UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Hollman Morris to edge in a new era for journalism in Latin America
08-05-2011 17:45
Award-winning Colombian journalist Hollman Morris is using social networking sites such as 'Twitter', 'Facebook' and 'YouTube' in an attempt to self-finance his investigative reporting program 'Contravia'.IMHRO: 9 people executed in Ahwaz: 2 died under torture: Western English Media s
08-05-2011 16:11
Following recent peaceful demonstration in Ahwaz death toll rise to more than 60 people, 9 young men executed in city of Ahwaz and 2 died under torture by Iranian intelligence service. Sources inside al- Ahwaz told the names of those who killed as following:Birmingham: May Day International Worker's day
07-05-2011 19:11

May Day celebrates International Workers Day and is marked traditionally when the Trade Union Movement gathers with the community to celebrate our achievements and to commit ourselves to achieving economic and social justice for all.
Birmingham TUC worked together with Birmingham Against the Cuts and invited trades unionists, students and the public to join this demonstration to stop the cuts and fight for an alternative based on our needs, not bankers greed!
DPAC was there with our stall and banner at the start at St Philips Cathedral – we were to march through part of the city centre to Victoria Sq where there were speeches. I joined Matt, Linda and Paul there to hand out leaflets and chat to the people there. It was a lively crowd and people seemed genuinely interested to stop and chat and to take up handouts. There was a UKuncut group dressed up in white body suits with black tipped markings – they said the body stockings were what the UKuncut people (Fortnum and Mason Solidarity Bloc) had to wear after the Fortnum and Mason event in London, 26th march. Next to our stall was the Confronting Anti Muslim Hatred stall. There was also an anti war stall.
Revolutionary Anarchist International Platform
07-05-2011 18:50
Revolutionary Anarchist International PlatformThe Anarchist Popular Union of Brazil, and the Revolutionary Anarchist Popular Organization from Mexico, presents the Revolutionary Anarchist International Platform, wich is an international call claiming for the union of the revolutionary anarchist of the world on the base of the Bakuninism. (document can be readed in this time only in spanish and portuguese.brasil, english and frensh translations will pe published in a few days)
The phony anti-war movement
07-05-2011 16:07

Braindead Fascist EDL Bozos To Protest At Chorley Comedy Gig
07-05-2011 12:54

Revolutionary May Day Demo Berlin - photos and video
06-05-2011 16:23

Loot Cabot Circus! (17th May 2011)
06-05-2011 14:14

Glos Eco-village Camping trip!
06-05-2011 13:44

Social Centre Plus 1 in Deptford evicted this morning
06-05-2011 11:58
Social Centre Plus 1, the originally occupied Job Centre site on 122 Deptford High St, was finally evicted this morning by a group of bailiff thugs from Locksbury Services backed up by around 10 police officers.Demo in support of Syrian protestors - Brighton 6.30pm tonight
06-05-2011 09:47
Meet at Old Steine War Memorial Friday May 6 (6.30pm)After Friday prayers more Syrian protestors will be putting their lives on the line protesting against a hideous dictatorship and regime.
Diadromi Eleftherias issue # 105
05-05-2011 18:21

Video: may day demo in Germany (Riots)
05-05-2011 13:59
may day demo i Germany (Riots)Montreal, QC: Anarchists clashes with police at May Day march (Photos)
05-05-2011 13:25

Thousands of militant workers march for higher pay in the Philippines
05-05-2011 12:42

Brief Report about Revolutionary May 1st (Germany)
05-05-2011 12:14
Brief Report about Revolutionary May 1st (Germany)Greece: Murderer cop Korkoneas beaten up again by anarchist in prison
05-05-2011 11:56
Greece: Murderer cop Korkoneas beaten up again by anarchist