UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
CPC Convergence Direct Action Bloc - Website Launch!
17-08-2010 14:07

Protest at French embassy in Warsaw against evictions and police brutality
17-08-2010 02:10
Polish activists and migrants subvertise a bilboard and hold protest outside french embassy in warsaw over police brutality, evictions and racism in FranceFascist demonstration in Brighton on August bank holiday
16-08-2010 21:44
Call out for a counter mobilisationProtest camp starts at Highgate Farm
16-08-2010 21:31
Highgate Farm is an animal lab breeder in Lincolnshire which has been exposed to breed rabbits and ferrets in dirty, barren conditions for the vivisection industry. There was a protest camp there last year, so activists decided it was time for another one!Flexible New Deal and Jobseekers aged 60 and over
16-08-2010 15:40
Flexible New Deal has replaced New Deal. It is mandatory for Jobseekers, but those aged 60+, that is have reached the age for Pension Credits, have a choice. Why therefore are they being threatened with sanctions, ie loss of benefits, if they refuse to participate?Join the Radical workers’ bloc at the Lib Dem conference!
16-08-2010 09:35

Palestinian on Hunger Strike Outside of Israeli Embassy in Berlin
16-08-2010 06:49

Anarchist Call Out: CPC Birmingham
15-08-2010 18:06
15-08-2010 12:19
Online discussion forum launchedTowards a World War III scenario? Role of Israel in triggering an attack on Iran
15-08-2010 09:16

This war can be prevented if people forcefully confront their governments, pressure their elected representatives, organize at the local level in towns, villages and municipalities, spread the word, inform their fellow citizens as to the implications of a nuclear war, initiate debate and discussion within the armed forces.
The holding of mass demonstrations and antiwar protests is not enough. What is required is the development of a broad and well organized grassroots antiwar network which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of war, a global people's movement which criminalizes war.
‘Conditions in Youth Prisons’
14-08-2010 23:45
In this article, social prisoner John Bowden exposes the violent control methods carried against young people in UK prison. The prison guards who act out their brutal fantasies on young people are not isolated ‘bad’ individuals but part of a de-humanising authoritarian system of exploitation and power. This situation is not simply a case for the United Kingdom, young people are imprisoned in disgusting conditions everywhere, and all these prisons must be torn to the ground with the guards scattered. Fire to the Prisons.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Remembering Liverpool’s “Bloody Sunday”
14-08-2010 18:56
On Friday 13th August, members of the Liverpool Solidarity Federation distributed leaflets by St George’s Hall to raise peoples’ awareness of a pivotal moment in working class history. The Liverpool Transport Strike and the battle of August 13th, 1911 – our “Bloody Sunday.”The Racist Danish
14-08-2010 12:43

Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Coal Train Blockaders Get Their Day In Court
13-08-2010 20:07

Drill huggers stop Shell's drilling work
13-08-2010 18:33

The Work of violence:a timeline of armed attacks at Kennedy Road
13-08-2010 18:16
The School of Development Studies, at the University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal in Durban, has just published this report on the attack on in the Kennedy Road settlement in Durban in September last year. Abahlali baseMjondolo is the largest poor people's movement in South Africa, and probably on the whole continent of Africa.50,000 children killed in Catholic Indian residential schools.
12-08-2010 22:38
As part of "Protest the Pope" week a screening of the multi-award winning film "Unrepentant"is scheduled for September 15th at Conway hall in London.
Cheap as Minibus and Veggie-oil coaches going to Edinburgh Climate Camp/Fring
12-08-2010 19:11

A new film on the 2005 London bombings: "Seeds of Deconstruction"
12-08-2010 19:05

G20 Seoul: there will be a storm
12-08-2010 16:06
"The wind from above assumes its old forms of arrogance and haughtiness. The police and the Federal Army close ranks around money and corruption. The wind from below once again travels the ravines and valleys; it is beginning to blow strongly. There will be a storm..." -Subcomandante Marcos of the EZLN