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Idnia: SOS Narmada

S | 01.07.2003 11:00 | Social Struggles | World

The water in the Narmada Valley rises cause of the controversal Sadar Sarovar Damm. The people in the Valley vontinue their fight against the violation of their rights and for their livelihood.


NBA faces Betrayal: A distorted Official Resolution Rejected:

"Warn and Watch Centres" will lead to Satyagraha (civil diobidience) unless dispute is resolved.

With heavy rain fall in the Narmada Valley and waters rising inspite of
Gujarat´s efforts to release water and maintain the level, flooding of the
adivasi houses, hamlets, farms and forest can commence any day. The flood
itself will prove the falsity in the official claims that all the families
to be affected at the dam height of 100 plus 3 mts. are either already
rehabilitated or would be rehabilitated before submergence. Submergence
without rehabilitation is to be faced by about 1,500 families in Maharashtra
including the villages of Manibeli, Dhankhedi, Bamani, Mukhdi, Domkhedi,
Chimalkhedi, Nimgavhan and others. Similarly,more than 10,000 families in
M.P. with Pakka houses, shopping centres, best of orchards and standing
crop are in the threatened zone, with families not willing to run away but
ready to face submergence.

The New Government Resolution : A deliberate distortion.

It was in this context that a 12 day long agitation including a 7 day fast
took place in Nasik, Maharashtra. On June 4th, whilst the fast was on, The
Chief Minister of Maharashtra agreed to the major demands of the agitators
including - settlement of dispute over number of affected families and list
of Project Affected Persons. Thereafter, the Cabinet which met on June 11th
2003, debated the issues related to the basis on which the permission to
increase the dam height was given and other demands. It was announced and
agreed to meet all the demands of the NBA. In reality, the Government
Resolution dated June 23rd, which is supposed to reflect the Cabinet
decision, has brought out the fact that every single decision has been
distorted including delay and uncertainty in the process of rehabilitation
planning. While the Rehabilitation Ministry is responsible for the GR that
is based NOT on the promises made by the Chief Minister and CS as per the
demands of the NBA infact the note placed by the Ministry before the
Cabinet, totally negates the decisions made. It is not yet known whether
the GR is a truthful reflection of the Cabinet´s decision or the Cabinet too has been cheated in the game by a few bureaucrats and political allies.

As per the GR dated June 23rd, resolution decisions on every issue including
finalization of the list of Project Affected Families left out of the
records despite their having lived there since years ? but identified by the Task Force, surveyed and found to be in the villages / hamlets to be marooned is transferred to Justice Kurdukar,Chairman of the Grievance Redressal Authority. The decision on rehabilitation of those Maharashtra oustess who were shifted to Gujarat but had to return having been betrayed alotted uncultivable lands, possession of land not given, names left out is also to be referred to the Grievance Redressal Authority in Gujarat. The Resolution does not record the Cabinet?s decision publicized in the Press that whether or not the GRA and the Narmada Control Authority approves the correction of records and inclusion of the newly identified families, the state government would take responsibility to rehabilitate them.

The Resolution, the only written commitment since the increase in the dam
height was permitted, is a clear betrayal. NBA has therefore warned the
Government of Maharashtra that unless the government brings in a new GR,
resolves all the disputes related to the record s of affected families and
shows substantial progress on estimating the land requirements and
identifying land by July end, it will Attachment Converted: "c:\program
files\qualcomm\eudora\attach\fiery 1" immanent.

The adivasis (indigenous people) in the valley are facing crocodile attacks on humans and cattle
as also , the cattle and individuals are losing their lives sinking into the
20 to 30 feet deep silt, the people are determined to continue facing the
odds and fighting on. The first phase opens with the "Warn and Watch
Centres" in the villages.

NBA has invited the National and International Human Rights Commissions as
also individuals and organizations of high repute to visit the Valley and
raise the issue of criminal injustice and legal violations. We believe that
this struggle is crucial, since there is enormous escalation in the number
of families and communities displaced due to projects pushed through in this
era of globalization and privatization -these are seen to be treated with utter callousness, violating the constitutional rights of all sectors.

The Overview Committee Meeting called on July 2nd., to be chaired by the
Rehabilitation Minister will be crucial and decisive.

Medha Patkar

Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA),
62, Gandhi Marg, Badwani, MP.

for more information about the social movement NBA (Movement to save the Narmada) and the Dams that are planned along the Narmada river visit the web site:

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