contract for Kingsnorth. However if they get enough hassle for chasing the contract then they won’t bother anymore, it also a great way to show them what they are in for if they do get the contract. We must be relentless in our campaign as we are fighting for all life current and future.Please download for the attatchment for a better formated version of this article.
12/9/09: Bringing radical alternatives into Bristol city centre
09-09-2009 12:53

...radicals, strugglers, freethinkers, anarchists, workers, fighters, unemployed, dreamers, peace-lovers and planet-savers. Come along and join in the fun!
The Bristol anarchist bookfair 2009 sweeps into the city centre on 12 September. Bringing together local and national groups, networks, individuals and distros, the bookfair provides absolutely anything you have ever wanted to know about anarchism, and much more. It is also, this year, the opening event for the Bristol CoMutiny Convergence – details at

London Demo for arrested Belgrade Anarchists, Friday 11th
09-09-2009 10:42