UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Stop Sherwood Forest Devastation - Camping Details
04-07-2003 10:30
The heart of Sherwood Forest is about to be ripped out by unnessasary road changes.Join the camp to stop the destruction.
04-07-2003 10:11
STOP THE SATS - BUILD THE BOYCOTTMonday 7th July - Leeds Public meeting against SATS. Called by Leeds NUT. With childrens author Alan Gibbons. Leeds Town Hall, 7.30pm.
American troops killed and wounded in Iraq
04-07-2003 09:49
One US soldier killed and 10 wounded in various attacks in Iraq on July 3 in an "increasingly bold insurgency". US troops are however still planning Fourth of July barbecues.So, what is this then?
03-07-2003 19:52
We all KNOW factually, and freely confess withouttruthful contention, the UNJUST evil bush and blair,
"sexed up" the falsehoods of a plagiarized essay, then
bold faced lied as they continue today, to hide their
"embarrassment" of indiscriminately murdering our
Humanity for criminal thefts against a just rule of our
god given rights Man.
03-07-2003 18:24
Khatami Threatens to Resign if Students are Executed
03-07-2003 16:07
The Student protests in Iran are entering their third week and it seems the situation is still far from being under control. Over the past two weeks, more than 8,000 students have been arrested during demonstrations against the regime and religious clerics. At an emergency meeting of the High Council of National Security which took place this week, President Khatami condemned proclamations of senior religious clerics to execute the student leaders, according to the London-based daily A-Sharq Al-Awsat.Public event - PRIVATISE THIS!
03-07-2003 14:56
On Friday July 11th there will be a public event entitled 'Privatise this!', featuring community activists from South Africa and Brazil, speaking about the connections between environmental and economic injustice.ISRAEL: Update on court-martials and imprisonment of conscientious objectors
03-07-2003 13:39

Baku anti-Amec action, Manc.
03-07-2003 12:40
Amec night-time hit - stop the Baku pipeline!Turkey: soldier killed by guerrillas
03-07-2003 10:13
Turkish TV reports soldier killed by "terrorist organisation".Inglewood CA police beating video
03-07-2003 02:02
Police in Inglewood California decide to beat a 16 year old teenager.Actions Speak Louder Than Words
02-07-2003 20:15
Today is Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003 and this morning while I was listening to the radio (V-103) to be exact; there was an issue going on about people from Africa saying that black people were not cosidered or did not deserve to be called African Americans that we should be called Americans. Tihs really bothered me, I mean although I am a growning teenager, life and time are very intricate now these days. I just think that as people we are all equal as one.LESSONS FROM THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION
02-07-2003 16:36
A GOOD READ FOR JULY 4...America losing its innocence for the umpteenth time
02-07-2003 12:21
Washington Post columnist Ignatius compares US involvement in Iraq to Barbara Tuchman's book "March of Folly". He assumes America is about to lose its innocence. (I thought it lost its innocence a rather long time ago, but perhaps that is just me.)RAILWAY U CALLS POODLE CABINET WAR CRIMINALS AND STOPS FINANCING 'NEW LABOUR'
02-07-2003 09:52
TONY Blair's relationship with the unions sunk to a new low yesterday as the RMT slashed financial support for the Labour Party. The country's biggest rail union said it would now donate just £12,000 a year, compared with £150,000 in 2001, and seek closer ties with other political parties. General Secretary Bob Crow said branches should be allowed to support other parties because New Labour had "betrayed" its grass roots. Mr Crow also accused the Cabinet of being "war criminals" over the "illegal" war with Iraq and said he expected his union to support George Galloway if the Labour MP was expelled.Surrey Agitator, Issue One, Summer 2003
01-07-2003 14:18
Schools to close?; Refugees and media myths; Health care disappearing in Surrey;James Walker to quit Woking; Euro or Pound?; Anarchism, the reality.
Idnia: SOS Narmada
01-07-2003 11:00
The water in the Narmada Valley rises cause of the controversal Sadar Sarovar Damm. The people in the Valley vontinue their fight against the violation of their rights and for their livelihood.UPDATE#3 : THESSALONIKI PRISONERS
30-06-2003 23:26
This is the third update for (mainly) UK supporters.
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resistance anarchist bulletin - issue 51
30-06-2003 21:53

Ariel Sharon to Visit London in 2 Weeks
30-06-2003 20:01
The Israeli Prime Minister, Former Defence Minister and Unit 101 leader (1970s Zionist militia)is coming to visit Blair on July 13th. His itinerary hasn't been published to the press yet but when it is, hopefully it can be leaked out and people can stalk the fucker! Just a bit of background: Sharon was responsible (found guilty in a court of law and subsequently dismiessed from his post as Defence minister) for the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camp (in Lebanon) massacre in 1982. Approx 2000 Palestinian refugees were slaughtered. He was also responsible for the massacre in Jenin camp last April where over 600 homes were also demolished by military bulldozers over a 4 day (out of a total invasion time-span of 12 days) intense trashing/apache/F16/Tank assault on the camp - itself just 1 km square in size. And Sharon is also responsible for the daily Nakba and slow-drip massacre in Gaza and the West Bank, which sees assassinations, children culled, political leaders murdered or jailed and daily humiliation of life under occupation continue unabated, 'Peace Process' or no peace process.Al yukaom istammer
Al Kefah istammer