UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Anti-racism march in Manchester on 3 November 2007
04-10-2007 18:11
There will be an anti-racism march in Manchester on 3 November 2007, in defence of all asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants and all victims of racism.Post union calls strike over paltry wage offer at Royal Mail
04-10-2007 14:35
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has announced further strike action by 130,000 postal workers to pressure Royal Mail to increase its paltry wage offer. But behind the scenes the union is working to sell the company’s Business Plan and the “total flexibility” it demands to its members.Call Uut: Cardiff Burma/Total Protest Saturday 6th October
04-10-2007 13:33
DO SOMETHING ABOUT BURMA IN CARDIFF - SPREAD THE WORD!French oil company Total is one of the biggest foreign investors in Burma. It has been propping up the violent and oppressive regime there for years. It has even used army-imposed forced labour to construct a gas pipeline accross the country.
Hackers: Unite For Burmese Freedom!
04-10-2007 13:20
One very effective way of removing power from a despotic regime is by taking over the tools of control. You can bring down the 'master' using the master's tools - you just have to be clever about it - and persistent.Solidarity with housing rights activsits in FRANCE
04-10-2007 12:51
Impressive police operation target an action planned on the 3r of October ,International Day for the Right to Housing and against property speculation
in Paris.

The man from Del Monte, he says 'die'
04-10-2007 11:11
People are still dying in the 'Banana Republics' for the fruit served in Tescos, Sainsbury's and so on...The Grateful Slave by Paines Torch
04-10-2007 09:03
This posted article should be mandatory reading in all schools in the common wealth.Beginning in pre-school.
Young woman provides new leadership to African liberation struggle
04-10-2007 00:55

Swansea University students launching campaign against Royal Bank of Scotland
03-10-2007 21:50
Campaign Launch meeting at 2pm, 10th October at Swansea University.Thousands march in Oaxaca to mark anniversary of 1968 student massacre
03-10-2007 21:29
On Tuesday 2nd October between 2-3,000 students and members of the local popular resistance APPO ( the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca)marched from the edge of Oaxaca city centre to the Zocalo (central square).Leeds Animal Day, Sunday 7th October!
03-10-2007 19:52
This event is taking place this Sunday at The Common Place.Party for Palestine - 12th October - Bristol
03-10-2007 16:48

The Plough, Kilburn Street, Easton
8pm til real late - £4/£3 donation on the door
Crest Nicholson upsets Gloucestershire Residents
03-10-2007 14:25

Protest Total Oil this Friday in London
03-10-2007 10:54
CALL TO ACTION: 'Die-in' and demo at London TOTAL Oil HQ over Burma linksFRIDAY 5 OCTOBER
8:30 - 10:30 am
33 Cavendish Square, London, WC1
Housing4All demonstration in Brum, Monday 8th Oct
02-10-2007 19:59
Demonstrate for accessible housing and against homelessness and disability discrimination at Birmingham City Council House, Monday 8th Oct, 1pmNorfolk hospital workers could strike
02-10-2007 19:50

Schnews on Burma: a response
02-10-2007 14:35
The only thing to say about the title is we’re glad it won’t be easy to find if you’re googling for information on Burma. The actual details of the uprising are clearly unimportant to the authors or it might get more than half a scanty paragraph before USuk is invoked and the true purpose of the article is revealed.The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism
02-10-2007 13:38