No room at the Inn for George William and Family
John O | 21.12.2007 06:04 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
George William and family fled from Pakistan after years of harassment and persecution because of their Christian beliefs. The family are currently detained in Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centre, awaiting removal to Karachi on Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK0788 from Heathrow Airport, at 17:00 on Sunday 23rd December.
Model letter to Tariq Bukhari
- application/msword 43K
George's wife Veronica was raised as a Muslim but converted to Christianity when they married. Veronica's family objected to the marriage and began to subject the couple to harassment and abuse in an attempt to persuade them to convert to Islam. The couple escaped this harassment when they moved to live and work in Abu Dhabi in the 1970s, but on their return to Pakistan in 1994 the problems immediately began again and increased over the years.
In early 2003 George was physically assaulted by members of his wife's family and told that if the family did not convert to Islam they would all be killed. Fearing for his life, George fled to the UK leaving his wife and family behind in Pakistan. He claimed asylum in April 2003 but his claim was rejected because the Home Office did not believe that Christians would be persecuted for their beliefs in Pakistan.
In 2004 George's youngest son, Fabian, was kidnapped by members of Veronica's family. He was taken to an unknown location and told that the following morning he would be taken to a mosque and converted to Islam. Fabian managed to escape and re-join his mother and sisters. Veronica then decided to leave Pakistan for the UK and brought Fabian and her two daughters with her. Two older sons remained behind in Pakistan.
Veronica claimed asylum for her whole family, citing George as a dependant, in August 2004. This application was also rejected on the same grounds as George's earlier claim. In June 2005 a Fresh Claim was submitted on behalf of the whole family. The Home Office rejected this claim on 23 November 2007.
At 07:00 on the morning of 19th December Immigration Officers went to the family home in Swansea and took the family into detention to await removal to Pakistan.
This family has suffered greatly because of Veronica's wish to share her husband's religion. She has become estranged from her own family and every member of the family has been threatened with death if they do not convert to Islam. During their time in Pakistan they were forced to constantly move about the country and around Karachi in order to escape the attentions of Veronica's family. Because they have left Pakistan and attempted to claim asylum in the UK they are now at even more risk should they be returned. George is convinced that he will be killed and the rest of the family will either be forced to convert to Islam or be killed also.
In their time in the UK this family has not been idle. George has spent his time volunteering with Oxfam in Swansea and studying at the local college. His younger son Fabian, and his two daughters have all done well at school and college. If allowed to remain in the UK, both the daughters have a good chance of going to University to study for degrees. The whole family has been active in the local Catholic Church and they are very popular and well liked in Swansea.
The two older sons, who initially stayed behind in Pakistan, came to the UK with student visas in 2004. Since then they have been studying IT in London. Their fees and expenses have been covered by sponsorship from friends in Pakistan. Both boys are doing well in their studies. Unfortunately, the boys were present in Swansea when the rest of the family was detained. They were also taken into custody, separate from the rest of the family, and are now also threatened with removal because of some alleged irregularity with their visa applications.
The situation that they face has taken its toll on George. Earlier this year he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalised for some weeks. He continues to take medication to deal with the after affects of the heart attack and associated problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Veronica also suffers from high blood pressure, and this may present a risk to her and her husband if they are forced to endure a long flight to Pakistan.
What you can do to help:
All day today/tomorrow/Sunday
1) Please fax/phone/email, Mr Tariq Bukhari, General Manager, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of George William and family - attached model fax TariqBukhariPIA.doc (you can copy/amend/write your own version. Please include all the details. Forced Removal of George William and family, on: Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK0788 at 17:00 from Heathrow Airport on Sunday 23rd December
Fax: 020 8741 9376
Alternatively you can phone the General Manager on 020 8600 5915
Please do this immediately - the flight is on Sunday afternoon.
2) Send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that George William and family be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached model GeorgeWilliamJS.doc you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include the HO ref W1060102).
Fax: 020 7035 3262 (00 44 20 7035 3262 if you are faxing from outside UK) Please notify the campaign of any faxes sent:
Friends of the William Family
C/o Asylum Justice
St Helen's Road
Swansea SA1 5JQ
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Asylum Justice
In early 2003 George was physically assaulted by members of his wife's family and told that if the family did not convert to Islam they would all be killed. Fearing for his life, George fled to the UK leaving his wife and family behind in Pakistan. He claimed asylum in April 2003 but his claim was rejected because the Home Office did not believe that Christians would be persecuted for their beliefs in Pakistan.
In 2004 George's youngest son, Fabian, was kidnapped by members of Veronica's family. He was taken to an unknown location and told that the following morning he would be taken to a mosque and converted to Islam. Fabian managed to escape and re-join his mother and sisters. Veronica then decided to leave Pakistan for the UK and brought Fabian and her two daughters with her. Two older sons remained behind in Pakistan.
Veronica claimed asylum for her whole family, citing George as a dependant, in August 2004. This application was also rejected on the same grounds as George's earlier claim. In June 2005 a Fresh Claim was submitted on behalf of the whole family. The Home Office rejected this claim on 23 November 2007.
At 07:00 on the morning of 19th December Immigration Officers went to the family home in Swansea and took the family into detention to await removal to Pakistan.
This family has suffered greatly because of Veronica's wish to share her husband's religion. She has become estranged from her own family and every member of the family has been threatened with death if they do not convert to Islam. During their time in Pakistan they were forced to constantly move about the country and around Karachi in order to escape the attentions of Veronica's family. Because they have left Pakistan and attempted to claim asylum in the UK they are now at even more risk should they be returned. George is convinced that he will be killed and the rest of the family will either be forced to convert to Islam or be killed also.
In their time in the UK this family has not been idle. George has spent his time volunteering with Oxfam in Swansea and studying at the local college. His younger son Fabian, and his two daughters have all done well at school and college. If allowed to remain in the UK, both the daughters have a good chance of going to University to study for degrees. The whole family has been active in the local Catholic Church and they are very popular and well liked in Swansea.
The two older sons, who initially stayed behind in Pakistan, came to the UK with student visas in 2004. Since then they have been studying IT in London. Their fees and expenses have been covered by sponsorship from friends in Pakistan. Both boys are doing well in their studies. Unfortunately, the boys were present in Swansea when the rest of the family was detained. They were also taken into custody, separate from the rest of the family, and are now also threatened with removal because of some alleged irregularity with their visa applications.
The situation that they face has taken its toll on George. Earlier this year he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalised for some weeks. He continues to take medication to deal with the after affects of the heart attack and associated problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Veronica also suffers from high blood pressure, and this may present a risk to her and her husband if they are forced to endure a long flight to Pakistan.
What you can do to help:
All day today/tomorrow/Sunday
1) Please fax/phone/email, Mr Tariq Bukhari, General Manager, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of George William and family - attached model fax TariqBukhariPIA.doc (you can copy/amend/write your own version. Please include all the details. Forced Removal of George William and family, on: Pakistan International Airlines Flight PK0788 at 17:00 from Heathrow Airport on Sunday 23rd December
Fax: 020 8741 9376

Alternatively you can phone the General Manager on 020 8600 5915
Please do this immediately - the flight is on Sunday afternoon.
2) Send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that George William and family be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached model GeorgeWilliamJS.doc you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include the HO ref W1060102).
Fax: 020 7035 3262 (00 44 20 7035 3262 if you are faxing from outside UK) Please notify the campaign of any faxes sent:
Friends of the William Family
C/o Asylum Justice
St Helen's Road
Swansea SA1 5JQ

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Asylum Justice
John O
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