UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
India Police Chief Challenged on Human Rights Record at International Conference
13-10-2008 20:12

lAwful - Revolt of Peasants UK - London 1.11.08
13-10-2008 19:58

We will not allow our communites to suffer due to poor and unsustainable paliamentary practices!
Rotten Borough of Rushmoor loses 2 million
13-10-2008 16:41
The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has lost 2 million of local taxpayers' money in the Icelandic banking crash.More pics of Merseyside Police Versus Free Expression
13-10-2008 14:01

Parliament Square Peace Campaigner, Mrs Barbara Tucker threatened again!
13-10-2008 12:09
City of Westminster Magistrates' Court (CoWMC) continued it's long-term harassment of Parliament Square Peace Campaigner, Mrs Barbara Tucker, this morning trying to illegally enforce SOCPA fines knowing that the cases against her were under appeal.Return to Resistance
13-10-2008 11:18
What has become of prison revolts in the British prison system? Where now are the open expressions of collective anger and solidarity that fueled the uprisings and jail riots of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s and created the iconic images of Hull 1976 and Strangeways 1990? What happened to the spirit of revolt that used to periodically shake the British long-term prison system and engender a philosophy of prisoner empowerment and solidarity, a philosophy that situated the struggle of prisoners at the very forefront of the universal struggle for human rights and even social revolution?Around the Campaigns Monday 13th October 2008
13-10-2008 05:08
Mustafa Abdulrahim MustafaOnline campaign to prevent the removal of Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, Sudanese cameraman, from the UK

Background: Mustafa Belongs to Nottingham

Palestine 60 years of Resistance
13-10-2008 00:17

United States Claims Bankrupcy!
12-10-2008 22:54
Economic Fascism and The United StatesFascism, or: The Limited Liability Corporation of The United States Of America.
We own your home!
No Borders Network wide Gathering 8 & 9 Nov
12-10-2008 02:01
Less than a month till the next network-wide No Borders Gathering, to be held in Newcastle on 8 & 9 November! The Gathering will be a chance to discuss, network and plan, and to build on discussions from the last network-wide Gathering, held in Manchester earlier this year.Demonstration for Amdani Juma's right to stay, Market Sq, Nottingham : Pictures
12-10-2008 00:43

Edinburgh Financial Protest: "We wont pay for your crisis!"
11-10-2008 20:55

Edinburgh is set to have a demonstration against the government's criminal bank bailout, at the Corporate Headquarters of HBOS.
Big Turnout for Liverpool Critical Mass
11-10-2008 20:30

Demonstration Against Ugandan Human Rights Abuse, London 9 Oct, 2008
11-10-2008 18:17

Photographs (C) 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.
Liverpool stands up to police repression against campaigners
11-10-2008 15:01
Police riot vans surrounded & intimidated legal protestors and campaign stalls in Liverpool city centre this afternoon, but surrounding crowds helped intervene to block the police and defend the stalls. Two people were arrested and others questioned, and literature & other campaign materials were confiscated from all the stallsFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
aktivix and other tech collectives statement on 11 Oct 08
11-10-2008 12:17
As part of a Day of Action Freedom not Fear, radical tech collectives from Europe and beyond have come up with the following statement which summarises what their position on privacy rights is.Help stop a school being torn down for "private affordable housing"
11-10-2008 09:42
the old burradon community school. is being tared down to make way for "affordable privet housing" this is an outrage especially with the current finances in ruinsthere need to be quick action as demolition has already started to take place but if were quick we can get this turned over and even possibly turned in to a community center as the council prommised
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
VIDEO: Bank of England protest - Friday October 10
11-10-2008 08:22
No bail out for the bosses protest outside the Bank of England.Subway picket in Belfast in support of sacked worker
11-10-2008 02:52

Hamburg: Acquittal for alleged Superheroine
10-10-2008 22:46
A few days ago, a Hamburg activist was in court for allegedly having participated in an action against precarity and for distribution. Now she has been acquitted. Here is a report from someone who was at the court case: