UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Help Sarwar Gareb get out of Campsfield IRC and stay in the UK
27-01-2009 15:21

Sarwar came to the UK from Kurdistan/Iraq on 10th September 2000 to escape persecution by the nationalist Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party (PUK) and Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Working as a journalist and activist he consistently fought for the rights of children, women and workers which led to his imprisonment and torture by the two parties.
His application was refused on the 18th January 2001, subsequent appeals, reconsideration were also refused, though no attempt was made to remove Sarwar from the UK, until now.
Bristol - Greece solidarity info & events
27-01-2009 11:53

NCADC News Service Tuesday 27th January 2009
27-01-2009 09:24

Rumours of a charter flight within the next fortnight, removing UK Somali's to Mogadishu are circulating. At least one Somali in detention has been told that the UKBA 'Removals Faciliation Team' have sent a letter to his solicitor, saying he will be removed within the next two weeks by charter flight to Mogadishu via Nairobi.
If you know of any Somali's with set removal directions, they should make a Rule 39 application to ECHR, as all Somali case with the ECHR are on hold and interim relief is being given to those Somali's, with removal directions, who apply to the court.
Making an application to the European Court of Human Rights

Letter from Jeff Luers - Taking Power
26-01-2009 22:09
Dear Friends,Below is a new article written by Jeff, focusing on the need for alternative
energy in our communities. Please take a moment to read it and forward or share
with others.
In addition, we want to wish everyone a Happy 2009! Less than one year from
now, Jeff will be free again. In the meantime, we've got lots of work to do
making sure that Jeff's transition is as easy as possible. Please continue your
letters of support to Jeff, and donations to Jeff's education and release fund
are constantly needed and greatly appreciated.
Thank you again for all your support and solidarity.
-Friends of Jeffrey Free Luers
Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist
26-01-2009 18:46

Posters for March 14th Working Class Bookfair 25th Aniversary of Miners strike
26-01-2009 16:51

London Demo for a Secular Europe! No Vatican!
26-01-2009 14:53
14 FEB MEET @ 2 PM outside the Natural History MusemMarch to the Italian Embassy in Grosvenor Square
This demo will be in solidarity with the demonstration happening at the same time in Rome against the Vatican and its intervention in Italian, European and world-wide politics.
Around the Campaigns Monday 26th January 2009
26-01-2009 12:38
Constant Moussavou, Still Here, Campaign fights on"Constant said that a High Court injunction against the deportation order has been successful but he will still continue to be detained. It appears that the earlier legal ruling to disregard the new evidence and to not await the authentication of the documents (due to be received on Mon 26th Jan 09) provided on Constant’s behalf has been reversed.
He’d like to thank everybody for their support and expressed the need for your continued help and support in ensuring he’s able to resume his life and work in Leicester."
A special thank you also to Sir Peter Soulsby (MP), NCADC/supporters and to Canon Barry Naylor and colleagues for their continued support and interventions on Constant’s behalf.
Priya Thamotheram for the campaign /

Background: Sanctuary for Constant Moussavou

Support The EDO Decommisioners
26-01-2009 12:31
Campaigners Decommision In The Attempt To Stop Supply Of Weapon Systems To War Criminals IsraelNames and Photos of Israeli War Criminals in Gaza
26-01-2009 11:50
I have decided to publish some names and photos of the Israeli military personnel who participated in the so-called "Operation Cast Lead". I consider each person who took part in this IOF and each one whose name appears in this report as a war criminal who should be requested by an international court of justice.We Are An Image From The Future -We won't pay for their crisis!-
26-01-2009 11:24
An afternoon of talks, discussions and ideas, with speakers from Greece, Italy and Iceland.Saturday 28 February - The Common Place
3.30pm–7pm - followed by Greek food and a benefit gig
Second attempt to remove Elsa and Bethlehem
26-01-2009 08:54

Elsa Temesgen Imbaye and her 11 year old daughter, Bethlehem are currently detained in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre and due to be forcibly removed from the UK tomorrow Tuesday, 27th January 2009 on BMI flight BD913 from Heathrow @ 14:15 to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
They were dawn raided for the second time, in the early hours of Friday 23rd January 2009
As you probably know, a previous attempt to deport them to Ethiopia in October last year failed and Elsa and Betty were able to return to Leeds.
Elsa arrived in the UK with her daughter in December 2004 and has been living in Leeds ever since.
Maoist Leadership in Nepal Bans Strikes
26-01-2009 01:19

Manchester's MPs Must Oppose Government Data-Sharing Powers
25-01-2009 23:43

These would allow Government ministers to take any private information about Manchester's residents, collected by any organisation for any purpose, and share it with anybody of their choosing, with no debate in Parliament. For example, the Minister for Health could access Tesco's club card database and see who's buying more wine than average.
BAD NEWS: The story we are not being told
25-01-2009 20:16

These nights are for Alexis; a closer look into the december uprising in Greece
25-01-2009 16:28

UK SHAC 7 Heather Nicholson Speaks Out
25-01-2009 15:16

Below are her words from exclusively speaking to Wales on Sunday:
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
2nd Rolling picket of companies supporting Israel in Newcastle
25-01-2009 14:02
On Saturday 24th January 2009 Newcastle saw its first march in solidarity with Palestine after the recent siege on Gaza. This was followed by a rolling picket of companies that support Israel. Around 500-700 attended the march from the Civic Centre to Grey’s Monument for a rally. The march was organised by Tyneside Palestine Solidarity Campaign and supported by Northern TUC, local Unison branches, Tyneside Stop the War Coalition, Tyneside Community Action for Refugees, FRFI / Revolutionary Communist Group, Socialist Workers Party, the Socialist Party, local mosques and many individuals.Maoist Leadership in Nepal Bans Strikes
25-01-2009 11:33

Since the Maoists emerged in the April 2008 Nepal elections as the largest party (though without an absolute majority) to lead the new coalition government, they have failed to heal existing divisions - in their own party, within the parliamentary political system and its ruling class - or within the intermingled social, caste and ethnic tensions across the wider society. In fact, all these divides have widened. And since November a strike wave has spread across the country.
Coroners and Justice Bill - Urgent Action Required
25-01-2009 02:48

This is one of the most serious threats to our liberty and privacy we've yet seen. Please read this message from Phil Booth (NO2ID national co-ordinator) carefully, and act now.