UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Government Culture of Evasion
30-04-2008 19:01
Millions of people are still been driven into dept and despair by the shambolic Tax Credit System.Here John Hemming, MP for Birmingham Yardley speeks out in an article condeming the culture of ivasion within HMRC and Government.
Mayday Meeting Point - 1708 revisited
30-04-2008 15:05

Anti-BNP demo @ London Mayoral election result
30-04-2008 14:21
Demonstration against the BNP at the London Mayoral election resultFriday 2nd May
6pm - City Hall
Lambeth Council bans Trade Union from Staff Conference
30-04-2008 12:23
Lambeth’s Labour-led Council has sunk to new depths by refusing the trade union UNISON, which represents more than 2,000 council staff, a stall at its conference for staff in the Regeneration and Housing Department on 6th and 8th May 2008.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Revolting London: We're getting closer
30-04-2008 09:48
On Friday May 2nd people will gather at City Hall in London to vent their anger at the "democratic" process of electing representatives. This country is not democratic, representation every four years is rubbing stamping within confined limits the political institutions of capitalism. Lets get down to City Hall on May 2nd - and bring friends!UoB Friends of Palestine first Event!
29-04-2008 21:12

CUBA: Repugnant lies and manipulation
29-04-2008 14:42

"La Paz, April 22.— A commission of deputies are to investigate the case of Bolivian scholarship student who died in Cuba, and whose body was repatriated without several vital organs, including the brain."
Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
The Tumbledown Dick
29-04-2008 12:03

NYC's 'Movement for Justice in El Barrio' - 1st UK Speaking Tour Details!
28-04-2008 23:03

// 1st UK Speaking Tour of New Yorks 'Movement for Justice in El Barrio' Taking Place in May 2008!
Lambeth UNISON Public Meeting - Privatisation of council services: the true cost
28-04-2008 16:06
*6.30pm to 8.30pm*Thursday 8th May
*Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton
Speakers include:
John McDonnell MP – Chair of the Socialist Campaign Group
Ted Knight – ex-Leader of Lambeth Council
Derek Wall – Male Principal Speaker of the Green Party
Sarah Tomlinson – Branch Secretary of Lambeth NUT
Jean Kerrigan – ex-Chair of Tenants’ Council
Farnborough town centre - unsecured demolition site
28-04-2008 15:25

Scottish refinery workers strike
28-04-2008 12:48
Some 1,200 workers at the Grangemouth oil refinery near Edinburgh, Scotland began a two-day strike yesterday against plans by chemical giant Ineos’ to slash payments to the company pension plan, bar new starts from the scheme and to make final pension payments dependent on the stock market.Don't bother to vote again, it only encourages them.
28-04-2008 06:23
You can't change a play by shuffling the players. It is in the interests of government to maintain status quo instead of trying to improve our outmoded system. At the last general election the present government only received 22% support from the electorate and more than a third didn't bother to vote at all. How can that be claimed as a democratic mandate to govern?Easier access to hostels for London’s homeless
27-04-2008 19:23
Sleeping rough whilst in the waiting listBrave MEND Activists Attack Another Shell (Colonial) Pipeline
27-04-2008 10:06
Fri Apr, 25 2008Nigerian main rebel group, The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), today said it blew up another oil pipeline belonging to Shell in it renewed attack against oil infrastructures in the region.
South Africa: UnFreedom Day
27-04-2008 09:56

Workers Memorial Day 28th April Gateshead
27-04-2008 08:53
This is a great event concerning the growing social movement against diseases caused by capitalism. Asbestos is going to cause a growing number of deaths for years to come and it is important to be aware that it is in schools, workplaces and hospitals near you.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
London Critical Mass 14th Anniversary ride.
27-04-2008 07:35

Size of teachers’ strike exceeds predictions
26-04-2008 21:29