UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
The Butcher's Apron
23-12-2007 20:32
The real difference between the parties is minuscule but significant. The Democrats have become the party of traditional imperialism spearheaded by Brzezinski, Holbrooke, Albright and the other guardians of Empire. These are the master-puppeteers who operate behind the scenes for their well-heeled benefactors. Their focus is mainly on Central Asia; controlling resources from the Caspian Basin, “pacifying” Afghanistan, rallying the EU to a greater role in NATO, and continuing the apocryphal “war on terror” into infinity. It's the Great Game redux.Demonstration Defends Freedom Of Protest
23-12-2007 15:03

We Own The Streets - Freedom of Assembly day of action 12th January
23-12-2007 12:01
At a public meeting on the 2nd December, we collectively decided it was time for a campaign for the freedom to assemble in the UK. This was in response to continued police repression and the Government's consultation 'Managing Protest around Parliament', which proposes giving the police powers to censor the content of banners and placards, and that the laws about restrictions and notifications which currently apply to marches should be extended to static demonstrations. This is what has already happened in the 'SOCPA zone' around Parliament.France: police lies about Villiers le Bel
23-12-2007 10:02

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - objection to be put to 'House of Lords
22-12-2007 20:32
On 8 January 2008, the UK Upper Chamber ['House of Lords] 'select committee' on the 'Crossrail Bill' starts receiving formal objections to the 'Bill'. That Bill has just been 'sent' there by the 'Lower House' [=] the 'House of Commons' which gave it the 'Third Reading'. Khoodeelaar! is organising a series of formal objections to be put to that ‘committee’ against the contents and the purpose of the ‘Crossrail Bill’. The background is that constitutional campaigning CAN produce results. May be not all that is wanted. But the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill track record shows that we have had some results. It is a matter of serious consideration whether the same outcome would have been available had we stayed inactive, silent and casual and ‘hoped’ for the part-time, media-fixated ‘faces’ occupying any number of public positions [fetching them handsome cash remuneration and other benefits] in the name of the East End to make the odd, publicity-oriented utterances…Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
BNP delegation on Russian neo-nazi march
22-12-2007 20:11

international networking; these are from the Russian ultra-right's annual
big day out, when a couple of thousand neo-nazis and ultranationalists
march through Moscow on "National Unity Day" (November 5th).
Merry Christmas
22-12-2007 18:07
But what is really Christmas if we cannot share a moment of peace and love with those who are close to us ?Urgent solidarity needed with 4F anarchist prisoners in Barcelona
22-12-2007 08:21
Barcelona 4F prisoners 7-11 Jan trial & ResistanceKhoodeelaar! Manifesto for ‘elections’ May 2007 London free from CrossRail hole
21-12-2007 16:42
Crassrail hole plot backing propaganda outfit for the Big Business interests 'London First' has just publicized its alleged manifesto for London. It is promoting the City of London and their stogies on the GLA.They will not support the people of London or the communities and areas that are targeted and affected by the CrossRail hole plot.
G8 2008: Japanese Call Out and latest planning update
21-12-2007 11:32

Uhuru Movement member arrested - International call-in to the jail tonight!
21-12-2007 06:46
Valerie Sanders, a member of the Uhuru Movement in St. Petersburg, Florida, US, is being held at the Pinellas County jail on false charges of grand theft. She is being framed by Boley Centers, Inc. because she spoke out after being fired for her affiliation with the Uhuru Movement.No room at the Inn for George William and Family
21-12-2007 06:04

Legal Threat --- An End To Human Liberties
21-12-2007 00:44
Citizens of Ireland are suffering from a cruel and destructive ideology among the legal fraternity which is nurturing a very dangerous breed of solicitor who can at will, incriminate people without trial, without evidence,and without notice.rampART losses possesion case but buys two more weeks
20-12-2007 22:37
Today the rampART social centre lost in court against a claim for possession. A possession order will now be granted although not until the 3rd Jan 2008.WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE NEWS ALERTS ABOUT LONDON SOCIAL CENTRES?
Text 'follow londonscn' to 07624801423 then reply with a name as instructed.
Liberty City 7 Verdict Announced
20-12-2007 22:21
Government frame-up of Liberty City 7 is set back by jury9/11 Truth Manifesto
20-12-2007 20:13
For evidence that America’s political system is a criminal conspiracy, open your mind to piles of new analyses that prove beyond doubt that the official 9/11 story is a lie. Years of a bipartisan cover-up of 9/11 lies make it much more than one horrendous past event. It endures in infamy as a symptom of a corrupt and dishonest government.Liverpool Vigil To Support Freedom Of Protest
20-12-2007 17:01
There is a candlelit demo on Saturday 22nd at Cricket, Mathew Street 1-3pm in support of animal welfare and human rights/civil liberties, in particular to support a fellow activist from Bolton who was recently found guilty of section 5 for photographing police officers for evidence gathering purposes during an incident at Cricket and fined £500. What happened to me this week only further strengthens the need for as many people as possible to attend and stand up against the oppressive behaviour of the police who seem hellbent on stifling legal protest. I really feel that this campaign is becoming as much about defending what little right to protest we are still 'allowed' as much as Cricket selling fur. It would be great if people could bring placards highlighting the human rights aspect of the demo.Burslem postal workers strike over Christmas
20-12-2007 16:33

Wales: Paramedics in unofficial overtime ban
20-12-2007 16:32

Struggle in Spanish FIES units for anarchists Antonio and Rafa
20-12-2007 12:33
Since some time, in the new maxi-prison of Puerto III, several FIES prisoners are struggling to expose the brutal conditions in the isolation wings of Puerto III. Some communiques about this have been spread recently.