UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Boris Johnson needs to stop uttering rubbish for Big Biz agenda
14-05-2013 16:09
The Plug for Boris Johnson via BIg Biz agenda hype Xrail 2 has got to be seen inthe context of the severe economic hardship that so many people across London and the South East are experiencing.
UG#638 - Modern Human Self-Enslavement (Addiction To The Consumer Treadmill)
14-05-2013 15:37

Support Abdul Ghafar Rajabali
13-05-2013 23:15
Release Abdul Ghafar Rajabali and halt his deportation.Please click on the website and sign the petition.
UG#637 - The Preliminaries Of A Vision (Of A World We Might Want)
13-05-2013 16:21

Aber to Athens Night of Solidarity
12-05-2013 16:51
Solidarity gig in West Wales, All welcome!David Graeber talks in London, Tuesday 21 May.
12-05-2013 15:15

Tuesday, May 21 6.15–9.00 pm.
Venue: The St Martinʼs Community Centre
43 Carol St, London NW1 0HT (2 minutes from Camden tube)

Is a most deprived Tower Hamlets COUNCIL, right to carry out Tory attacks?
11-05-2013 15:54
Tower Hamlets is notorious deprived, crisis-ridden, wrong-headed local Borough Council. Right now, its head of legal is involved in a most secretive employment tribunal tussle being very strangely held only yards from the main Council Town Hall. The Central Govt has repeatedly condemned the Council Administration for wasting public money on running a propaganda organ called East End Life, aka 'Tower Hamlets Town Hall's very own pravda'.Press release - Anti-Capitalists publish map of targets in the West End
10-05-2013 08:27
PRESS RELEASEAnti-Capitalists are targeting the rich in the West End of London in the
run-up to the G8 Summit next month.
Call for an Anti-Militarist Action against the G8 on June 12th
09-05-2013 22:44
This is a call to all anti-militarists to join us in the West End of London during the week of action against the G8. - for more info see
#J11: Map of the capitalist West End
09-05-2013 20:56

LAON's April Review of English Opencast Sites
09-05-2013 14:40
This review updates information on planning developments affecting new English Opencast sites. In addition, it has information on the sites that would be affected if UK Mine Holdings / UK Coal Operations were, as recent press stories indicate, to go into administration. In addition it has news on the the land slip at Hatfield Colliery, latest developments over the Helsley Wood Tip and opencast mining on the Canobie Coalfield.UG#635 - Apocalypse Postponed (Perspectives On A Progressive Future)
07-05-2013 14:46

Residents rally at 6 PM at Trahorn Close E1 focuses on Tower Hamlets Council
07-05-2013 13:34
Tower Hamlets Council's transfer of Council housing stock was done under dubiouspromises. One promise Tower Hamlets Council made was that tenants, residents would enjoy the same rights when their homes were taken over by the "social landlords" as they had enjoyed under Council control.
This evening, Tuesday 07 May 2013, residents at the Trahorn Close, near Vallance Road, are rallying to question Tower Hamlets Council's pledge.
They have already petitioned the Borough’s “executive Mayor” Lutfur Rahman demanding action over the “social landlord” outfit’s behaviour.
UG#634 - The Coming Apocalypse etc. (Catastrophism, Zombies, The "Fiscal Cliff")
07-05-2013 03:13

Blast from the Past: “Give Up Activism”
05-05-2013 12:04

An article from Do or Die Issue 9. In the paper edition, this article appears on page(s) 160-166.
UG#633 - Putting The 'Mental' Back in Environmental (Food Waste & FMNR In Niger)
05-05-2013 02:11

The Robot Revolution
03-05-2013 11:05

Oil: to level or to cancel!
02-05-2013 21:36

There are now 30 billion barrels of oil, estimated at brutal 6 trillion R$ (three trillion US$), the equivalent to 3 or 4 Brazilian Union budgets that are under the risk of being delivered by derisory percentage of this amount, following the infamous "tradition" of the NPA.
New Anti- Fascist film trailer - 'No Pasaran'.
02-05-2013 15:24

Thatcher memorial unveiled in Birmingham for International Workers Day
02-05-2013 10:07