UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Parliament Square this morning.
29-08-2007 13:05
Police attempt to suppress freedom of speech in Parliament Square today and fail.Smash EDO camp update: Dog bites and bylaw repression
29-08-2007 10:04
The Smash EDO camp held a noise demo at 8 o'clock this morning at EDO's Mouslecoomb site. The gate to the site was open so a few people decided to casually walk in.Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ rampART London 1st September
29-08-2007 09:56

rampART centre, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

Tube : Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Gateway
Bus : 15, 115, D3, 100
There will probably be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated.
You might choose to wear a scarf in this unpredictable weather.
London Counter-Recruitment Picket, Saturday September 1st 11am
29-08-2007 09:21

With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan raging the chances of being killed and injured have increased dramatically over the past few years. But even if ex-services personnel make it back alive many are still scared for life from their experiences.
We encourage everyone to help us hand out fliers and let people know what it's really like in the military!
Oh no! Not More Comment on Iraq.
29-08-2007 08:37
The occupation of Iraq by the US seems to continue to move closer towards comprehensive failure. One thing history tells us is that brutal empires come and go; perhaps complete failure in Iraq with the resistence combining to send the invaders packing will spell the end of the US empire.Britain acquires thermobaric weapons for Afghanistan
29-08-2007 06:30
For weeks, British media and sections of the political elite have been urging the government and the military to focus their attention on military operations in Afghanistan. In contrast to Iraq, the US-led occupation of Afghanistan is being portrayed as a “winnable.” But a report by Channel 4 News has disclosed just how it is intended to secure victory—through the use of thermobaric weapons.Press Release - Smash EDO Camp continues despite police Eviction Attempt
29-08-2007 05:18
For more Details: Contact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson
Email -
Smash EDO Camp continues despite police repression
29-08-2007 04:52
see previous postingsThe Neo-Fascist Plot Against Iran
28-08-2007 22:18
As news of US/Israeli plans for an Act of Aggression against Iran gets louder, so too does the unsubstantiated warnings from Bush/PNAC about the dire threat of another attack (which would only highlit their incompetence, and suggest responsibility).Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Smash EDO Camp still resisting and actions will continue!
28-08-2007 16:54

Sussex police have taken all the tents including the large marquee.
Someone locked onto the pole of the marquee confused around 50 police for a good hour. Eventually they had to lock-off because police were talking about dismantling the marquee, which would have been extremely dangerous for the locked-on protester.
There are reports that there are still people up in the trees on the site.
US Missile Defence: Towards a new Cold War? a CND conference
28-08-2007 16:46

Smash EDO Camp threatened with forceful eviction 14:00 Tue. GET DOWN THERE
28-08-2007 13:07
anti-bomb pair in Brighton rooftop protest
28-08-2007 08:25
Two anti-arms trade protesters are currently occupying the roof of Brighton arms manufacturers EDO MBM's second site in Fishersgate, near Brighton. The pair scaled the factory roof in Mill Road this morning and other protesters are holding a demo outside. This action is part of the week-long action camp against EDO MBM, which produces bomb components used in the bombing of Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan.Neocons One Step Closer to Attacking Iran
28-08-2007 00:33
Now we have the Big Lie in regard to Iran, as preposterous and nonsensical as Iraq’s illusory weapons of mass destruction.International Strike 9-11-07
27-08-2007 21:05
GENERAL STRIKE IN USA on Sept. 11, 2007 – 9/11“No School * No Work * No Shopping. Hit the Streets”
Mass March in Washington DC
Vicenza Camp to prevent biggest US military base in Europe 6-16 Sept
27-08-2007 20:39
Vicenza activists are calling for UK activists from Climate Camp (and other extravaganzas) to give tactical support and solidarity in their camp September 6-16thBikes Not Bombs Critical Mass in Brighton 5pm at the Level
27-08-2007 16:23
Anti arms trade campaigners have occupied a piece of land in Wild Park for a four day long action camp against EDO MBM, a factory manufacturing weapons for the US, UK and Israel in Mouslecoomb, Brighton, plan to hold a four day long protest camp in Wild Park from Monday 27th August. Activists from around the country are expected to attend the event and plan to take part in direct action.Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
Mandela's statue in Parliament Square.
27-08-2007 07:17

Please ;Save the life of complete innocent Canadian Muslim Khalid Q Awan.
27-08-2007 04:14
Khalid Awan is facing a modified,Bogus,Conspiracious,Fabricated,Preplaned case in USA since 9/11, he is still in the Back of Jail's Wall.because he is Canadian Muslim .Arms Company EDO Corporation Caught Censoring Wikipedia Article
26-08-2007 19:28
According the new Wikiscanner web page a computer registered as belonging to arms company EDO Corporation was used to remove sensitive information from the Wikipedia 'EDO Corporation' webpage critical of its warmongering and illegal activities in July 2006