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lAwful - Revolt of Peasants UK - London 1.11.08

Fine Peasants | 13.10.2008 19:58 | Social Struggles | London

Peasants Revolt is organised by people for the people and will be Peaceful.Protest.of.Individuals.and Communities.`of.the.UK.Populations.that would choose to live a lifestyle that is in keeping with the concept of sustainable development!
We will not allow our communites to suffer due to poor and unsustainable paliamentary practices!

UK Peasants Revolt 2008
UK Peasants Revolt 2008

Meeting in Hyde Park 10.00a, for speakers and discussions march to parliament early afternoon- bring bag of gooodies for post parliament picnic!
Positive late night merriments!!

We are living in a fractured society. Our citizens and communities suffer from the financial burdens of unsustainable action (war) and we are entering a time where fear, security and threat are constant. We are extremely concerned about our natural habitat and receive conflicting information relating to the impacts of global change.It is blatantly evident that our Governments are not standing up to challenges in a way that encourages overall public confidence and social stability.
It is with regret that there is little to suggest that our government is addressing deep community concerns,in particular ‘future for our next generations’.

Therefore, friends, colleagues on November 1st we have an opportunity to have voice. Our Governements must understand Accountability!

Fine Peasants
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