UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
100th soldier vigil in Leeds
31-01-2006 14:54
Vigil in Dortmund Square, Leeds, from 5.30pm tomorrow evening, Wednesday 1 Feb, to mark the death of 100 British soldiers in Iraq. Called by Leeds Coalition Against the WarWar Dead Memorial So'ton
31-01-2006 14:53
Today, 31 January 2006 the 100th british soldier has been killed -A reminder:
In conjunction with protests all over the country
we will be Demonstrating tomorrow
Wednesday, 1 February 2006 at 6pm
outside Southampton Civic Centre

Vigil to mark 100th British soldier killed in Iraq Wed 1st Feb
31-01-2006 11:53
NOT ONE MORE DEATHThis morning the 100th British soldier has been killed in Iraq.
In Manchester, we will be holding a protest vigil in the Peace Gardens (St Peter's Square) at 6pm tomorrow (Wed 1 Feb).
Full article | 9 additions | 25 comments
100th UK soldier killed in Iraq: Vigils called UK wide
31-01-2006 10:29
BREAKING NEWS: The UK Ministry of War have just announced the 100th British soldier has [sadly] been killed in Iraq.Hundreth Iraq death prompts protest call
31-01-2006 10:28
An immediate stop the war protest has been called following a hundreth British soldier being killed in Iraq.Full article | 2 additions | 20 comments
31-01-2006 04:04

30-01-2006 19:28

City wide student anti war meeting this Tuesday
30-01-2006 11:30
A student Stop The War activists meeting will be held at the Peacock Pub, 11 Mansfield Road at 9.30 on Tuesday 31st of Febuary. Students from Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham University and New CollegeNottingham will be in attendance.
Vig and Fig Planters Benefit Gig
30-01-2006 10:24
Come to Talking Heads pub Wednesday 1st Feb 8-11pm in support of vine andfig tree planters.
Bands playing are; Dinnerjazz Revolutionaries, Early Worm plus other guests.
£5 entrance, (money raised to go towards vine and fig tree planters
court-week costs.)
Mindwalk 29: We Are The Media
30-01-2006 09:01
Oh those wacky NSA... always joking. Thanks Gen. Hayden! Loved you in "Hogans Heroes"! Followed by Jack Blood from 2005 on Iran. Skidmark Bob brings us the awesome Fear mix care of Wanda Sykes, and Chris Rock. Yo Shefield... Unchecking me is cool.. but I have mates there. Just trying to keep in touch globally. Solidarity and such.. etc.EDO MBM Managing Director Quits
28-01-2006 16:18
rumours are spreading that David Jones, Managing Director of the embattled arms manufacturer EDO MBM of Brighton, has quitGuilty of opposing the arms trade
27-01-2006 15:01

Protest at University Careers Fair
27-01-2006 09:46
Awkward questions for Exxon and lots of awareness raising at careers fair.Reed Elsevier & Climate Camp for Action meetings in Oxford
26-01-2006 14:09
There is going to be two meetings next Tuesday, 31st Jan regarding upcoming potential campaigns & actions. Both will take place in the Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC), Room 1, East Oxford Community Centre.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Blockade UK Nuke Factory at Aldermaston Monday 30 Jan
26-01-2006 13:34

26-01-2006 11:51
Deep in a bunker beneath the White House, President-in-waiting Condozleeza Rice, discusses Iran and forthcoming military tactics with George Bush Junior. Then the fateful news comes in...[PFMPE] OPERATION ENDURING USURY
26-01-2006 06:15
The principal freedom Iraq and the rest of the world will intentionally be denied.PREPARE TO DEFEND THE PEOPLE OF IRAN FROM A NUCLEAR ATTACK!
26-01-2006 00:58

Air France collaborating with the rendition torturers?
26-01-2006 00:09
International torture network turns gangster tatics on Craig Murray: Laptop and documents impounded en route from Murray's appearance as an expert witness at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg inquiry into Rendition