UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Photos from 4th European Social Forum demonstration
10-05-2006 08:20
A mass demonstration took place last Saturday 6 of mayreminder of latest news on brian haw's battle to remain
10-05-2006 00:14
the government won their appeal on monday morning and are now in a stronger position to force brian haw's embarrassing anti-war protest out of parliament square. there are regular updates on the situation at the square, on police moves, and on any planned demonstrations.Trade Unionists, MPs & Human Rights Campaigners
09-05-2006 23:46

Join the 5th International Conference against Disappearences
09-05-2006 22:52
Conference CallICAD has been struggling against disappearances of the opposition by the government or governments for the last 10 years. As part of this Struggle 4 conferences (Turkey 1996, Colombia 1997, Philippines 1999 and Germany 2002) have been organised. ICAD demands the ones responsible to be punished, it does this by organising events, demonstrations, publishing materials, organising meetings, it also points out to the problems of the relatives of the disappeared. ICAD argues about the breaches of the human rights although there is the United Nations International Law Courts at its conferences with the delegates from many different countries. ICAD also raises the solidarity with local Human Rights groups.
Couldn’t be arsed to vote! (The CBAV party) Election Analysis May 2006
09-05-2006 18:37
In the local elections I decided I couldn’t be arsed to vote and I have never felt more empowered on election day.Eliminate greed, introduce need!
09-05-2006 18:36
The world today is littered with greed and selfishness, from huge multinationals who want to please their shareholders to those who want to make a quick buck. A new website has just been launched to attempt to overcome this problem.Korean Troops Occupy Village for U.S. Base Expansion
09-05-2006 16:18

LGBT Network Community Fair
09-05-2006 15:26
Find out what's happening in Cambridgeshire and surrounding areas. There will be stalls, talks and information from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans community groups. 7.30pm, Wednesday 31st May 2006, at the Centre at St Pauls, Hills Road, Cambridge. No charge.Appeal for the liberation of the comrades arrested in Paris on May 1st
09-05-2006 14:56
Appeal for the liberation of the comrades arrested in Paris on May 1stWomen of Zimbabwe Arise - released after five days in detention
09-05-2006 11:49

Parade for Peace and Understanding organising meet
09-05-2006 11:19
Organising meeting for a Parade for Peace and Understanding is this Thursday (11th) at Matilda from 7pm. The parade is planned to have a rainbow colour scheme of diversity and a junk band sound!Khoodeelaar! warns new Crossrail minister Douglas Alexander -
09-05-2006 11:10
Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane London E1 area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill is already reissuing its legal claims against the New Crossrail hole Minister. This is due to the fact that it personally named Alsiuart Darling in its rpervious legal action claims papers and documents. Today's London EVENING STANDARD comments at page 12 that Crossrail is the new Transport Secretary's challenge. It makes another touting, illogical and uneconomic plug for CrossRail and concludes by saying that Crossrail has become a test for Gordon Brown 'as a future Prime Minister' and it is a test for the new Transport Secretary. What the EVENING STANDARD does not say is that it has acted as a touting outfit for the Big Business interests who want to pocket £Billions of public cash under cover of Crossrail. There is no economic case for the Crassrail plan as it is and the best thing that Alexander can do is to scrap it now. Not get mired in the CrossRailBRIAN HAW TIMELINE
09-05-2006 07:42
for ease of finding info, i am adding regular breaking story updates to the situation in parliament square as comments and additions to the 'government wins appeal against brian haw's peace protest' piece at:
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film of brian haw and supporters in the square after high court verdict
09-05-2006 01:22

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Brians Eviction
09-05-2006 00:09
Brian may be evicted tommorrow the 09 of may 2006. Keep eyes and ears peeled. If not 2mo then in the next couple of days.'Ethnic cleansing' in Essex
08-05-2006 22:11
Travellers in Essex, who claim they are living in fear of an apartheid-style dawn eviction, say they will defend their homes using non-violent resistance and human shields if the local council uses a court decision due on May 13th to justify a direct-action attack.East Anglian universities divide over AUT boycott
08-05-2006 22:06
Universities in the region have divided ahead of the final-year exams in East Anglian universities on the issue of support for a boycott of setting and marking currently in force across the AUT lecturer's union.Little London anti-PFI campaign - public meeting 10 May
08-05-2006 20:30
Tenants and anti-privatisation campaigners are joining forces this Wednesday (10 May) in a city-wide public meeting to oppose Leeds City Council's proposed 'Comprehensive Regeneration' of Little London estate and its wider decimation of council housing through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI).Protesters want moor car park plan inquiry
08-05-2006 19:12
Today's Yokshire Evening Post has a story about Leeds City Council's latest 'con-sultation' fraud - this time on the totally bonkers idea of building a car park on Woodhouse Moor using a 'Parks Renaissance fund'.Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Colnbrook - more repression
08-05-2006 18:10
"trays, plates of food , the tray rack, cutlery,and almost everything dat wasn't nailed down was used on the officers"