UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows
06-09-2005 03:31
...we are within the heartland of a worldwide monster, a country so rich from its worldwide plunder that even the crumbs doled out to the enslaved masses within its borders......The goal is the destruction of US imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: ...Winning state power in the US will occur as a result of the military forces of the US overextending themselves around the world and being defeated piecemeal; struggle within the US will be a vital part of this process,...Ten things you should know about petrol sniffing
06-09-2005 02:34

(Chavez) Helping the blind to see
05-09-2005 20:36
CHARLEY ALLAN contrasts calls from a wealthy bible basher to assassinate Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez with the south American country's people-first policies in the region and beyond.155 NGOs Urge EU Not to Support Paramilitary Disarmament
05-09-2005 17:09
The European Union should reject the process for the demobilisation of Colombia's extreme-right paramilitary groups, said 155 civil society organisations, including 75 from Europe and 68 from Colombia.The so-called "law on justice and peace", which sets the rules for the disarmament of the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) paramilitary umbrella group, will provide no guarantee of justice for the victims of attacks, and the perpetrators will not have to pay for their crimes, the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) stated in an open letter to the European Union.
Race Against Time
05-09-2005 04:12

ResisDANCE! (Bristol benefit night)
04-09-2005 22:58

Agrexco - Letting Apartheid Bloom
04-09-2005 17:05
The Effects Of Illegal Settlements In The Jordon ValleyWorking Three Hours a Day is Enough
03-09-2005 21:36
"Kenes predicted 60 years ago that three hours work per day would be enough. Instead nearly seven million (in Germany) are in a desperate situation, not an emancipated situation..The system logic is obviously exhausted.. Only capital is radical at the moment.."Judgement - Video
03-09-2005 17:23

Hurricane Katrina's aftermath: From national disaster to national humiliation
03-09-2005 15:25
The central lesson of New Orleans is that the elementary requirements of mass society are incompatible with a system that subordinates everything to the enrichment of a financial oligarchy.Situation New Orleans from bad to worse
03-09-2005 13:15

In possibly the biggest natural disaster of US history, hurricane Katrina has left devistation in New Orleans and surrounding area's. Things have gone from bad to worse. Martial law is declared in New Orleans City. The National Guard is deployed, with the order to 'Shoot To Kill' in an attempt to 'stop looting'. But reports say the National Guard is also blocking supplies getting into the affected area's. A group of 500 airboat pilots trying to support the rescue effort were stopped and send back. It is estimated 300.000 people are still trapped by the water. In an interview, the Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, lashed out at the Federal Authority, telling them to 'get off their arses'. Download interview. The US government is receiving a lot of critisism as rescue efforts have been choatic and aid starting arriving only four days after the hurricane struck.
Priorities of a corporate empire: Bush cut $20-$40 million needed to strengthen levees - a 2004 project that was 80% complete. Needing troops, he sent 35% of Louisiana's National Guard to Iraq. Then he pushed to privatize disaster services including the N.O. disaster plan, and disabled FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
>>> Updates on the hurricane disaster on New Orleans Indymedia
>>> Coverage of the refugee situation on Houston Indymedia
Houston Indymedia Coverage: Video: 1 | 2 | 3 Reports from New Orleans: 1 | 2 | 3
How to help: Donate: Red Cross | Second Harvest Other: Kartina Help Wiki
More Links: Weather Warning (28th August) | Democracy Now! reports (Aug. 30) (Aug. 31) (Sept. 1) (Sept. 2) | Explanation about Hurricanes (MP3) | Further analysis: 1 , 2 , 3 | Insane looting? - Not at all! | An analysis of the 'anarchy' in New Orleans' streets Commentary from the Newswire: Katrina open letter to radical/progressive community (From Houston) | In Praise of Looting | American Genocide in New Orleans
Breakfast Against Trade With Israel Delayed til Wednesday
03-09-2005 12:39
Due to the Carmel Agrexco court Case being DelayedPunk and Soundsystems to support G8 protesters
02-09-2005 19:00

While Bush prevaricates, Venezuela offers help to US poor
02-09-2005 18:54
Venezuela was the first country to offer help to the United States in dealing with the effects of Hurricane Katrina.cap reform
02-09-2005 17:02
this is from the list.. it may be of relevance to you.. if so best wishes. et all.its a difficult issue that really gets annoying.. please email me if you have any better info or ideas

Colonialism in the 21st Century: Our Ally, the state of Israel (Part 2)
02-09-2005 16:12
The fraud of the Gaza withdrawal, the garish hysteria of the evicted settlers, and the real trauma of eviction in the occupied territoriesOptima Housing Association 100% Service Charge Increase
02-09-2005 15:35
Optima Housing Association 100% Service Charge Increase.and still condoms stolen purses urine faces litter strewn on or stairwells, and still the rubbish shut is not fitted corectly causing a stench of domestic refuse in our landing
NFIP end-of-summer social and book sale planned
02-09-2005 13:54
This is to inform you that we will be having our (late) Summer Social on the 1st of October at The Place, Sherwood. As usual, it is food, music, and fun to raise funds for our friends in Iraq. This year, we plan to raise additional funds by having a BOOK SALE... can you help/ contribute?Stampede…Showdown of Sunni-Shiite Solidarity
02-09-2005 13:21
BAGHDAD, – A crisis always poses a threat and an opportunity. The tragic stampede that took the lives of almost a 1,000 Shiites Wednesday, August 1, has proved to be a crisis that was translated into a chance to highlight communal harmony in the occupied country.'Manchester Asboconcern' Launch Meeting
02-09-2005 11:15
'Manchester Asboconcern' Launch Meeting