UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Direct Action; Mexico, Czech Republic, Sweden & Italy
03-09-2008 17:54

Reinstate Chris Lockwood!
03-09-2008 13:32

Call out for action against the Northern Territory Intervention,
03-09-2008 12:24
The Northern territory Intervention, passed last year by the Howard govt in Australia, adds a whole new level of the oppression faced by Aboriginal Australia. International call out for action on the 30th of sept.Irish Navy flees from Shell to Sea inflatable boats
03-09-2008 11:48

Pro-ISI senator defends Baluch women killings
02-09-2008 10:29

MJB Support Group Meeting London 10/09/2008
02-09-2008 09:47
Meeting to set up a UK support group for MJB and Harlem tenants in their fight against London based landlords Dawnay Day Group ..Two cities - two Bristol bookfair fundraisers
02-09-2008 09:27
As the excitement builds in the run up to Bristol’s first anarchist bookfair in 15 years, bookfair organisers have 2 more benefit nights arranged in Bath & Bristol over the next seven days. These benefit nights allow us to raise the funds to pay for the bookfair, whilst having a good night out, ensuring there is no need for a formal entry fee at the bookfair itself. Anarchists eh, what a bunch of self-funding, self-organised idealists!Cops attacking anti-RNC demos this afternoon, Minneapolis
01-09-2008 19:39

Another news feed from activists on the streets around the blockades can be found here:

Up-to-minute newsfeed from Republican Convention blockades
01-09-2008 18:49

Riot Police Defend the Mall of America from workers
01-09-2008 18:07
Starbucks workers and their supporters, 50 to 70 of them, converge for a rallytoday at the rail station at Lake and Hiawatha in downtown Minneapolis. The
crowd comes to stand in solidarity with Starbucks workers in their fight to
organize a union, the Starbucks Workers Union (SWU), with the Industrial Workers
of the World (IWW)*, and to escort Erik Forman back to work at the Mall of
Minnesota cops bust ‘criminal’ RNC/FNB protesters
01-09-2008 17:56
A series of police raids that took place in the Twin Cities over the weekend, in which FBI agents and local law enforcement detained six people on suspicion of conspiracy to riot at the Republican National Convention. The detainees have not been formally charged with any crime and their lawyers are in court today seeking their release. There were no such pre-emptive arrests of protesters at the Democratic Convention in Denver last weekRadical Response to Hurricane Gustav and the RNC: Statement
01-09-2008 17:45
Here in the Twin Cities, activists have been experiencing the suspension of civil and human rights through intolerable pre-emptive raids, and members and friends of the RNC Welcoming Committee have been on the run, seeking sanctuary from police terrorism. Now, residents of the Gulf Coast are will continue to be experiencing the suspension of civil and human rights on an even more massive scale, and seeking sanctuary not only from the weather but from a military invasion of their cities - the same kind which 3 years ago proved an even bigger calamity than Hurricane Katrina itself.Incendiary attack against bank in Greece
01-09-2008 16:39

Rushmoor defends crass half-size wheelie bin policy
01-09-2008 15:11

Demonstration / Hands off Kurdish asylum seekers!
01-09-2008 14:11
Thursday 11th September 2008 - 12:30pm - 14:30pmLobby of the Home Office
2 Marsham St
Senior Nepali Maoist leader to address London public meeting
01-09-2008 11:05
C P Gajurel, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) will be speaking about recent developments and the current situation in Nepal in central London on Tuesday 16 September. The meeting has been organised by the Britain-South Asia Solidarity Forum.United Nations highly Critical of UK's treatment of women
01-09-2008 08:31

Earth Liberation Prisoners - September 2008
31-08-2008 21:52
Welcome to the September 2008 edition of Spirit of Freedom. As people willsoon see, ELP's prisoner lists have grown yet again. If we exclude the Geek
anarchist, Vaggelis Botzatzis, and the two Americans Richard Sills and
Michael Sykes (all of whom are listed by ELP as 'Other Prisoners'), there
are now 40 listed animal & earth liberation prisoners in Europe & America.
Photos - Sophie Lancaster Memorial March 31st August 2008 Sheffield
31-08-2008 21:22