UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
In Defence of Mel Gibson
04-08-2006 12:52
The major communication mediums of the world continue to bombard the public with images and descriptions of the Israeli-Lebanon conflict. The media works tirelessly to deliver our social consciousness. Today’s mass media maintains its status as the principal means of creating and sustaining social realities. The internet-based ‘independents’ lack real independent front-line resources and continue to rely on the mainstream for most of their information (much to their chagrin).Groovy times in Novi Sad
04-08-2006 08:38
Rhythms of Resistance is a growing network of percussion(samba) groups around Europe which shows up to many demonstrations to various issues as well as coming up with their own actions. In Berlin the samba band is quite active and I give with this article an overview about my workshop I did in Novi Sad, North of Serbia, VoyvodinaPictures will follow during the next days
Student loses bid for High Court hearing
04-08-2006 05:18

NSW academy abuse perpetrators still police
04-08-2006 00:40

V for Vendetta screening @ Everything 4 Everyone
04-08-2006 00:28

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Human Rights Watch Accuses Israel of War Crimes
03-08-2006 23:49

Solidarity with Prison Guards! Solidarity with Class War Prisoners!
03-08-2006 20:57

NYC: Pro-Lebanon Protest
03-08-2006 08:05

Philippines: AKBAYAN leads protests over SONA of lies, lies, lies
03-08-2006 06:38

Getting Sane With The Campaign
03-08-2006 05:52
News of New Protest Camp in WestminsterIn memory of our friend Thomas Kalu who died from poverty and imigration control
03-08-2006 01:04
The day that Ann Owers published her devastating report on Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre also marked a memorial to former Yarl's Wood detainee Thomas Kalu .More McHospitals for Merseyside! (part 2)
02-08-2006 16:25
Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and University Hospitals Aintree were today given 'foundation' status by Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, meaning that three NHS hospitals on Merseyside are now open to private business. In June, the Liverpool Womens' Hospital opened itself up for bids to 'help' manage its finances.rampART news
02-08-2006 10:27
Here is a run down of the latest news from Londons rampART social centre. Agust is a bit sparse for events but there is plenty of other news. The building has gone on the market for a start which is significant news. There's also a strong plea for fresh energy and involvement - use it or loss it...(Scroll down for this week’s cinema program)
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Titnore Campers make appeal
02-08-2006 08:45

D for Democracy Day II -Patriots Stand up IN SYDNEY to Contempt THIS FRIDAY
02-08-2006 03:10

Alcoholism worsens with increased drinking use: study
02-08-2006 01:10

Australia's Guantanamo
01-08-2006 22:54

Taxing Times for Inland Revenue Strikers
01-08-2006 19:51

Yarl's Wood - Hunger strike continues
01-08-2006 14:23
Six parents at Yarl's Wood IRC are still on hunger strike. I have been speaking to them daily, and have noticed their voices are getting weaker and they have told me that they feel very ill. When I asked how long they intend to continue, they said until the Home Office comes and talks to them.